The black shadow | Teen Ink

The black shadow

June 19, 2015
By Anonymous

“Where is he” I yelled “Where is the black shadow” I was mad furious even. I had been thrown around shoved in a closet and now I was determined to find him. The black shadow had taken me out of my family picnic and brought me to my house and shoved me in my closet. I finally broke out but just to find my house ripped apart nothing was in it’s place. I ran back to the park. My family was gone and our picnic was ruined.
“Black Shadow” I yelled “ Where are you”
“Looking for me” The black shadow popped up behind me.
“If you weren’t a ghost, I’d kill you!!” I said.
“Kill me” He said sarcastically “Why would you do such a thing”
“You know why” I said.”Don’t act so innocent”
“Well what did you expect I am a dark shadow” He said.
“No dur” I said.
The black shadow pulled my arm “Come on why don’t we take a nice walk through what used to be the park”
“No” I pulled away “I don’t want to go anywhere with you” 
He pulled again “Come on! We both know you have nothing better to do"
I started to follow maybe it was a bad idea but like he said I didn't have anything better to do.
“Come on” He smirked “How bad could it be”
“I don’t know” I said “Is my family dead”
“Not yet” He laughed “Not yet”
“Give me my family back the don’t deserve this” I said.
“Of course they don’t neither do you” He laughed as he pushed me down a dark hole
“I knew i shouldn't trust you” I yelled.
“But you did. You must be stupider than I thought” He laughed.
I fell down the hole it was dark and I seemed to fall forever.I finally hit the bottom. It was dark.The floor was cold and wet.
“Hello” I said sadly “ Is anyone here”
I started to walk forward “oh how much I wished I had a flashlight” I thought.
“He’s back” I heard “The black shadow is back”
“It’s not the black shadow” I yell.
“Who is it” I hear the voice say.
“My name is Lilibeth” I said “Lilibeth Lorash-Neuenschwander”
“Lilibeth!? That’s your name” The little voice said.
“Yes why” I ask
“That’s my mom's name” She said.
“Julie” I yelled.
“How do you know  my name” Julie ask. 
“ I am your mom” I said.
The little girl started to talk to a man he sighed and shook his fist..
“What do you think” She whined “I don’t believe it”
“Just go” The dad said “We’ve got your back”
“Fine but I’m taking big sis with me” She said.
“No way” said the girl “I mean I miss mom too but I’ve got to watch henry”
“Henry” I thought “My little boy”
“Come on” Julie slowly walked out. I saw her shoes and her bright pink shirt. In her hands were her blanket.
“Mom” Abby {My oldest} gasped.
“Mommy” Julie ran into my arms.
“Oh honey” I said as I broke into tears.
“I missed you” said Julie
“Yeah” said Abby “When the black shadow took us away I wasn’t sure if we’d ever see you again”
“I know I felt the same way”I said.
“Guys is the coast clear” Said Mark {my husband}
“Dad” Abby yelled “It’s mom”
Mark with other kid, Lilly, in his hands tiptoed out of the corner and ran to my side.
“Honey” Mark said.
“Oh mark” I placed Julie down and hugged Mark.
“I love you” He said.
“I love you too” I added
“Hey mom” said Abby “I have a surprise for you.”
She turned around and in her hands was Henry.
“Henry! Oh my gosh” I yelled “I missed you”
The baby said nothing just cried. I put the baby in my arms and suddenly the baby stopped crying.
“Mom you’re a miracle worker” Abby said.
“He just missed  his mom” I said.
“Maybe he just did” his dad said. “I know I sure did”
“ We should get out of here” ask Julie .
“Good idea” Lilly said.
“Okay everyone” I said “This won’t be easy,.
Abby opened the door “It’s midnight the shadow is out haunting this will be a piece of cake.
We all walked out and stepped out when we heard “Mommy! Where are you”
“Henry” I yelled “Why didn't someone grab him”
I walked in.
“Ha ha” The black shadow  jumped up “You thought you could escape from me”
“Henry” I yelled. “Leave him alone”
“Oh I won’t hurt him” The black shadow “But his dear family will have to come back for him”
“Let him go”I yelled.
“Well I love to chat more” The shadow said “But I have haunting to do. I have to go and so do you”
A giant claw grabbed me by my collar and pulled out with the rest of my family.
“Bon voyage suckers” The black shadow disappeared.
“Henry” I yelled.
“Mom will get him” Abby said.
“ We won’t have to get him if you or your father hadn’t grabbed him. You two are some of the most irresponsible people to ever walk this planet. I mean who leaves her 2 year old brother stranded in a cave when a black shadow is probably watching our every move” I yelled.
“Mom I am so sorry” Abby said “But why didn't you grab him”
“Wow’ I said “You have got some nerve talking to me like that if you haven’t realised I had to carry one kid and keep the other kid right next to me. Why couldn't you even carry a baby probably half her weight”
“I guess you’re right” Abby said.
“And mark’ I yelled “When we first had a kid you promised you help me and you watch the kids because I won’t also be around for them”
“I know” said Mark. “I am so sorry but with 4 kids I am having so much trouble”
“I agree” I said “I never expected 5 kids. I mean 4 kids.”
“Well let’s head home” Lilly said.
“Um about that we can’t stay home the black shadow has stolen half our things are more” I said “And he’s got camera’s patrolling the house”
“What are we going to do” Lilly started to cry
“We’ll go to the house and get our stuff” I said “Then we’ll stay at the comfort in until then”
“How will we pay for that” Abby ask.
“You’re dad and I have saved a total of 1 million dollars since you kids were born we have enough for two rooms and dinner.,”
“Two rooms” yelled Abby
“Yeah one for me and julie to share.” I said “One for you and lilly and then  one for dad and henry.Once we get him back”
“That’s three” said Abby.
“I guess it is” I said.
“Wait how are we going to get home all the cars are at home” Said Mark.
“Wait” I said “Abby you have your van right”
“My brand new one” Said abby.
“Yeah” I said.“Where is it”
  “I brought it to the park” Abby said.
“Well let’s head to the park and pray it’s still there.” I said.
We walked around the park everything was ruined. There were upside down tables., Picnic baskets everywhere, grass pulled up, and the sky dark and cloudy.
“There it is” yelled Abby pointing to the gray van in the parking lot “it’s still here.”
She ran over to the car and unlocked the door.
“Everyone in” She yelled.
Lily was in her car seat in the back. Julie and I sat in the middle and Abby and her dad were in the front.
“Let’s get home and grab our stuff quickly” I said.
Abby started the car and drove home.
“Okay everyone” I said “we have 10 minutes.”
Abby ran through the door and up the stairs.
“You said it was a mess” Abby yelled “My room is spotless.
“Not mine” Yelled Julie.
“Mine is dirty too” said Lilly
Once I finished packing I ran to Julie‘s and Lilly’s rooms and helped them pack.  
I looked at my watch 12 minutes had passed “Let’s go people” I yelled
Abby jumped out of her room with a giant duffle bag and Lilly and julie came out with their bags.
“Okay put your stuff in the back of my car” Abby yelled
“And mine” said mark.
Mark and Abby jumped in the driver seats and drove off to the hotel.
“I think we’re safe” I said.
We checked in and headed to the rooms.
That night I couldn't sleep I heard a howling from the window and the branches hitting against the window.
“You know what you did” I heard “You know what you did”
It was like a whisper silent but deadly. The words shocking  through my body.
“You’ve done it” I heard “You’ve done it now”
“What did I do’ I said. “What did I do”
“Mom” I heard “Mom wake up”
My eyes opened next to my bed was julie she was looking at me like I was crazy.
“What” I said.
“It’s just I was worried” said Julie.
“Why” I said “I’m fine”
“Okay you’ve just been yelling “What did I do” for hours” said Julie .
“Sorry” I said “Just a bad dream”
That day my family had a lot of fun we went to the nearest amusement park. We went on many roller coasters, played a lot of games, and just had a bunch of fun. We left about 1:30 and had lunch at a pizza buffet. I had alot of fun with my family but I couldn't stop thinking about the dream was it the black shadow? Was it just my imagination” or something even worse?
After lunch we went to the pool. I was swimming around and felt a gush of wind on my face. I looked up.
“Mom are you okay” I was in my room. Julie and lilly were standing above me.
“Yeah I fine what happened.” I ask.
“You yelled you were inconse 3 times and then fainted,” Julie said.
“I don’t remember that” I said.
“What do you remember” lilly ask.
“A big gust of wind” I said.
“A gust a wind in the indoor pool” Lilly ask.
“Yeah wired right” I said.
I laid on my bed and yawned “I had a terrible night last I going to take a long nap”
“Okay” Julie said “We’ll go back to dad”
“Good night” Lilly said.
The girls walked out and I laid on my bed.
“Wake up” I hear.”It’s me again”
“Lily” I said “Go back to dad”
“It’s not Lily” It said.
“Julie” I said “Go back to dad”
“Wake up and look who it is” He yelled.
“Black shadow!!!!” I yelled
“Be quiet” He whispered “I’ve been undercover”
“What are you doing here” I yelled “I’m calling the cops”
“About a dream” He smirked.
“A dream” I yelled “THIS IS ALL A DREAM”
“Yes a dream that will never end” He laughed.
“Never” I cried.
“Not till you realize what you have done”He said.
“What are you talking about” I ask
“October-4 -1972” He said.
A flashback jumped in my head  1972 the year I had “Accidentally” murdered my assistant Beth.A. Sinker. It had been a hard year Beth  was working with me and my co worker Florida. We had been working on a big project all year. Beth was supposed to be help us by getting food,coffee, paper,  and pencils but beth hardly ever showed up to work and when she was she would tell us what to do well she sat around doing her nails. One night Florida and I agreed that we were going to play a trick on Beth. We told her for our project that we needed pictures of a haunted house. We drove to scary mansion and put her inside. We told her that she had been doing so well that week that we’d grab the stuff. She sat down and started doing her nails. We looked the doors on the outside so she couldn't get out and we  drove off. The next morning we came to get her but when we got there cop cars surrounded the perimeter. A cop came out and showed a picture of beth we said we knew her. We were brought to the courthouse where we confessed and got thrown in 20 years for throwing in the house. When we got out we went our separate ways but never did find out who killed her.
“I did nothing” I said.
“You trapped a person in a house” He said.
“So what she deserved it” I said “Wait! What does  that have to do with me”
“Well” said the black shadow. “Once a person doses a bad thing a black shadow is made.”
“So florida has one” I ask
“Had one” The  black shadow said.
“Wait! there is a way to get rid of a black shadow” I yelled “TELL ME KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“I can’t! ask florida” He said as he disappeared.
“Florida I don’t even know where she is” I yelled.“Come back! Come back!” 
My eyes opened.
“Mom” Julie was standing next to me. “Are you sure you’re okay”
“I’m … I’m ….Fine” I stammered.
“Are you sure” Julie ask.
“Maybe we should find a doctor” Lily whispered to dad.
“I am fine” I said.
“Sure you are honey” said Mark.
“Let’s have dinner” said Lilly “Since everyone is alright.”
I walked slowly downstairs and into to the car. I didn't feel very good my head hurt and my stomach was queasy.We got to the restaurant and headed to the first open chairs.  I sat down and thought about what the black shadow said “You can get rid of black shadows but you have to ask florida”. Ask her I thought I haven’t even seen her in 20 years. The waiter came up and welcomed us to this restaurant. He told us all the history and some of the best qualities of it. I listened to him carefully he reminded me of someone. Florida had a little brother he was a nerd. He talked a lot.He always hated me and called me names.
“It can’t be him” I thought “It’s been years!!!”
I ran off and headed toward the bathroom.
“I’ll be right back” I yelled.
I ducked out of their sight and headed over to the other side.I kept walking and finally found him.
“Hey you can I talk to you” I pulled his arm and brought him into the waiting room.
“What is your name again” I ask.
“It’s franklin” He said “Franklin knowie”
“Knowie?” I ask.
“Yeah franklin knowie”He said.
“Call your boss tell him you feel really bad and will see him new and refreshed in the morning.” I said.
“I can’t. I only have a little time.” He said,
“Tell him you’re sick.” I said.
“Fine” He said “I will”
He picked up his phone and dialed the number.
“Franklin! Where in the world are you?” His boss yelled “I have tons of table demanding your attention immediately”
“ I am in the bathroom.”said franklin.
“For 3 hours? What are you doing?” He over exaggerated
“I am puking up my guts if you don’t mind I  was trying to tell you but you were to busy criticizing me” Franklin yelled. 
“Well in that case why don’t you go on home and get a very good nights sleep” said his boss.
“Well if you insist” Franklin said.
He rushed back and stood by my side.
“Okay” I said.
“What is okay I lied to my boss”Franklin said.
“Well, I lied to my family” I said.
“Okay what now”Franklin said.
“Time for coffee” I said “We need to talk”
“About what” He ask.
“About you” I said
“What about me” He ask
“Let’s start with the fact that you’re Florida's younger brother" I said.
"How do you know" Franklin said.
"Because Florida was my co worker along time ago and my best friend when we were little kids" I said.
"Wait…It can't … No… you're lilibeth…impossible!" Franklin stammered.
"Well last time I checked" I laughed.
"Florida told me if I found you to send me to her house" Franklin said.
"Great" I said "where does she live"
"I'll have to show you its completely top secret" Franklin said.
“Okay let’s go” I said.
“Alright let’s go” He said.
He brought me to an old abandoned building.
“Florida has been hiding for a such a long time”  He said.
“How long” I ask.
“Maybe 20 years” He said.
“Okay let’s go” I said.
“Okay” He said.
He brought me to a rusty door that looked liked it hadn’t  been used in over 30 years. It was old and broken down.
“ Hello” I yelled “anyone here”
“No go away” a voice said
“Florida is that you. It’s Lilibeth” I said.
“Are you joking with me if this is the grey spirit I thought we ended this.” She said.
“Look it’s just me” I said.
Florida turned around and looked into my eyes. She was completely different.  She had a really weird haircut  and it looked like her house hadn’t been cleaned in 30 years.
“Lilibeth!?” She asked “Is it really you”
“Yeah it’s me” I said “But i can’t believe it’s you”
“Why not I mean you’re looking right into my eyes”  She laughed.
“Well I mean I haven’t talked to you or seen you in 20 to 30 years.” I said.
“True’ She said “So why are you here”
“I was told you could help me with a spirit problem” I said.
“By who” She said.
“My black spirit” I said.
“You have one” She gasped.
“Yes! How about you?” I ask.
“I did but mine is gone I’m afraid of yours” She said.
“Mine” I said.”Why mine”
“ Because before mine left he said to watch out for yours” She said.
“Is that why you're hiding” I said.
“Yes” she sighed “I can’t be safe until yours is gone too:
“Great you just gotta help me get rid of it” I said.
“Wish I could…..  can’t….want to…..yes…..see yeah…..bye” She said.
“Why not” I said
“One because you never told me why you want to get rid of him. Two because to get rid of a black/grey spirit you have to say sorry to whoever you did the bad to on their death day and that is not for another month” She said.
“Well! Please I need help” I said.
“I’m sorry but there is no way I can help you” She said.
“Come on you can’t tell me there is nothing to do” I said.”This black shadow is driving me bonkers! He ruined our picnic, He ruined my life, and he stole my baby boy henry”
Florida  was about to tell me again that she couldn't help when she said “Wait! He has a family member?”
“Yes the black shadow ripped my baby boy from my life” I said. “Henry is gone”
Florida  comforted me and said “Maybe I can help you”
“How” I perked up
“Don’t get too excited this might not work because it’s not her death day but we can try” Florida sighed
She walked out of her house into the burning sun. “Wow is it bright” She said.
She called a taxi and we both jumped in. She handed the man a card “Here’s the address” He looked worried and said “Sure you want to go here I’ve heard it’s haunted and people of died there”
“Yes that’s the place” She said.
“Haunted! Dead!” I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there.
“Do we have to go” I said.
“It’s fine” Florida smiled.
It won’t have been like me to not trust florida but it was her idea about beth and she ended up dead so maybe trusting her was a bad idea. We pulled up to a dark castle. The sky was no longer sunny and it was no longer brighter. Suddenly my phone rang and I jumped up.
“Hello” I said.
“Honey it’s mark” The voice said.
“We came to the hotel and you weren't there” He said.
“Yeah sorry ‘bout that” I said. “ I’m really sick so I am at the hospital but i should see you tomorrow”
“Hospital!?” He gasped “Are you okay”
“I’ll feel good as new tomorrow” I said “Love ya”
“Bye” I heard as I hung up the phone.
I walked into the castle and waited for hell night to begin.
Meanwhile back at the hotel…..
“Where is mom” Lily yelled “Where is she”
“Dad have you seen her” said Abby.
“Mommy” Julie yelled.
“Guys calm down” He said “Your mom is fine.”
“Where is she” Julie ask.
“She saw a old friend and there just hanging out” He said.
“So like a sleepover” Lily ask.
“Exactly like that” He sighed.
He hated lying to them but if he told them they’d freak out even more so what was even the point.
Mark tucked the kids in and walked into his room. He couldn't even sleep.
Back at  the castle I laid in bed and also could not sleep.
“I miss my kids” She said.
“What’s it like to have a family” Florida ask “I was never even married.”
“Oh it’s great” I said “To see the smiling faces of all my kids and know they're mine.”
“That sounds wonderful” Florida said.
I started getting ready for bed and starting taking off my sweatshirt.
“How many do you have” Florida watched me take off sweatshirt after sweatshirt after sweatshirt.
“Alot” I said. When I got to the last one she found out my secret.
“Wow” She said “You’re…. You’re….You’re….. Wonderful”
“I know I’m fat” I said.
“Oh okay” She said.
“I’m pregnant”  I said.
Florida stared at me. She looked shocked and surprised when finally she said “Congrats”
“You can’t tell mark I’ve hidden it for 8 months” I said.
“You’re eight months” She said “I’m only 3”
“You?! You’re pregnant” I said “How”
“Well long story short about a few years ago I meet this guy and we got really happy we were about to get married when he had to move. I didn't want to move so we couldn't get married. We decided to remember each other so we did it. I didn't think anything would happen but two years later a doctors telling me I’m pregnant  “ She said.
“Oh” I said.
She claimed she was afraid of having her first baby. 
“It’s all okay I mean I was scared at first but I think 5 babies kinda gets a downpour on the whole OMG I’m having a baby kinda thing” I said .
“I guess you right but what did you do on your first one instead of when it came to oh my gosh I’m having a 5th baby”  She ask.
“Well really I can’t remember but it helped me having my loving husband next to me” I said.
“So I have to find a guy” She said.
“It would probably help for the baby and after the baby” I said.
“No one likes me” She said.
“Well maybe if you fixed your house and your look.” I said.
“How will that help” She said.
“I’ll tell you later and help you” I said.
“Thanks” She said “Let’s get to sleep.
I was comfortably sleeping when I heard “Lilibeth! Lilibeth! LILIBETH!!!!!”
I jumped up “WHAT” I yelled.
“Come on time to get rid of your black shadow” Florida said.
I walked outside in the freezing cold and the pitch black. “What in the freezing cold world are we doing out here”   I ask.
“Here is the grave of Beth alexander stinker” She said.
“What are we doing here” I ask.
“Time for the ceremony” She said.
She took out a few candles and matches.
She lit the candles and said “Bog hiddle franken job”
It was her death language that was  known {by her} to be able to talk to the dead. I had never believed it  since Florida and I had made it when the were kids.
“That’s not going to work it’s a fake language” I said.
“Don’t question the death language”She said.
Suddenly a ghost popped out of the grave and a gust of wind almost knocked me off my feet.
The wind stopped and we heard “Who dare wake me” The ghost said.
“It’s me Lilibeth and Florida” I said shivering.
“Oh hello” She said.
“I came here to apologize for all I’ve done and I know it’s not your death day but I’ve been putting up with the torture of your black shadow and I stayed in the haunted house just to be able to apologize to you” I said.
“ Well I guess you are forgiven” She said.“You deserve that don’t you”
  “Thank you” I said.
“Okay let me do my spell” She said “Lilibeth has apologized for her wrong doing so forgive her spirits and give back her life so she can live with her 4 beautiful girls and little boy henry” She said
. “You’re having a girl!” said Florida
. “I am” I said. “How about you”
“Boy” She said “I’m naming him mark” She said
. “How did you know I married a mark” I said.
“I didn't” She said “ You just always wanted to marry a mark”
“I’m naming my girl Florida” I said.
“Wow” She said “So you'll have Henry, Abby, Lily, Julie, and now Florida”
“I do and does henry remind you of anything” I pulled out the baby from behind me and gasped
“Yeah” she yelled “I also wanted to marry a henry who looked exactly like henry you know brown hair, blue eyes, and cute”
She tickled henry and brought him inside.
“I better head back to my family there be excited to see henry” I said.
“Wait you promised you’d help me” Florida said.
“I will hold on sec.” I said.
I called up my family and told them I was heading home. My daughters shouted with joy and my husband was so happy.I headed back to hotel and my family saw henry.
“Oh my gosh you got henry back” they said.
“Yeah” I did. “I also got rid of the black shadow “

The last thing I told them was I was pregnant and I was going to have a girl in about a month.
“Oh my gosh mom” Abby said. “Another kid”
Mark just stood there he was like having a heart attack.
“Mark are you okay” I ask “Mark”
He didn't say everything but he looked at me.
“Dad” Julie said “Breathe dad Breathe dad”
“I’m okay” He finally said.
“What was wrong with you” I ask.
“I am just shocked” I said.
“I know” I said. “and I’m sorry I did not tell you”
“I know what was with that” He said,
“I was scared.”I said.
“I know you were” He said.
“Can we go back home” Lilly said.
“Good point” I said. “You guys go I’ve got to do something.”
I took the credit card and headed outside.
“Hey florida” I said.
We headed to some of my favorite home stores and clothes stores. We changed her whole look.
I went back to my family. We got everything moved back in. After about a month I was headed to the hospital. When suddenly I got called by florida she told she was on a date with this amazing guy. She mostly just wanted to say thank you because my idea had worked. When I told her I was having my next baby she told me she’d be there in a minute.  Her boyfriend wanted to come so they were some of the first people to see my first baby. Everyone was happy.

The End

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