Microfiction: What Today Is | Teen Ink

Microfiction: What Today Is

October 23, 2015
By AYELAMO BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
AYELAMO BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rhonda woke up to the sound of her alarm she set for herself at 3am and knew exactly what she had to do today. She grabbed her taser and tucked it inside her leather jackets' inside pocket, and as she walked out of the door she grabbed her bag with her gun and silencer inside (just in case).

On her way to her car she called Ashton on her phone. It took two rings for her to pick up.

"Hello? Rhonda?"
"I'm doing it today, Ashton, TODAY"
Ashton sighed loudly on the other line.
"Alright Rhonda I know I can't stop you, but why are you calling me then?"
"Check my house in the morning if I'm not there, take care of my cats"
"And by 'not there' do you mean you'll be on the run, in jail, or dead?'"
"Stop with all the questions Ashton, I'm just telling you just in case, there's a chance nothing will go wrong at all, do you not have any faith in me at all?"
"Actually don't answer that, just tell me WILL. YOU. WATCH. MY. CATS. If I'm not there in the morning? If you're not going to check on them, I'll just kill the cats myself then"
"Okay okay damn. Rhonda, I will, you just gotta chill sometimes, you know."

And Ashton hung up.
Rhonda got into her car and called another number.

It took a while for them to answer.

A shaky voice replied on the other line.

Rhonda feigned ignorance and said bubbly "Hey! Vic! How you doing?"

"Rhonda, it's 3 am why are you calling me?"
"Why are you up at 3am?"
There and then without finishing Vic hung up.

Rhonda felt anger pooling in the pit of her stomach and starting driving.


It was an all too familiar 15 minute drive.

She knows every building, alley, crook and cranny she drives by, she even knows the location of the holes in the road she's driving on. The government never really bothered to use her taxes to fill the holes with more cement anyway.

Rhonda was never a person for any kind of violence. But things had to be taken care of and she was going to take care of it herself. But growing up with 6 brothers on the edge of poverty had taught her some things about violence, self defense, and respect which is going to come in handy for the next few hours.
She saw a black car parked out front and parked her car right next to it and stepped out to the front door of the building.

This is the day Rhonda's been thinking and fearing about for months.
Seething with a mixture of fear and anger she slowly opened the door and braced herself for what was to come.

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