AREA 57 | Teen Ink


December 11, 2015
By Darth_Sally BRONZE, Stockton, California
Darth_Sally BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everything was silent in Death Valley.  Nothing moved.  It seemed as if all life was banished and sent to another realm.  Death Valley seems like a regular desert at first glance.  It has cacti, sand, and umm… well it had animals.  If you are wondering where all the animals, you’re about to find out.  Death Valley is the home of Area 57.  Area 57 is a top secret laboratory located under the sand dunes.  Last week scientists were working on a spray that sent unwanted objects somewhere unknown.  Right after everybody went home, someone entered in the room in which the spray was made and took it.  Security cameras caught his every move until he was outside.  The FBI said he must have tested it on all the animals, but they don’t know how.  Death Valley is a 5,219 mile desert.  The FBI needs all the help they can get, but from whom?  Well you’re about to find out.

“Open up!” shouted a man while banging on the screen door. “It’s the FBI!”
“Bob, what did you do this time?”  asked Jim as he put on his Darth Vader bath robe.
“Nothing,” shuttered Bob, “I promise.”
Jim and Bob ran down the old and noisy stairs towards the front door.  On the way, Bob stopped in the kitchen to get some non-fat milk.
“Hurry up!”shouted Jim.
“I’m coming,” responded Bob, shoving a whole muffin in his mouth.
Bob ran to the door with a milk moustache and muffin crumbs all over his face. Jim stared at Bob from head to toe and then opened the door.
“Hello there sir,” said Jim in a nervous voice. “I like your tuxedo and sunglasses.” The FBI agent wore a black tuxedo with a bow tie and carried a handgun.
“Jim and Bob,” said the FBI agent in a flat tone, “my name is S. Hamilton, please come with me.”
“What’s the S for?”asked Bob. 
“Shut-up and come with me,”grunted the AgentS. Hamilton.
“Can we get dressed first?” asked Bob in his Dr. Trayaurus tighty-whities.
“Fine,” grunted S. Hamilton, “ but hurry, we’re in a rush!”
The two boys shut the screen door and went upstairs to get dressed.  Bob put on a black T-shirt;.  Jim put on a black hoodie.  The two friends didn’t know why S. Hamilton was there.  They thought they were in trouble.  Jim thought it was for the time he broke Bob out of jail- Bob is a handful.  He tried to take over the world once.  Anyways, back to the story.  Bob thought it was for the time he... you’d find out soon .  They never would have thought they were the only ones who could catch the person who stole the spray from Area 57.
“So, why do you need us?” asked Jim nervously.
“I think I know why,” said Bob. “Last week at MineCon London 2015, I took more than one piece of candy at a booth.” I told you you’ll find out.
“What?,” asked S. Hamilton with a confused look on his face. “ That’s not it.”
“Then what is it?” asked Jim.
“We’ll tell you more at headquarters,” said S. Hamilton while adjusting his sunglasses.
Throughout the whole ride, Jim and Bob were nervous.  They asked a lot of questions.  Out of all those questions, they asked what the S standed for, and S. Hamilton replied with “Seal your lips!”  I don’t think he works for the FBI; he seems a little too mean and he didn’t show Jim and Bob a badge or any form of identification.
  Anyway, once they arrived at headquarters S. Hamilton took them to the front desk. Headquarters was a 13 story skyscraper with a sign that read “Not a Secret FBI Headquarters” .  At the front desk, there was another FBI agent.  In fact, the whole place was crawling with FBI agents.  There was FBI agents running, walking, talking, and eating.
“Hello there, my name is Gary,” said the agent in a much happier tone than the other one. “Please state names.”
“I’m Jim Green and this here is my best friend, Bob Smith,”answered Jim in a perky voice.
“Ahhh,” said the agent while yawning, “the commander is expecting you.”
“Ummm…where can we find him?” asked Bob
“Go to the 5th story and then go left,” instructed Gary. “He should be in his office.”
“Thanks,” said Jim, halfway to the stairs.
   Jim and Bob went up five flights of stairs, and found the commander’s office.  His office was a boring room with black walls that had nothing on them.  If the walls could talk, thesey would yawn.  The commander was much taller and looked stronger than the other FBI agents.
“Hello, thanks for coming.” said the commander.  His voice deep with no emotion.  He had the same tuxedo as the others, except he didn’t wear any sunglasses.
“No problem.” replied Jim, looking at the commander’s messy desk full of papers.
“No time for chit-chat, guys,” stated the commander sternly. “The secret spray that sent unwanted objects to an unknown place was stolen last night.”
“Whoa!” gasped Bob nearly fainting onto the hardwood floor.
“What does that have to do with us?” asked Jim catching Bob.
“You’re the only ones that can retrieve the spray and bring the criminal to justice,” shouted the commander in a heroic voice.
“Really!?” exclaimed Bob in a high pitched voice.
“That is great and all, but why us?” asked Jim with a confused look on his face.
“We’ve heard great things about you,” said the chief with confidence. “You broke your friend from the world’s most guarded prison, ADX.”
“Do I have to go back?” asked Bob nervously.
“Nah, your skills are just what we need on this squad,” responded the commander. “You got past the most highly trained prison guards in the world without being spotted.”
“That’s nice and all, but...,” blushed Jim.  His face was red as a tomato.
“Hush,” exclaimed the commander, putting a finger over Jim’s mouth.” “Now, behind you are your  uniforms and weapons, get those and go straight to Area 57.”
“But we don’t know where Area 57 is located at,” asked Bob.
“Take this tracker, it will beep once you’re near Area 57,” explained the commander
              “Thanks,” said Bob.
Jim and Bob turned around and saw two tuxedos hanging on a coat rack.  They had their names stitched on them and under them was a belt with a taser and handcuffs.  “Let’s go,” said Jim while putting on his cool belt.  I wish I had a belt like that.  They put on their uniforms and headed towards Area 57.  Once at Death Valley, Jim and Bob were shocked.  Their jaws nearly touched the ground.  Death Valley was lifeless.  There were no animals.  Suddenly the tracker started to beep as Jim and Bob walked up to a huge sand dune. 
“The tracker says we should be here,” said Jim looking down at the tiny machine.
“Maybe it’s broken,” replied Bob.  He leaned on the sand dune, then suddenly he was gone.
“So, Bob do you think we can fix it?” asked Jim.  He looked up and saw that Bob was nowhere to be seen.  “Bob!” shouted Jim. “If you can hear me, say something!”  There was no reply.  Jim got tired of looking and leaned on the sand dune;, suddenly the sand dune ate him up too.  Jim was inside the dune.  Inside the dune were  a lot of FBI agents looking for clues.  Jim looked around and found Bob.
“Jim!” shouted Bob, waving his hands in the air like he just did not care.  Jim heard the cry and ran towards Bob.
“Are you okay?” asked Jim while giving Bob a huge bear hug.
“Can’t breathe,” gasped Bob.  His face turning dark purple, “need air.”
“I’m sorry,” answered Jim, letting go of Bob.
“It’s alright,” replied Bob.
“So...where are we?” asked Jim.
“Welcome to Area 57!”shouted Bob in a Wayne Brady type of voice.  Everybody inside looked over at them as if they were crazy.  Jim didn’t care, he was happy Bob was alive.
  Area 57 was well hidden and looked amazing.  It had computers, weapons, and other crazy gadgets.  It was as if the future and U.S army got married and had a baby.  Jim and Bob walked down the east hall and came across a pair of slightly used food clamps on the floor.  Jim picked up the food clampers and examined them.  He showed them to Bob and they decided to go show them to S. Hamilton.  There was only one problem,  they didn’t know where to find S. Hamilton because Area 57 is 3 miles long!
The two heroes decided to stay in the hallway and peek through every room.  That’s going to take a long time.  Jim and Bob peeked through one room, there was nothing there.  Only a man testing a laser on a white mouse. They peeked into the next room, that room had missiles and what seemed to be a military version of the Iron Man armor.  Jim and Bob peeked through the next room and saw S. Hamilton sitting in an empty tinkering around with a spray bottle.  Jim and Bob barged into the room catching S. Hamilton by surprise.
“S. Hamilton!”yelled Jim. “Look what we found!”
“What is it?”replied S. Hamilton in his usual grumpy voice, nearly dropping the can.
“What is that in your hand?”asked Jim while pointing at the spray can in S. Hamilton’s hand.
“What’s the S for?”asked Bob
“Shut it newby,”growled S. Hamilton.
“What is that?”asked Jim one more time.
“This old thing,”said S. Hamilton.  Sweat was rolling down the side of his face, “well it’s hair dye.”
“But umm sir,”hesitated Bob, “your bald.”
“Indeed I am,”replied S. Hamilton acting all shocked.  He tossed the can in the garbage can and gave all his attention to Jim and Bob.
“ We found a pair of food clamps,”said Jim as if he was the best FBI agent in the world.
“I thought I threw these away,”whispered S. Hamilton.  His face got as red as a tomato and it looked as if he wasn't telling Jim and Bob something.
“ What was that?”asked Bob.
“Nothing,”replied S. Hamilton. “Take these and throw them away.”
S. Hamilton handed back the food clamps and told Jim and Bob to leave him alone.  Jim and Bob did as told, but thought the food clamps were a vital clue to catching the crook.  They walk down the hall and look for a DNA testing room.  After finally finding one they called the commander to send a professor over to help them.  The commander did as told and in a flash the  professor  arrived.  He had a huge round face with a white bushy moustache and white poofy.  He looked just like Albert Einstein.  The professor got the clamps and laid them on the table.  He took out some baby powder, a tiny paintbrush, a black piece of construction paper, and some clear scotch tape.  The professor gently sprinkled the baby powder on the food clamps’ handles and brushed away the excess powder.  Jim and Bob observed with amazement as if it was magic.  I don’t know why they couldn't do this themselves, it isn't all that complicated.  Anyway, then the professor put a piece of scotch tape on the fingerprints and then took it off.  The fingerprint was on the tape,  the then professor stuck the tape on the paper.
“Done!”exclaimed the professor in a creepy voice.
“Thanks professor”said Jim in amazement, “that was amazing.”
“I best be off,”exclaimed the professor.  He packed all his stuff and left the room.
“Now what?”asked Bob.
“We take the fingerprint to the commander and tell him to compare them to the fingerprints of all the agents’”explained Jim.
“But then the commander will have to call the professor again to get the fingerprints of all the agents,”responded Bob as confused as ever.
           “Come on Bob,”grunted Jim. “He already has the fingerprints.”
          “But how? “asked Bob
“When you apply for a job, the ak for fingerprints!”shouted Jim.                                                                                                                                             
          “Ahhh,”said Bob.
         Jim grabbed Bob and pulled him until they reached headquarters.  There they showed the fingerprint to the commander.  They told the commander all about S. Hamilton and the food clamps.  The commander listened carefully and once again did what Jim and Bob said.  The commander reached into his desk and took out all the fingerprints of each and every FBI agent.  After five hours of looking through they finally found a match.  The thief is S. Hamilton.  The commander then rushed to Area 57 with Jim and Bob trailing him.  They entered the room where S. Hamilton was sitting in and arrested him.  Jim and Bob be a me the heroes of the U.S.
Why was S. Hamilton Guilty?
              S. Hamilton was the one who stole the secret spray.  S. Hamilton joined the FBI to have access to Area 57.  Once everybody went home he stayed and stole the spray.  Since it was experimental he tested it on one the animals in the desert.  What he didn’t know was that once you spray an animal, the entire species of the animal disappears.  Soon the government found out, but S. Hamilton couldn’t quit the FBI or else he would become the main suspect.  The commander choose him to hire Jim and Bob and S. Hamilton had no other choice.  All the evidence showed that he was guilty and was sentenced to 132 years in prison.

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