The Drive of Life and Love | Teen Ink

The Drive of Life and Love

November 1, 2015
By Jett.Stormbreaker BRONZE, Clarks Hill, South Carolina
Jett.Stormbreaker BRONZE, Clarks Hill, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Jett never thought he’d end up here, tied to a chair, but there are some crazy things we do for love.
“Jett, I have Renee.  Go ahead and try to rescue her, you’ll never win.  I’m staying in my cabin on the east side.  You will not rescue her from me.  She is mine now.  You don’t even know who I am…”
He held the note in his hand, staring at the glossy paper from the magazines of which the letters were cut.  He thought of Renee and her soft hair against him as they would normally relax after school, but instead finding this, he began to hate himself.  How could he let this happen?  How did he not know that something was wrong?  He pondered what he could do to save her, but he decided the only way to do so would be to meet with the crazed madman behind this and fight like men.
“Shiganomi, suit up.  I’m picking you up in five.” Jett muttered into his phone, hostility in his voice.
“Roger, I’ll be good to go.  I’ll have you explain on the way to wherever we’re going.”
They pulled up to the cabin in Jett’s beat up truck, the engine backfired before finally resting to a stop, releasing a hissing sound while it cooled.  They jumped out, each grabbing a weapon from the back of the truck, Jett taking the M1897 Trench Gun given to him by his grandfather, Shiganomi grabbing a pistol from the side and placing the silencer on it.
“Let’s do this,” Shiganomi whispered “we’ll save her, don’t worry mate.”
“I don’t know…” Jett said, “something about this doesn’t feel too right…”
He was right, and he knew he was as soon as he saw a bat collide with Shiganomi before being struck himself.
The darkness almost consumed him, but he could barely make out his own frame, his urban digital camouflage Flak jacket torn and pants tattered from being attacked, his flesh torn open in places, he can feel the crimson liquid rolling down his skin.  He can hear the low breathing of Shiganomi as he tries to remember how he ended up in this place.  He tried to talk, but his throat was dry.  He thought of his heroine, where she might be, and how he went through with his promise that he’d do anything to keep her safe.  He never expected to be stuck in a serial kidnapper’s cabin.
“Shig…” Jett whispered, raspily “Shig… your knife.  Do you have your knife?”
“Huh?” Shiganomi muttered from across the room, “Where are we?”
“Just slide me your knife, I’ll handle it.” Jett proceeded to cut the ropes binding his wrists to the chair by flipping the balisong around and sawing.
“What are you doing?  What are we gonna do about this?”
“We’re saving Renee and killing the psychopath that put us here.” Jett said, ferocity in his eyes, ready to strike out as soon as he saw the man who had caused this pain and regret that he had endured that day.
They moved their way up the stairs, Jett grasped his shotgun from the staircase as they silently opened the door, leading them to a room with walls lined with rusty cages that had red stains in the bottom, all empty except for one, the one that had a small sixteen year old crumpled up on the bottom, her sobs silent as possible.  This enraged Jett even more, making him c*** the gun and charge into the room, bashing the man on the back of the head with the butt of the gun, sending him to the ground before firing a shot into the captor’s upper back.  It was all over in that moment.
“I gotcha baby girl,” Jett whispered as Renee fell into his arms when he opened the locked cage, “Let’s get you home, you’re safe now, he’ll never hurt anyone again.  I told you I’d do anything for you and anything to keep you safe.”

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