Detective Max Chronicles | Teen Ink

Detective Max Chronicles

October 15, 2015
By MattFox BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
MattFox BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take," Wayne Gretzky

      “OH MY GOSH!” Detective Max yelped as he walked into his house. He walked right into his next crime case, his own house! Furniture was moved all over. There was a hole in the wall where his TV used to be. There was his recording kit on the floor. He bolted to the next room and saw his wife on the floor. He then looked for her pulse. He could not find it. He opened his front door to go to the police and
As he is heading down the street, he hears a cry for help from a jewelry store not 50 feet from him. He decided the best thing to do was to investigate the scene. He made sure he had his dark matter pistol ready.  He snuck in through the front door and creeped his way around to the end of a diamond ring case. There was glass everywhere.
   “Give me your most valuable rings and all the money in the cash register!” hollered the burglar.
Detective Max stood up and took a shot at the tall thief and instantly, a chunk of his midsection was gone. 
    “GAAAAH!” the thief screamed as he gasped for air.
    Detective Max pulled out his InstaHeal Ball and set it to heal, but to keep the pain, and sprayed the raider with the elixir. Detective Max put his firearm back in his holster and left posthaste to the police department. It is a half mile journey that takes 15 minutes walking, 5 minutes jogging.  Max arrives at the police department, where he works, to find the front door already opened. He steps inside and finds everything on the floor. He scanned the scene and saw his boss, who’s name is Hal Apeno at the table slumped over. He had just fallen asleep and as he turned, he saw someone leave through the front door. He got out his Swiss army pistol and set it to tranquilize and took shots at the invader. He missed every one, except for one, which hit a stranger on a bike. He fell off of the bike and on to the ground. The tranquilizer was actually meant for a bear, so he will be out for a while.
     “Sir, are you ok?” he queried the big man.
   There was no reply. He picked up the bear-like man and staggered toward a bush. He set down the gigantic load behind the bush in the next door house. The thief took his recording kit, so he couldn’t make any more music. That’s ok, because no one really liked his music anyway. He went to his office and sat on his chair and thought of what to do. He trotted back to make a cup of coffee.
  “Hey, wake up,” he whispered to his boss, who was in a deep sleep.
  “Uhhhhh. Why did you wake me up? I was having a good dream,” he boomed.
   Max walked around the department to make sure his boss was ok, then he headed to the kitchen to make his cup of coffee. The craziest idea had just popped into the usually smart detectives head. He grabbed a plastic bucket, put it under the faucet and turned the water on cold. He heard the sound of water filling and he found it very calming. He snatched the ice tray and dumped all of the transparent crystalline solid into the bucket. He reached in and felt the water and jumped back from the coldness. He picked up the bucket and struggled to carry it to the big guy. He lifted the bucket over his head let the deluge begin. Max immediately regret his decision. Hal took the bucket and put it over Max’s head.
  “Why would you do THAT!?” Hal exploded.
“You didn’t seem like you were awake enough and I need to talk to you about something serious,”
   Max proceeded to the kitchen to fetch the cup of coffee for him and Hal.
   “So, what did you want to tell me that was oh so important?” questioned Hal.
  “Well, today when I got home, I saw that I had been robbed” stated Max,
  “Oh. Did the thief take anything important?”
  “Yes,” Max said unhappily,” He took my TV, some furniture, and my wife’s life,”
“Let’s find him then” Hal stated with great gusto.

  Yet they did not know, the thief that was at Max’s house was the same that robbed the police department. As Max and Hal were heading to Max’s house to investigate the crime scene, the thief was already there with his partners in crime, setting up an ambush for Max. The two got fastened into the air car and rocketed to his house.
      Back at the house, the burglars were setting up traps as if they were in “Home Alone 2” The thief that killed Max’s wife had used cyanide and was known on the streets as Dr. Slick. He is known for being very sneaky, taking entire aisles from stores and stealing everything in a bank vault as if it were childs play. Hal was rounding the corner when he had to swerve out of the way of a stray dog. They pulled up to the driveway Max and Hal stepped out of the car and got their crime scene investigation kit ready. Inside of the house, Dr. Slick and his insignificant teammates were ready to take down the two biggest crime-busters in Miami. They armed the traps inside of the house and waited for Max to walk inside so they could watch his demise. The traps they set up were extremely deadly. When they would open the door, pepper spray would shoot out at them, and they would walk into a razor sharp invisible wire. Hal walked up to the front door and heard someone on the inside of the house cough.
  “Hey Max, did you know that someone is inside of your house?” Hal questioned.
  “No, maybe we should go through the back way!” Max stated the obvious right decision.

  Max and Hal got out their Swiss Army pistols and set it to stun mode. They crept around to the back door and quietly pushed it open. They aimed their firearm at the intruders and shot multiple times. They successfully shot down all of the invaders, except for one, but they didn’t know. Hal and Max stunned all of Dr. Slick’s insignificant crew, but they didn’t get Dr. Slick. They went to everyone of the robbers and put them in handcuffs. Hal went over to Dr. Slick and the evil Dr. shot him in the temple. Max ran over there and took a blow to his face. Max staggered away and hit a wall. Slick came towards him and swung but this time Max ducked out of the way and Dr. Slick became off balanced, so Max took advantage of the situation and stunned him and put him in handcuffs.  Dr. Slick didn’t struggle at all.

     Max took them all to prison, they were all charged for trespassing, and Dr. Slick was charged for murder and served two life sentences. Max moved to a place in Indiana called Warsaw and found a job working in a grocery store and got remarried to a woman named Lisa Carr.

The author's comments:

I really like mystery novels and i just wanted to try to make a mystery/thriller story on my own. I like having to solve things for myself, it makes it more interesting. 

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