The Man with the Axe | Teen Ink

The Man with the Axe

November 15, 2014
By KristieThompson SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
KristieThompson SILVER, Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Have you heard the newest police reports?” I questioned.
“Yes, it is strange that three woman have gone missing this week,” stated another police officer.
In one week, three woman of our community had gone missing but nobody knew what the cause was. It seemed like every other day a new report would come in saying that another person went missing. As a police officer I decided that I would investigate these cases further. There was no useful evidence that would help me find the cause of these deaths but I was determined to find the answer. I decided that since the sun had already gone down I should post-pone my investigation until the following day.
The next day I searched all around the community for clues but I found nothing. Everything seemed to be perfectly normal. The people on every street did not have any clues or sightings. I even talked to the families of the people that had been kidnapped and each one said that they talked to the family member for the last time before they went to bed and in the morning they were missing. It was strange that each family had the same story. Every person had been kidnapped late at night and there was a pattern of the days the people were kidnaped. There were not kidnappings two days in a row; each kidnapping had a day in between, which was also strange.
I woke up the next morning by a phone call from the police station. It was the Sheriff. He had received more news on my case that would be beneficial to my search. He told me that someone spotted a man wandering around a street in the community carrying an axe late last night. The community is small so everybody knew each other, but nobody had ever seen this man before. This mysterious man is said to be the man that has been kidnapping people around the community. I immediately ran out the door and got into my car and drove to the street the man was spotted on the previous night, Maplewood Drive.
I slowly walked down the street, as the leaves were crunchy under my feet. Every house looked the same as they did on previous days. People were mowing their lawns and kids were playing in the street. Each house was newly built and looked fairly modern, except for one house. The house on the very end of the street had been vacant for years and looked fairly creepy from the outside and there was not a soul to be found in the yard of that house. It came to my mind that if the man were hiding on this street, the only place he would be is in there. I reluctantly made my way closer to the house. I knew that in order to catch the man I would need to go in. I slowly opened the creaky door and stepped inside.
I walked through the house checking each room and I found nothing but scattered boxes and papers. The house looked as if someone left in a hurry and they were not very neat about it. I kept looking until there was only one room left the search. I saved this door for last because something in my mind did not want to go inside. When I finally got enough courage I opened up the door and I was immediately hit with an aroma of decay. There were carcasses of dead woman all around the room. I was just about to run in fear out of the house when the phone that was lying on the ground rang. I slowly approached the phone and picked it up.
“Hello?” I answered into the phone.
A wave of static came through the phone in return. I rapidly turned to make a dash for the door. A man with a full-face mask holding an axe stood right behind me with a wicked grin on his face. In one fluent motion the man took a rapid swing with his axe at my skull.

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