The Chimney | Teen Ink

The Chimney

December 11, 2015
By itzel.b BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
itzel.b BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sheriff Romero
“What did you see, the night of the accident Connor?’
“I saw a girl go into my neighbor's house and never came out, I heard screams but once I knocked the door no one answered it. There was no sign of anything or anyone”
Sheriff Romero
“You say you've seen other girls go in his use, how long has this been going on”
“ I've seen at least 15 different girl go into his house but I never get to see when they come out, and it is always on fridays, maybe about 4 months now.
Sheriff Romero
“ Why do you spy on him if you don't mind me asking”
“well I know I shouldn't be doing it but I was just curious about the girls and how he brought a new one every friday”
Sheriff Romero
“Is this the only time you've  heard screams? are you sure there was someone else with him?”
“Yes it's been the only time and they were really loud screams like if he was stabbing her, and yes I saw her with my own eyes”:
Sheriff Romero
“we have a few missing girls do you think you'll be able to identify if you saw any”
“ Yeah sure”
Sheriff Romero
theses are 7 Girls who were reported as missing do you recognize seeing any?”
“ I've seen the first one and the 4th one with him but not the rest”
Sheriff Romero
“okay Connor we will see what we can do, we don't have a warrant to search his house, but we will file a report and we will be watching his every move on friday”

8 weeks  Before
Connor had been spying on his neighbor for a couple of months now because he thought he was some sort of sex addict. He'd seen really pretty girls go into his house and it seemed odd to him because Mr. Gibbins wasn't good looking at all he he sure did have a lot of money. Every friday night he would see his neighboor get in his car and then an hour later come home with a girl. He never had the nerve to ask Mr. Gibbins how he got girls but he was always so curious. Mr. gibbons was a really odd person he almost never went out unless it was friday. No one ever came to visit him so everyone just assumed he had no family. He seemed like a regular person until the unexpected happened.


It all started friday night when Connor was looking threw the window from his room like always with his telescope. He saw Mr.s Gibbins close his curtains from the living room and it seemed weird to Connor because he never ever went to the living room they usually went straight to the room. He knew this because Mr. Gibbins curtains were light brown so he could see the shadow of them. The lights from Mr. Gibbins room were turned off so Connor assumed they were having an actual date and not just intercorse. Connor got bored of just staring at the shadow of them eating so he went to take out the trash. He then heard a loud scream which seemed to be coming from Mr. Gibbins house, then all of a sudden Mr. Gibbins lights went off.  Connor frighten went and knocked at the door to see if everything was okay, but Mr. Gibbins never answered the door. That was when he called 911 to tell them what was going on.The cops got there in less than 5 minutes and oddly Mr. Gibbins answered the door. Shelby, the police officer told him that he got a call from his concerned neighbor that he heard a scream and if that they could check the house. Mr Gibbons said they wouldn't find anything because no one had been there but they were welcome to take a look. While shelby was taking a look he saw nothing so he went over his house and told him that 911 calls are only for emergencies and not to be messed with. Connor explained how he had been spying him and officer Shelby got a flashback of all the missing girl flyers they had in the office. Shelby told him that there was no evidence so Connor told him it was under control. Shelby continued talking and told him he had to go talk to the police and file a report. Because the cops couldn't do anything about it since they didn't have a warrant Connor had what seemed a brilliant idea to him to break into his house.

The following day Mr. Gibbins had gone out and Connor took the opportunity to break into the house. Mr. Gibbins house was spotless clean there wa no mess at all. He checked every room and everything seemed to be in place. Connor opened every door he could possible see but he found nothing. Connor hopelessly went into the living room and saw a chimney. It seemed odd because no one in the neighborhood had a chimney and Mr. Gibbins did. He went toward the chimney and smelt something funny like a dead animal smell. Connor walked around to the where the smell was coming from but every time he walked away from the chimney the smell was gone. Connor went toward the chimney once again and started touching it he saw that the wood wasn't burnt and the smell was getting worse.  He got up and saw a frame of him and a blonde girl on top of the chimney, and at the bottom said “RIP my little angel.” He grabbed the picture to take a look at it and he saw a door knob. He immediate turn in and the chimney was actually a door to another room. Connor frightened and disgusted walked inside and opened the following door. As soon as he opened the door and saw a bunch of fridges. Connor was confused as why Mr. Gibbins had a lot of fridges hidden. There was a curtain that looked liked like the ones in hospitals and there was a beeping sound that sounded like the ones in hospitals. Connor went over to where the curtain was and opened it, he saw a girl laying there with her stomach opened and every organ was out hooked to a machine. She had a tube down her throat like if she was in a comma. The girl looked just like the one in the picture and Connor started thinking that Mr. Gibbins killed his daughter. Connor disgusted at was he saw walked away trying not to throw up and everytime he got close to a fridge a nasty smell came out. He opened one of them and saw a lot of body parts. He saw legs and arms,finger,toes and everything possible. He opened another one and saw the same thing. He continued opening all of them and on the last one he saw a bunch of heads. Connor took pictures of everything and wet to the police as soon as possible. The police got there as soon as they could and Mr. Gibbins was going inside the house. As soon as Officer Shelby saw him he told him to put his hand where they could see them and arrested him. They told him all his right. The cops went inside the house and saw everything Mr. Gibbins had. They were really disturbed as why someone would do that. They carried out the bodies and also his daughter. When Mr. Gibbins got to the police station they put him in a room and asked him question to why he had what he had. Mr. Gibbons told them that his daughter suffered from a car accident and was left in a comma and her organs were all damaged. He told them that a drunk girl who had just gotten out of akbar was the one who crashed into her. He explained how he wanted to get revenge and so every friday night he would go to the bar and look for a drunk pretty girl to take home. Because his daughter needed to get organ transplants oftenly he killed them to give them to his daughter. Also he said that he used the rest of the body part and feed them to homeless people every sunday after church. The police charged Mr. Gibbins for murder and homicide and cannibalism. That day they learned that not everyone is what they seem to be.



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