The Graveyard of Forgiveness | Teen Ink

The Graveyard of Forgiveness

October 14, 2015
By meggerz131 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
meggerz131 BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He watched in horror as the life drained out of his mother’s face, blood streaming down her body. He was filled with instant regret the moment he pulled the trigger. That’s how his life felt most days, hand on the trigger, waiting for destruction. Chase knew it was bound to happen one day, but he hadn’t imagined it like this. He had thought he would be basking in the glory of finally getting rid of his mother. He would no longer have to watch his mom return home drunk every night with a different guy, hear his mom scream at him about how he wasn’t good enough, always let him know how she wished she had a different child.
Chase felt a void in his heart. He thought he was immune to having any affection towards other humans, but he felt extremely remorseful and sick. He couldn’t live with himself if he never attempted to fix the viciousness inside him.

The moon cast an eerie light on the cemetery, illuminating the gravestones in the black night. Everything was silent except for the sound of the soaring wind. The strong currents made Chase shiver. He had dreaded this moment for so long, but he had to confront it. He deserved this.
People say there are things worse than dying. This is where you come to experience those things. This is the place you go to when you want to be forgiven. The spirits would force you to live your worst nightmare and you couldn’t do anything to prevent it. Once the situation presents itself, you have no control. When it’s over, the spirits decide whether or not you should be forgiven. Chase didn’t think he could ever receive redemption for what he had done, but he still had to put himself through this.
Chase watched as a woman exited the graveyard. She looked tremendously pale and shaken up, with a stunned expression on her face. Chase swallowed and felt his pulse quicken as he opened the gate and entered the graveyard.
“Why are we here?” Chase was taken aback by the high pitched voice chirping in his ear. He swiveled around and was horrified to see the person standing in front of him. It was his little sister, Jenna. How did she get here? Chase was astonished that Jenna noticed him leave his house all the way from their dad’s house. She shouldn’t even be awake. “Jenna! What are you doing here? Go back home!” Chase commanded. “But- Jenna was interrupted by two sickly gray hands shooting out of the ground, grasping her ankles. They were dirty, with curdling nails and protruding veins. Jenna let out an agonizing cry, struggling violently in attempt to get free of their grasp. Chase tried to run over to help her, but he was frozen. It was physically impossible for him for him to move.
“Chase, help!” Jenna yelled, continuing to go deeper into the ground. All Chase could do was stare while his sister was dragged forcefully into the soil. Jenna’s entire body was in the dirt, her screams piercing the air, and suddenly, everything was silent again.
Chase could feel his throat tighten and tears form in his eyes. Chase began to cry, tears flowing rapidly down his face. He had already murdered his mother, and now he was responsible for the death of his sister, too. He was a monster. The immense guilt he felt overwhelmed him to the point that he threw up. It was supposed to happen to him, he was the one that should have gone through the torture, not his completely innocent little sister. Now, his sister and his mom were dead, and it was because of him.

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