The Board Game | Teen Ink

The Board Game

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

Martha and Andy were very concentrated on their interesting and fun board game that always made them argue with each other. When suddenly Martha heard a girl scream, they were home alone. They only had each other to protect from the evil spirit. When they heard a girl say Martha where are you, I’m going to get you they looked at each other frightened. Martha screamed at the top of her lungs.
    Andy said, “Calm down Martha it was only your imagination.”
    “No, said Martha, it was real.”
    So Andy decided to go and investigate and Martha stayed in the living room by herself. Suddenly, she felt something touch her and them her hair got pulled. Andy heard Martha scream. He ran down the stairs when something pushed him down he was now starting to believe Martha. Andy got up and went to the living room.
   When he got there unexpectently the board game was moving by its self. Unexpectently, Martha was not sitting there anymore. The bad spirit had taken her away. You could just hear her loud screams down the hallways and the walls.

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