The House That Was | Teen Ink

The House That Was

December 2, 2015
By LostCreations BRONZE, Sidney, Ohio
LostCreations BRONZE, Sidney, Ohio
3 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Impossible is not a word. It is just a reason for someone not to try." - Unknown

I have passed this house many times before, but only recently have I wondered what lurked inside. Its broken windows and old, brick walls had shown no signs of life. The grass was overgrown and moss was inching its way up the sides of the house.
It was a long, hot summer night. The air was still and there were clouds scattered throughout the dark, starry sky. There is an old cemetery across the street from the old house that my friend and I had parked at. We shut off the headlights and the engine and walked cautiously through the silent cemetery to the house. We trudged through the tall grass looking for an easy entrance to the house. One of the shattered windows on the first floor was about four to five feet off the ground. We continued looking until we came to the backyard. There were four cement stairs that led to the wooden backdoor. The door seemed as if it had been replaced recently because it was the only part of the house that didn’t look like it was rotting from the inside out. We pushed softly on the door and it creaked open just enough for us to squeeze through. As we entered the house, the scent of dust and mold smacked me in the face. All around us was insolation, Styrofoam, destroyed books, and other old possessions of the past. The further into the house, the creepier it become. To our left was the door to the cellar. The door was hanging on one hinge and a hole busted through the middle. There was no light to the cellar but it was clear to see where the stairs would have been to lead to the depths of the darkness. We moved to the next room, which looked to be a master bedroom. There was a metal bedframe and the wall paper was tearing from the walls. A white, metal chair sat in the far left corner of the room. By this time, my friend and I were becoming intensely paranoid. My paranoia started going to my head and our senses were enhanced. We began hearing strange noises and were not able to identify them or where they were coming from. We saw black silhouettes moving in the corner of our eyes. We wanted to check out the rest of the house but our paranoia was getting worse the longer we stayed in the house. We quickly, but nonchalantly, made our way out of the house. We stood in the backyard looking at the house for any signs of movement, only to be disappointed. We knew at that moment it was only our imagination going wild while we were in the house. We were only able to get through three rooms, each one just as creepy as the last and giving me the feeling of being watched. To this day, I still wonder what the rest of that house looks like and what other evils lurk inside the rotting walls.

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