The Mystery of the Missing Piece | Teen Ink

The Mystery of the Missing Piece

October 30, 2015
By Gingersnapp1 BRONZE, Tully, New York
Gingersnapp1 BRONZE, Tully, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting on the beach watching the sunset and drinking a bottle of Coca-Cola was a weary, battle-toughened man returning from war. He had just received shoreleave after being at sea for nine months performing death defying missions behind enemy lines. This man had received death’s business card once when he was shot in the leg and had to swim five miles for rescue, but he never stopped. This determined Irish man with the heart of a true American had received the famed Purple Heart and the Navy Cross for his valiant efforts. Although in a state of reverie for the time being, this man, Colin O’Byrne, was about to be sent on his most dangerous and humbling mission that many scholars thought the odds of surviving are next to none, for something, which happened nearly five thousand miles away.
Part 1
August 4, 1941
0900 Hours

It was a warm (and I’m being very lenient with the term),  humid Monday in the New York shipyards, and everything was working like a well-oiled machine. Everything was perfect, much too perfect for a Monday in New York, but this wasn’t any average Monday. The President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was in town with some of the highest ranking military leaders in the Continental USA inspecting a new warship that would be able to sink enemy ships from the safety of the depths of the ocean. This was the United States’ newest submarine, the Mackerel-Class. This new submarine was based on the designs of the infamous German U-Boat and had some of the same abilities as them.
In the shipyard a large hangar, large enough for a battleship and all the machinery to build it, was enveloped by armed sentries. For this was an important weapon developed by the allies which could help win the war and combat U-Boats. After passing through the twenty-four hour security service layer of the building, they entered the great room that was as large as four football fields wide and thirty long. At half the length there was a large sheet that blocked the rest of the building from view.
“This new ship looks very swell,” said FDR, “but the tour of the inside was about as good as taking a tour in my sauna.”
“Well, sir, they aren’t really designed for comfort and luxuries, ya’ know,” said the project manager.
“I know, I know. This should perform very well in a battle scenario, but I paid exactly how much money for this?” said FDR.
“I have the cost on records, but if you really need the amount, I can get them.”
“No, there is no need to do that, but I heard there were refreshments included in the admission fee.”
“Of course, Mr. President,” said the manager with a a salute and a smile from ear to ear.
Unbenounced to the President, on the other side of the tarp, a project so secret was going on that even the Commander in Chief didn’t know about it. While the President was enjoying his drink of lemonade, a cry was heard from beyond the tarp.
“What what in God’s name was that!?” said FDR.
“I’m not sure,” said the manager, “but we’d better go check it out.”
Running with the haste of battle hardened soldiers toward the screams of agony, they arrived at the tarp and slithered underneath it to get to the man. When the lights were turned on, everybody was in disbelief of what they were looking at. There was a man with a broken leg laying and howling in agony next to a black, cigar shaped object about one hundred and fifty feet long with a long antenna on the front and two wings on the back with things that looked similar to jet turbines on the end. After another employee helped the man to the medical post the chatter began.
“What is this!?” said FDR with anger and fire in his eyes.
“This is a new type of submarine technology that will change the world and win us the war. I am certain of it,” said the manager with the fear of death lurking over him.
“Well then, explain to my colleagues and I what it does and how it works.”
While walking and pointing toward the spire on the front, the manager said, “This new technology creates a bubble of water vapor around the object decreasing the amount of friction on it allowing it to move faster with more efficient fuel usage.”
“So, how fast are we talking about here?”
“Let’s just say that you can jet from California to Japan in nine hours, but let me show you,” he said with a tone of confidence and bragging. As the small group walked over to a small box-like room, the high ranking officers in the group kept turning and looking at the object like a kid on Christmas Day looking at his presents.
They entered the small room which had a new movie projector, a bright white screen, and three rows of auditorium seating. Just as the last man sat down, the video started. There was a bright light, then a man, very well dressed, tall and lengthy, was in view. He started to talk about the new technology and how it would help the world with its discovery. The next thing that came up was the man on a high elevation lake somewhere in Alaska, holding an object about the size of a football with a spire on one end. Then he put it in the water and pressed a button. As soon as he pressed it, the object shot off like a gun, traveling across the lake in mere seconds. Then the camera changed to a first person point of view with a speedometer in the corner. Once the man put it under water, there was a stillness to everything for a few moments, then all of the sudden a burst of bubbles filled the screen with such intensity that almost all the grown, and battle hardened men jumped. The speedometer was showing that the object was pushing six hundred miles per hour and still gaining speed. Then when the supercavitation device was turned off, the bubbles stopped, and the object’s nose seemed to cave in with the force of impact of the water.
“So,” said the manager with an obvious conceited tone, “this is what has been being developed behind your back for the six months it took to design and build the Mackerel-Class submarine. This is also the reason that the new sub cost so much money.”
“Now you built an underwater bullet without my knowledge!?”
“But, sir, this took the utmost secrecy and not even I knew until this morning at 0300 hours.” 
“Alrighty then, we will discuss matters later after I meet with some of the workers and have the launching ceremony for the new sub that the public knows about.”
August 4,1941
1500 Hours

The President was departing and every worker and security guard is saying their goodbyes to him. This was a horrible mistake. While the cheerful shouts of workers and security guards filled the foul smelling air, a criminal mastermind was at work.
A masked man with around ten associates did their work with such precision and elegance that it was like a ballet, moving around each other silently, and even though it was a truly heinous act, it could still be considered beautiful. With lightning fast speed the robbers took the spire and the engines, loaded them into the back of an over-sized milk truck, and left within ten minutes of arriving. But they forgot one thing: a large man of the group had dropped a knife on the way out. The knife was inscribed with Hindi writing and a picture of Buddha on it.
After the joyous sending off ceremony had ended, the workers slowly returned to their stations. As the security guards were returning to their stations, the project manager was already inside and having a nervous breakdown.
“Sound the alarm! Lock the perimeter! We can’t let anybody escape!” screamed the project manager as he ran out out of the building. Just then a sharp crack was heard and the manager collapsed slowly, for he had just been shot right in the middle of the forehead.
The loud air raid siren blaired as thousands below rioted in the shipyard. It only worsened as rumor of an invading enemy force reached the workers. People now attacked the guards, ransacked supplies, and took up arms. Hundreds died that day by the feet of their own friends and others by the shots of nervous and anxious people.
August 5, 1941
1200 Hours

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt addressed the issue today, but he only announced that some new technologies had been stolen and that the thieves were now a threat to the USA and would be shot on site. Privately the President then signed a law allowing a search force to locate and find the stolen pieces.

August 9, 1941
1300 Hours

Location: Somewhere in the South Pacific
On a raft with no land in sight sits a man surrounded by parts of an airplane. The man was tall and lengthy with the scraps of a nice suit hanging from his burnt, blistered, and salt sore covered skin. With lost hopes he sits in wait of something, anything to happen, for he has been adrift ten days on an inflatable raft alone. Then something incredible happens; a gull flies overhead and lands on the raft. It was like when the dove that Noah sent out in search of land that had returned with a plant in its mouth. This meant that land was nearby; instantly the man became aware and determined to find land. After an hour of aimlessly drifting, he was beginning to lose hope then he saw it. There it was, about three miles away!
Part 2
November 5, 1941
0800 Hours

At Pearl Harbor, Hawaii a rested Colin O’Byrne had woken up early this morning and gone for a run from his house down to battleship row to meet with his buddies. On the way home he had stopped by a diner, ate breakfast, left a tip, and ran home. After showering he was listening to the radio when his phone rang. He never received calls from anybody so he wondered who it could be.
“Hello,” said Colin.
“Is this Colin O’Byrne Lieutenant of UDT team four?” said the voice on the phone.
“Well, who’s asking?” asked Colin with caution, for he knew that there were many spies around the country and especially in Pearl Harbor.
“This is Admiral Kimmel, Lieutenant.”
“Hello, Sir, what is it that you are calling me for?”
“Called to tell you that we need to have a meeting in my office at 1200 hours sharp”
“Yes sir,” said Colin, for he feared that he had done something wrong.
November 5, 1941
1245 Hours

At the Admiral’s office Colin had been getting briefed on the mission which he was about to embark upon. He would be in a new group, a group capable of recovery missions and sabotage. This new team would have the codename Sherlock Holmes.
November 12, 1941
0400 Hours

Sherlock Holmes had received a transport ship to move them where they wanted to go. The “SH” team had received many new weapons and gear making them the best equipped group in the world.
The leader of the group was Colin O’Byrne, and the rest of the team consisted of ten men. The first was Binkie; he was the largest man on the team who was also considered security. Second there was Crazy Jack who was the group’s demolition expert. Next was the group’s sniper nicknamed Bullseye. Then there was the youngest member of the team Baby Bob. The rest of the team consisted of commandos and divers to create a team with the ability to go anywhere anytime. The new team was heading from the warm picturesque beaches of Hawaii to the harsh mountains of Alaska.
December 1, 1941 
0600 Hours

They arrived under the cover of darkness to the US base at Dutch Harbor; this is where they would be flown from to their target in India. This would take time and careful planning which would happen here in Dutch Harbor.
December 7, 1941
2000 Hours
News had reached Dutch Harbor that the Japanese had attacked Pearl Harbor. The base was in sort of a reverie, where no one was really sharp or doing anything quickly. Although this horrible incident happened, the “SH” team plane left for India by the cover of darkness.
December 21, 1942
Colin O’Byrne’s Diary Entry

My team has been in India for over a year now, and we have been gathering useless information. I feel that my team and I are becoming restless; we are jumping on even the smallest rumor, and there have been multiple deaths of people who have hardly done anything wrong. We have been working tirelessly looking for something that has relation to what we are doing here, and then we found it sitting in our mail. It was an anonymous tip that a man named Abhishek knew about the stolen pieces and had recently been in contact with the pieces. How the man who wrote the letter knew about them, I am not sure, but one thing that is certain now is that we are going to find out what this man knows and close the case that has been open for so long now.
Location: New Delhi
As the team traveled to Abhishek the Merchant’s personal market place there was a feeling of eyes burning the backs of the American’s heads. This feeling was even more pronounced when nearing the entrance to the market place. Guards in and on buildings were watching them.
“This man must be pretty important,” said Colin.
“What do ya’ mean by that lieutenant?” asked Binkie.
“All I’m saying is that the number of those rooftop guards has been increasing as we get closer to Abhishek’s market.”
“You're right; we should be careful not to rise suspicion.”
“Good thinkin’ Binkie.”
When the group arrived at the market place, they quickly identified Abhishek and surrounded him. Using disguises they made themselves look like a group of normal people and other market goers. Colin approached him.
“Hello, how are you today,” said Colin in fluent Hindi.
“I am well, thank you. What might I interest you in today?” said Abhishek.
“I am looking for some missing parts.”
“What kind of parts do you need?”
“I am looking for some parts to my submarine,” said Colin as he pulled out a katar and put it against Abhishek’s neck.
Abhishek let out a cry, “Guards, Guards, save me! I am being attacked!”
The team of Americans leaped into action surrounding Colin and Abhishek such as the secret service do to the president. Then guards from all angles attacked. There was a stampede of bystanders running away from the terrifying battle that was taking place in the small market place, leaving a trail of destroyed products and food.
“Where have the submarine parts been transported!?” yelled Colin.
“I do not know, I do know know!” said Abhishek
“Liar, you just handled them a day ago; you must know where they are!”
“Honest, I know nothing of these pieces you speak about.”
Pressing the blade of the Katar harder into his Abhishek's fleshy neck, Colin became red with anger and impatience, and began to draw blood.
“You may have mistaken me for someone else. I know nothing of these pieces.”
“How about now,” taking out the knife that was left at the hangar, Colin stabbed the silver blade into Abhishek’s left knee, “Does this spark your memory?”
“Alright I will tell you. They have been transported to somewhere in Borneo.”
“Why have they gone to Borneo?”
“The Leader wants what he wants.”
“Who is this leader that you speak of, and what does he lead?”
“He leads a global force that is against wars and new technologies, but I do not know his name.”
“What is this global force called?”
“It is called Valentine.”
“Thank you, now goodbye.”
With a quick decisive movement, the blade of the katar sliced through the man’s artery causing instant death.
“Why did you do that Lieutenant?” asked Baby Bob.
“Nobody likes a snitch,” said Colin with a hint of shame.
July 4, 1942
0200 Hours
Location: Borneo

The team had been scouring the entire island for any sign of the Valentine base. They had asked the Natives, done reconnaissance flights, and even bushwhacked through the jungle, but there was no sign of the base anywhere. Well, that was until the elder from one of the tribes reported a project that happened in the early 1920’s. He then led the team to the site of the project, but to everybody’s surprise there was nothing there. Utterly confused about what was going on, Colin suggested using a metal detector to see if anything was left over from the project. Just as Crazy Jack turned on the minesweeping metal detector, an ear piercing screech came from the machine and wouldn’t stop until he turned it off. Just then Colin had an idea.
“Those sly sons of guns, they built the base underground,” said Colin, “everybody stay quiet and look for the entrance.”
“Over here sir,” whispered Baby Bob, “I found it.”
The rest of the team came over and inspected it. It was in the shape of an Aztec temple and had a normal looking door.
The team went back to their base and contacted FDR himself, telling him that they had found the pieces and needed reinforcements.
July 10, 1942
0200 Hours

The attack on the Valentine Base was beginning; over three hundred paramarines were being dropped over the base and were already assaulting it. The battling in the narrow passageways was fierce, the noise was also defending. Bang! Bang! Bang! The loud barking of the rifles, the high pitched chatter of machine guns, and the explosions of C2 and grenades all blended together to create a lull of noises. Then there were the screams, those horrible screams of the dying and wounded; they were everywhere, and there seemed to be an ever increasing amount of them.
Then the passageways funneled into a huge underground hangar as big as the one in the New York Shipyards. The hangar was filled with thousands of new technologies from around the world. It was like a step into the future with things bearing the Nazi symbol to the Recreation of the new US Navy submarine using the stolen pieces.
Then he appeared; it was him, the Leader. Colin personally captured the Leader and now had control of what to do with everything down in that hangar.

In the end of this, Colin O’Byrne was promoted to a one star general and received the Medal of Honor, the Navy Cross, and the Distinguished Service Medal. Colin also gave all of the stolen equipment to the US Military. The Leader actually turned out to be the Project Manager, who had assisted in the stealing of the pieces. The new submarine technology helped win the war in the Pacific by cutting off Japanese supply routes. Colin went on to live until he was 110 years old and married a woman named Lucy. Colin and Lucy had four kids. The man who was adrift in the Pacific reached the island safely. While on a covert mission, the Navy found him fifteen years later. The man turned out to be the scientist in the video, and the plane crash was no accident.  As for the rest of the team, well let's just say they started a new part of the Navy called the Seals.


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