Crazy lady | Teen Ink

Crazy lady

March 16, 2015
By Thesearsgirl BRONZE, Woodstock, Other
Thesearsgirl BRONZE, Woodstock, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You control your life, so do something with it before it's to late.

 I woke up to pure darkness, no birds tweeting, no cool summer breeze. I felt around to see if I was still in the tent me and my dad set up once we arrived to this stupid camping sight. The feeling of the silky sleeping bag was wraps around my legs where the other half of my body was sitting up. I felt around for my flashlight, and then I clicked it on.  My eyes burned from the burst of light that all of a sudden appeared. Unzipping my tent door I had a weird feeling that someone was watching me,  I stepped out of the tent and shined my flashlight towards my dad's tent. A rush of panic traveled all threw my body.  The tent was cut open by what looked like a knife and there was blood all over. I screamed, not knowing what to do, I grabbed the axe beside my tent,  and without thinking I followed a trail of blood that led out into the soundless woods. My grip on the axe was sweaty from the fear running threw my body. I was walking at a fairly fast paste but then I stopped, I seen a woman,  a crazy woman with black greasy hair and pure black eyes,  she was looking at me with my dad laying dead beside her. She looked as if she had blood smeared all over her face, as if she had eaten my dad like a lion eating a gazelle. Adrenaline rushed down my spine she charged at me,  I tried to run but my legs wouldn't move. She pounced on me trying to rip my flesh, I was kicking and screaming. Her fingernails pierced my arms and I slowly felt blood trickle down my arm. I reached for the axe that was no longer in my hand but I couldn't reach it. I brought my hand up and punched her in the jaw,  she fell off of me and let out a blood curdling scream.  I got to my feet and ran,  the crazy lady was sprinting behind me. As I was running memories were flooding in my head, my dad,  my mom,  my friends. I stopped, I waited for her to get close and then I swung the axe. Blonde poured out of her open womb. The crazy lady was dead, I sat on  my knees and started to cry.  I wanted my dad back I wanted to go back home. When I arrived back to my camp ground with my bloody shoes and shirt I got in my dad's car and I drove home. My mother called the police and they just cleaned up the sight and body's.  I have never been the same since this camping trip. I stay in my room and think back,  and wonder if I could have saved my dad's life.

The author's comments:

Hope you enjoy 

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