darkness | Teen Ink


November 12, 2015
By cooliodude13 BRONZE, Fort Woth, Texas
cooliodude13 BRONZE, Fort Woth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

it was a friday and like all fridays i was rushing through the end of week tests we always get in mr.Sheltons class he is so Borrinnngg! all he does is talk in his melodramatic face all day, for real i mean seriuously!he just non stop talks with no pause and no emotion. its like this "davidareyouheredavidokdavidnoonehasseendavidokdavidohisthtyouno?odavidishere"and i think i fell on my face just out of pure boredom!ok thats enough about school lets talk about the thing we saw after school. it was a warm happy day in the start of november so it was bright but had a little breeze that kept the humidity down so me and my best friend corrie were playing football like every friday and this happend... David! corrie screamed from across the park i turned just in time to see the football crash into my nose i went crosseyed just to look at the bright white lacing on the ball and felt the burning pain in my nose OUW! i Screamed out! HAHAHA!!! corrie cried out lauging all the way back as he ran back to me WUT WHUS THOT FUR! i gave him the evil eye as i said it just so he would feel at least a little bad about it. EEW! dude theres BLOOD running all over your face! he was right there was blood gushing out of my nose it was like a broken fire hydrant of my crimson red goo was flying out of my nose and it was! right onto my favorite shirt! DANG MAN its covering the collar of your shirt! dont just stand there i shove him over as i rush over to the little creek bye the field that we were playing in and douse my head in the cool red and blue spiraling mixture and i would have admirired it more if my face wasnt the thing making the crimson flow through the nice creek i throw my head back as i gasp for air and feel the water doplets fly off my face.thats right when i see it! the thing i didnt notice it at first but then i came into focus like a camera lense my eyes focused on it and i couldn't look away it was like a  magnet i was drawn to it HEY DONE LOOKING AT YOUR  HORRIBLY DISMEMBERD FACE! haha... he talked more and about something else ...i ignored him the thing moved down stream and i followed Hey! he sreamed having cought up with me he look around and finally saw what i saw "wow..." we followed it farther and farther down stream not even knowing what it was when it finally stopped.  corrie stepped down into the slow movong stream and i followed almost spell bound just as corrie reached down to touch it... it jumped out and hit his chest OW??!!! he yelped as it hit him with the force of  bullet hi body ragdolled and shook i flinched and jumped back as he cried out and a dark colored substance spread out in the water around Corrie and I he was silent and his body felt to the surface of the water with a SPLASH!i was paralized as all of this happend i felt a splatter of the dark substance splatter onto my cheek i wiped it off and looked at it and screamed. the substance was all corries blood i walked backwards as i stared at the sky and screamed i screamed and howled one word the only word i thought of corrie. i was found by the police later with blood covering my close and they took me  in i told them what happend and they said its alright son your alright but they knew i was not.

The author's comments:

i was bored and kinda tired so i just started typing sorry if its a little gory or misspelled

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