The Twisted Life | Teen Ink

The Twisted Life

October 6, 2014
By _lexihale BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
_lexihale BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it.

Kristen has moved for the third time this year. Her and her mom, Julie are the only people in the house. Her dad died when she was three. Kristen asked “what was dad like.” Julie did not answer her. Her mother never talked about him. When Kristen got to school she got asked to a party that night. She got to the party to the party and everyone was being rude, so a boy named Alexander Blake offered to take her home Weeks went by. Kristen and Alexander grew very close. He invited her to his house after school. When they got there the news was on. She heard that there was a man named Louis Fry, who was on the lookout for the murder of a little girl. Kristen could not believe it, her dad was still alive! Kristen told Alexander that she had to go home. She got home and she had her mom tell her everything. Her mom told her that she wasn’t their biological daughter, that her biological mother just dropped her off on their door step, when she was a baby. Kristen ran away with Alexander. She asked “why would she not tell me something like this?’’ “Maybe she had a good reason.” Alexander said.

After seven months of being away from home, Alex and Kristen decided to buy a house, because the apartment was way too small. They went on a date that night, Alex asked “Will you marry me?” “Yes.” Said Kristen. When they got back her phone started to ring. Alexander picked up the phone and they told him the news. Julie was in a bad car wreck and she was in a coma. Kristen and Alex left right away.


They arrived at the hospital, and the doctor came out and told them that her ribs were broken and she had brain damage. They were not sure if she would make it. Two days passed by and her mother died. Kristen didn’t have enough money to pay for the funeral; she found out that someone else had paid for the whole thing. They said a man that looked to be in his thirties paid for it. She wondered who it could have been because she did not have any family members.

        On the day of the funeral an unfamiliar man walked into the building. He walked up to her and said “Nice to meet you my name is Louis Fry.” She was so shocked that her dad that she hasn’t seen in about sixteen years would come, when he is on the look out for murder. She didn’t know weather to say something to him or to just avoid him.

        “Oh my goodness, thank goodness your okay!” she hears.

        When she looks up she sees unfamiliar people. “Who are all of you?” she questioned. “Well we are your family.” The woman said. “You all are not my family I do not know who anyone here is.” “My parents’ names are Julie Fry and Louis Fry, but my mom is dead and my mom is still alive.” “Oh my your dad was sent to prison and died during you were in your coma, we never thought that you met him.” All of the sudden everyone starts to yell. A man that looks very familiar to Kristen rushes into the room, she instantly knew who it was, it was her father. He took Kristen away from the hospital. He brought her to his house and forced her into the basement. Kristen was never seen again.

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