The Twins | Teen Ink

The Twins

June 3, 2015
By KyaGray BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
KyaGray BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We have you surround they told me as they stopped my car. I knew what they were talking about but it wasn't me it was it was me twin sister Cassie she had done so many bad thing before she died before I had killed her I was sick of her mess. All I can think about is when it had all started.


16 years ago on December 14th me and my twin sister were born. My mom had named her Cassie and me Cristen. I was healthy my sister on the other hand wasn't she had this bad cough after she was born to the point where she had to go back to the hospital. As we grew up we began to get different traits and  we grew farther apart as sisters. One night I caught her outside with a bunch of kids doing who knows what but it didn't seem good so I told mom and dad and shes hated me every since then. Every animal I had as a child had died for some reason but I knew it was her because when I went in our room I would see blood patches on the ground that would not come off and a bloody corkscrew, but I never said anything because I didn't want her to hurt me like she hurt all my animals. When we turned thirteen we had separate themes she had dark and saddening ones I had one hit boy bands like british boys. She would always tear my stuff down before the party was over.


When we turned fourteen she damaged my phone and my pet hamster all on the same day and the same time. When we got into high school I had become popular at once everyone  loved me. For reason I couldn't understand such as one guy said that he loved my silky blonde hair and my bluer than the sky eyes which made me feel happy but also wonder because I didn't even know this guy, but I was going to make sure I found out because he had seemed sweet. His name was Josh I had found that out after I made cheerleading and became captain that’s also when he made football and was QB1 which meant he was head of the whole team which I had taken notice to.


I had went home hoping my sister would love my story on how I like this guy who played football when I knew nothing about football but then I thought to myself why would she listen to me any way so that ends my fantasy then. I walked to room thinking on how I could use something to get me and my sister to talk. I went to bed on an empty stomach just trying to find a way for us to talk but it didn't work out we both have different interest and different lives to.


It was time to head off for school still with nothing to think of of how me and my sister could be friends. “Hey girl” my best friend ashley walked up to me with a smile on her face as if her brother hadn't got hurt last night for reasons unknown. But I could guess who did it and why. We talked about her brother and she told me what his body looked like just lying there on his floor with his batman toy stuck in his leg which I find really nasty but I still have to be respectful because thats her brother and shes my best friend.

When I had went to my 4th period I saw Josh just standing at my seat. I wonder what hes doing there unless we got a seat rearrangement then I would be so happy about that.

“What are you doing by my seat Josh I told you if you needed help to email me not stalk me during class”.
“Well thats not what I was coming to ask you I came to ask you will you go out with me because Ive seen you around everyday and I always wonder if you will ever go out with me”. He said to me so I started jumping all happy like and I guess he could tell that they meant yes because he grabbed my hand and said to calm down.

I had went home nothing was going to stop me from telling my sister about my wonderful 4th period day. She was in her room sitting down looking at her wall saying weird things that I didn't know it sounded latin but I only know french, english and spanish. “Hey sis you look like you're busy but I have something big to tell you” I said
Then she yelled back “Ite ante te maculam sibi”

I walked out the room sad because she would not listen to me which sucked because I thought we were friends but I guess I was wrong because when I left she slammed the door in my face like it was nothing. I had went to bed thinking about how I could make my life better but you wanna know something there is no why shes just going to make it worse. So I decide that I was just going to confront her tomorrow when I got home and I knew it wouldn't be pretty.

All day at school today I couldn't think about anything but what I was going to say to her. Thats when it hit me during my free period I was going down to the library to work on my latin sat her how I felt knowing that that was going to be a fail but I still had to do it. I went down to the library to find a thousand books on just one little language.


I had got home feeling happy after cheer practice and decided to give her a piece of my mind, so I had said to her “Non possum scire quid habes quod me male habet ambulate vibe recitas quam ego velim circa quam sic se habet et iustus volo loqui mecum soror mea”.


The only thing she said was “ Nolumus te indignationem meam diligentis quam poposcit ab horologio ergo operis facietis in eo: ego misellam XII daturos et postquam in scholis”.


I couldn't understand what she had just said to me all I knew was it wasn't good if it lasted that long. I was going to figure that though because all I understood was 12 but I was going to figure out what she said thanks to technology. I grabbed my laptop and started to search what she said I had went on so many sites not see what she had said. Till I came across one site that got my attention and thats when I saw what she said and I knew it wasn't going to be good and I was right she had threatened to harm someone I loved thats when I got really scared but I knew I could find out who it would be at twelve  but then it would be too late.


I sat up anxiously waiting to find out who that person was that my sister was going to harm would it be my new boyfriend that I had just gained or someone else ?  The clock had struck twelve I ran to my car and hide waiting on my sister to walk out which she did but with nothing but a little purse. She got in her car and drove away I followed behind her to see were in the world she was going . She stopped at this abandoned house when we got there I saw this new blue dodge charger and I knew who that was it was Josh.


I waited almost an hour to see who would come out and my sister did with drenched clothes on. I got out and ran in the house before she decide to go back there I saw my new boyfriend in a tub lifeless motionless I wanted to cry so bad but I knew that wouldn't help. I called the cops and ran but first I had to give her a piece of my mind but it wasn't going to be talking I picked up the first thing that I saw which was a rock I didn't want to hit her with it but I had to it would be the only way to stop her. I walked up when she wasn't looking and smashed the rock up against her skull and she had fell to the ground hurt bleeding and dead.

The cops had came and caught when I drove off now here I am about to go to jail but I dont regret what I did someone had to stop her and i'm glad it was me.

The author's comments:

I made this story thinking about nothing but my inner feelings

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