Witches | Teen Ink


October 29, 2015
By DaywalkerG BRONZE, Pensacola, Florida
DaywalkerG BRONZE, Pensacola, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
Behold I do not give lectures or a little charity, When I give I give myself.
Be curious, not judgmental.

People tell you to not look Witches in the eye, for you might be entwined in their spell.
Witches are gruesome creatures. Creatures that your little sister would dress up as for Halloween. With a cute purple dress on and a pointy hat. But you would just snicker and say she acted more or a Goblin or...a Gnome. But your parents still dragged you down the road as your sister Hannah slowly made her way to every house. Zig-Zagging here and there. You stood there, watching your sister leap and bound from house to house with her plastic pumpkin filled with candy, when you noticed a little boy pass right in front of you. He seemed to be in a daze, but yet, like the douche you were, you ignored the kid and kept your eyes on your sister saying, “trick or treat” for what seemed like the millionth time.
Your couldn’t believe you were forced to take your little bratty, snot-nosed, sister out on Halloween night to go trick-or-treating, which you were obviously too old for, when you would rather be at home. Calling up a few of your friends from school to watch Netflix and eat popcorn till our brains spun. But no. You were outside. In the freezing flipping cold!
Hannah walked to you with a tired look on her face as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.
“Alex? Can we go home now?” you sighed in relief that the night was over for the brat.
The whole way home she complained. I’m tired. my feet hurt. I want mommy… Yada yada yada. All night you had dealt with this.
As you turned a corner to get on your street, a lady bumped into your shoulder. You yelled obscene things at the lady and she just glared at you from under her...witch hat. It was exactly like Hannah’s, except black and has no price-tag hanging from the side. Her face had boils around her yellow, demon like eyes. Her skin wrinkled beyond repair. You could have sworn that was her real face...If it wasn’t Halloween. So you continued your speech on how she was..things and other obscenities. 
When you stopped your tirade she gave you a look. It was one that your mother would give you when she caught you eating the last Snicker’s bar, mixed with one of pure hatred.
Then...You saw it. Her eyes flickered to a dark brown or black and she grinned with pointy teeth of a demon. Her hands became disfigured and elongated, sharp as needles. You expected to hear Hannah scream out in terror but..she was calm. She was transfixed on the Demon Lady’s eyes. Blood came from the woman’s eyes, which now looked like empty eye sockets and she muttered words that sounded as if she was speaking in Parseltongue like in Harry Potter. You tried to understand what she was saying but everything was hisses and grunts and growls.
She licked her dry, cracked, lips with a forked snake tongue and put a hand on my head before reeling it back into her nimble bony frame. She pulled a small green insect with twelve legs from her black cape-like coat and went over to Hannah. The lady had you frozen. No matter how much you wanted to move, you just couldn’t. Neither could Hannah. The lady..the...demon...took Hannah’s jaw and opened her mouth before putting that slimy...wriggly insect down her throat. She slowly closed Hannah’s mouth and grinned more than her face should be possible. Then she left. She backed away into the darkness of a backyard. Into the forest that laid beyond. Your heart raced. Hannah was breathing heavily now able to move.
You can’t quite decipher what she had done. Or if she really did anything and it was just your imagination. But all you know is those few words Hannah has spoken before she passed out from Exhaustion.
“Don’t look Witches in the eye.”

The author's comments:

Happy Halloween!

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