Murdered? | Teen Ink


March 3, 2015
By Mia Lenardos BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
Mia Lenardos BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

20 February 2015

Hello, my name is John and I am thirty-four__ no forty-four __no, what am I again? Oh yeah, sixty-four years old. I have never had one friend, I am not married, and I forget a lot of things accept for the bad memories. The good thing is my name is John Becker. You have probably heard of me. I am the most famous and richest scientist in the world. I did the study of transferring cells from one person to another. It was the most extremely, spectacular, and exiting thing I have ever done. You probably don’t care though. No one cares what I think. I would like to tell you a little story. It starts out like this…
Ding, Dong, Ding, Dong!
“What? I’ve never had anyone come over to my house before, says John.”
Click, Click!
“Hello? Who are you?” said John.
“I am here to be your housekeeper. I saw the job fliers,” replied the lady.
The door slammed. I never put out a flier, John thought. I do need help though, he considered for a bit.
The worse thing he did was he opened the door and let her in.
Click, Click. The door opened and then slammed. Bang! He said, “Now, it will be nice working with you, but I didn’t catch your name.”
She said, “It’s Kallie, but it’s spelled with a k.”
“Okay Kallie I will see you tomorrow at eight o’clock sharp.”
Click, Click. Bang!
His house is as big as a dinosaur. It has two gigantic pillars in the front and two enormous glass doors. The house has seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms. When you walked outside the shimmering sun hits you right in the face. You see the Pacific Ocean rolling up and down the shore and then when you would turn around and see a four story house with an elevator. 
“Alert, Alert it is time to wake up,” the clock said at eight o’clock. John went down stairs and Kallie was sitting down on the couch watching T.V.
“How did you get in?” asked John.
“The door was unlocked,” she replied. John thought how every night he locks the door but he thought, I’m getting old.
He went into the kitchen and there is a whole buffet of food.
“Where did you get all this food?” asked John.

“I went to the store,” she replied.
“But you don’t have a car.”
“I used yours.” He thought for a second thinking how he keeps his keys in the closet but just ignored it. He worked all day and when it was nine o’clock he went to bed.
During the night while John was sleeping Kallie cracked the door open. She put one foot through the door and heard rustling in the bed. She didn’t stop there though. At this time it was one in the morning and she was looking down on him.
“I’m sorry but your money is worth it,” said Kallie with a deep, disturbing voice. Then she did her quiet little evil laugh. After that she held the knife to his throat and then he awoke. He looked her straight in the eyes.  He kicked her in the stomach, the dashed around the dark room and got his shotgun. He held it up to her until she walked out of his house. He turned all his security on.
Then he said as loud as he could, “By the way, you’re fired!” as she ran out the door.
You could see the frustration blazing in his eyes but on the inside he was frightened and tired. John went inside and sat down and just breathed. He couldn’t sleep all night because he was so alarmed. He found out that Kallie went to prison for fifteen years.
15 years later
John is still living but now he is seventy-nine years old. All of a sudden he hears something.
Ding,Dong! Ding,Dong!
He felt a bad feeling in his gut but he opens the door anyway. It was… KALLIE! He didn’t know what to do. A million ideas popped into his head. He thought, should I call the cops or punch her square in the nose. But instead, he just stood there.
All Kallie said was,” Hello, did I miss anything?”

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