This is your End | Teen Ink

This is your End

May 18, 2015
By Danielle_McF BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
Danielle_McF BRONZE, Burlington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your struggling for air, aren’t you? Trying so hard to breathe but you don’t succeed. You're suffocating and you only have a few minutes to live because you are in a place where no one can find you. You're trapped, and the last minutes you have are troubling. Wouldn’t you rather die an easier death than this? I know don’t wanna die but that is the only option you got. Don’t worry I see you struggling. You poor, poor man. You can’t think about the family you raised or how proud you are of your kids, you can only think about yourself and how you can survive. You can’t think about your future and the life you once had, because right now thats the least important thing on your mind. You don’t understand why this is happening to you, but for some reason, someone wanted you to end up this way. How are you going to survive? Are you going to yell and scream until, you can’t scream no more? Are you going to hit the piece of heavy wood that is on top of you until you knuckles bleed? Listen… no one can hear you and I am positive no one will save you. Your life has suddenly diminished into a whole lot of nothing. Your life is coming to an end and with every fast breathe you're taking, you're one step closer to dying. I feel bad for you… I actually see you right now, but I can’t save you. Your breathing is very crucial to you living, so use you breathing wisely. Unless, you can’t take it any longer and you have come to a conclusion that you life is over, then breath fast until their is no one oxygen left to supply you. You are confined into this small area where its dark...dirty..., and cold. The area fits you perfectly, its like it was meant for you to fit their. You can’t move because you have no room to move, and panic runs through your veins. Your body overheats and you start to squirm because thats the only thing you can think of. I see you crying… and your wheezing and coughing like you have a bad cold. You don’t want to give up, but what else can you do? You're slowing making your way to the end of your life, and that's frightening to know that its coming sooner than you thought. You don't wanna die like this, but sadly this is how its happening to you. Trust me, no one wants to die like this, I can imagine what your going through. Its troublesome. This is a slow and painful death, and its scary to think that you’re actually dying. Wouldn’t you rather die unexpectedly, than knowing death has come for you? I can see why he did this to you, but you have no clue. I know that it all stems from one day, and one incident that you didn’t think was that big of a deal...but to him it was a pivotal turning point in his life. He wanted you to suffer more than you made him suffer. You were his boss one day, but since he got away with you murder….he will now be the boss and run the company. He got you, and you didn’t even know it. Soon, when you’re up here, you will finally figure out why this all happened to you, but for are clueless.  The worst of all about this, is the man who put you here was smart enough to hide and kill you in a place where no one would even think to look….and that is underground.
He buried you alive...

I am telling you this, because it happened to me....

The author's comments:

The story, This is your End, is my favorite piece that I revised. I don’t why I wrote about this, but I wanted it to be twisted and I wanted the readers to feel the emotions that were happening in the story. This was suppose to be a scary story, but then it turned into a disturbing story instead. Once I started writing, I knew I had to keep going with this theme. I really loved the idea behind this piece but I need to tweek it a little bit. I wanted the ended to be something that no one would suspect but as I was reading it over, it didn’t seem like it was someone who went through the same situation as he did, so I needed to change that. I really did not delete anything from this piece, I just added a lot to make this story longer. I added more from the actual narrator himself, and added sentences that said that he went through what this guy is going through. I was trying to make the story run smoother and make the story make more sense. I wanted the readers to feel disturbed and I feel like adding those parts to that piece completed that emotion. I really enjoyed writing this one, and I wish I could share this story to the class because I wanted to how they felt about this story. I am happy with how this story turned out and I liked how this turned out to be disturbing rather than being scary. After revising many of my works, I feel so much better about each and every piece. I loved writing these and revising them just made each piece stronger.

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