The Mystery of the Missing Bowl | Teen Ink

The Mystery of the Missing Bowl

February 8, 2015
By Nico42 BRONZE, San Francisco, California
Nico42 BRONZE, San Francisco, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bowl was missing, Jason speculated. He had already known the bowl was missing, because John had told him, but something was eerie in noticing it himself. The bowl had been there on earth for millions of years, so went the legend, but no one truly knew where it came from. The bowl was the ultimate weapon, it's silver rim was said to be stronger than titanium, it's smooth waxed bottom softer than a lion's mane and it's carved insides prettier than Aphrodite herself... The sacred artifact was said to give its master the power to tumble mountains and move faster than a speeding bullet. It was used in countless wars and was the artifact of gods. But it was stolen from army to army and so all the nations agreed that it should be hidden from all. This task was given to none other than the Redridge family. And they have passed the artifact from generation to generation and protected it from all who have had evil intentions. But when 7 year old Jason and 9 year old John discovered it missing (actually it was John who noticed first but Jason was quickly caught on the action) the two brothers knew that they had to honor the Redridge family and find out who had taken it.

Jason took a quick spin around the room. "No clues..." He said running his hand through his thick head of greasy brown hair. John made an unpleasant face and nodded. Although the two brothers had already confirmed that there  were no clues, they still spent the next few minutes scanning the room. They were both impressed at how calm their other brother was remaining in this situation of extreme emergency but the truth was that they were quite distraught at the shame of loosing their family's most praised possession, even though they hadn't technically lost it. In the end Jason was the one to cut off their inconclusive search.
"Let's go question the suspects" he said with sharp words which happened to offend his brother.
"Hey! Don't tell me what to do, I'm older!" Responded an offended John.
"Fine..." Mumbled Jason looking down.
"Alright!" Ordered John, feeling more in control "let's go question the suspects".
"Kids! Come upstairs and help me and Mom move this stupid... I mean this... Uh... Stubborn shelf" shouted Jason and John's father from upstairs in the crib room, who, although a father for 9 years, still had trouble not saying rude words. Both boys grumbled and started for the stairs but at the foot of the stairs they stopped... There at the top, stood Michael, the third brother, a baby, Jason and John's jaws dropped, and they exchanged a glance of amazement, they had just seen Michael in the living room next to the kitchen on the first floor. No one could move to the top of the stairs so fast... And he was a baby! nobody so young could do that... Unless...
"No, there was simply no way the baby took it" thought Jason, and continued upstairs. Meanwhile John was deep in thought, he knew that the baby couldn't have taken it but... There was something about the expression of pure bliss on the baby... He would sleep on it...
The next day when the two brothers woke up they were absolutely calm... Until they got downstairs and saw that the the bowl was missing and it all came back. They woke up their parents and immediately asked them questions.
"So..."  Said John with a slow start to the interrogation but then Jason got impatient and said it all in jumbled up words "whereisthebowlthatletsuyourunasfastasaspeedingbulletamdmovemountains?" He blurted.
"Um... No?" said a confused mother rubbing her head and, without realizing, spreading her hair in a ridiculous manner (she had just woken and was a bit too tired to think). After a quick giggle, for her hair had reminded him of a funny quote from the X men movies, John turned around, but was immediately confronted by the angry face of his father. Before John could overcome his surprise Jason spoke
"Hey dad, have you seen the magical bowl that's usually in our kitchen?"
The father considered a moment and then shook his head, he was exhausted
"look kids... It's only..." He turned and looked at the clock for a moment with much more effort than usual and continued "it's only 7:30 why don't you two go entertain yourselves for a while and then we'll talk... There's somewhere I want to be..." He looked longingly at the bed where his wife had already fallen back into untroubled, placid sleep and sunk down into it "and don't watch too much TV... And... " he managed to get out before he started snoring once again. Once they had rushed downstairs John and Jason were surprised so find baby Michael once again downstairs. They had both forgotten yesterday's surprise of baby Michael going up the stairs on his own but now it had come back to them.
"The baby took it!" Jason yelled and began chasing the baby around the room. Jason was known to be quick but Michael was crawling extremely fast! The chasing continued until Jason John and Michael's Mother and Father came downstairs to the racket. "What's going on down here!!!" Their father yelled "what are you guys fighting over" all three boys immediately straightened up and stopped chasing each other (except Michael who could not stand and could therefore only stiffen at his fathers yelling) Jason and John simultaneously mumbled about the events and soon both adults were rubbing their foreheads. Partly because  their children were fighting over a bowl and also partly because they believed that that bowl was magical.
"Jason... John I had thrown that bowl out because Michael dropped it while he was playing in the kitchen it and it was ruined" their mother said Jason and John exchanged a look of pure terror.
"But... That's our family's pride and joy" said John in incredibility, he had been hoping that their mother had only been joking but...
"No kids it was just a bowl" sighed their father.
The rest of the day was dedicated to laughter and pride of how much of an athletic child Michael was growing up to be. But when all had gone to sleep Michael climbed out of the crib, went downstairs and squeezed himself under the sofa where he  spent a period of time playing with the bit of bowl that had fallen off. And when the energy flowed through him limbs the expression on his face was clear... It was an expression of bliss... Pure bliss...

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