Cat and Mouse | Teen Ink

Cat and Mouse

December 15, 2014
By snug21 SILVER, Niagara, Wisconsin
snug21 SILVER, Niagara, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

Oh crap.

People make mistakes, but not as bad as Hannibal. Hannibal slipped up, and now they knew where to find him. He had to get out of there immediately. The cops were already on their way, and he was running out of time. Hannibal stumbled into clothes and got out of the warehouse immediately. He found a van outside. It still had the keys in it. Hannibal hopped in and drove down the back-road into the woods.

Let’s start from the beginning. Two years ago, Hannibal started running an international drug cartel. He was quite successful, until he started doing the drugs. His addiction made him go insane, and that’s where everything went downhill. Hannibal started murdering people and animals, and he would sew their body parts to each other.

Hannibal’s victim was an infant he kidnapped from a young couple. He climbed up to the second story of the house and crawled through the window. A few weeks later, he returned the baby to the couple on the doorstep, except it wasn’t a baby anymore. It had the head of a baby, but the body of a monkey and arms and legs of a pig. The wife screamed and fainted, and the father nearly vomited. The police were notified immediately, but they never found out who committed the crime. Unfortunately, the infant wasn’t the only victim of Hannibal.

A middle aged man was waiting in an alley. He wanted drugs, and Hannibal had some. When they met in the alley, Hannibal took a crowbar and hit the man over the head. Hannibal took him back to his warehouse and performed the surgery on him. He gauged out the eyes and left them blind, and sharpened the man’s teeth. He gave him bat wings and cut off his arms. After the operation, he shocked the creature back to life and let him out into the streets. The monster was evil, and attacked a few unfortunate people, like a teenage girl. She lived, but was left with deep scars on her cheeks and became an insomniac. Once again, the police never caught the criminal.
This continued for a few years, and every month or so a random person would be kidnapped and released as a monstrous human hybrid a week later. These killings were titled the Frankenstein Killing’s, and defied scientists. The creatures were captured and kept under watch. Scientists were baffled at the creatures’ significance. One night, a creature was let loose and brutally mauled an intern scientist. Everyone began living in fear, until one day when one of Hannibal’s victims got away before he could drug them and perform the infamous surgery on them.

Now, in the present, Hannibal drove rapidly through the woods in the dark. He could hear the police sirens all the way in the heart of the forest. He stopped his car and got out to watch for cops. As he watched, he heard a rustle in the bushes. Hannibal became fearful, as he knew he would be captured and sent to prison for life. The rustle continued until a strange beast limped out of the bushes.

It was part pig, part monkey, and part human. Its face was deformed and was mostly bald, and its eyes were blood red. Its fanged teeth and long, disgusting nails frightened the criminal. However, Hannibal recognized it as his first creation. He said, “Oh, my baby! Come to papa,” and went to hug the creature, but it hissed at him and stomped its feet. “Don’t be frightened now, I’m your father, remember?” As Hannibal reached out for the monster, it scratched his arm deeply. It continued to scratch and bite him until Hannibal stopped moving.

  When the police arrived, they found a gray van parked in the middle of the woods. They figured that the criminal had run somewhere, deep in the forest. The investigation continued for a very long time, but when the crimes stopped occurring, the police called the case to a rest.

To this day, Hannibal’s body was never discovered. His crimes are labeled the most frightening of all murders, and will continue to be a mystery to everyone. All of his creations eventually died, but scientists kept the decaying matter to themselves. This kind of thing makes you think, who’s actually the monster?

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