Mystery of the Man Bun | Teen Ink

Mystery of the Man Bun

January 7, 2016
By Anonymous

Jeremy was a young man. He was probably around the age of twenty and he had a dog he loved almost as much as he loved himself. He named his dog Ted. Jeremy had lived in places all around the world, and never really settled in one spot. Jeremy was always seeking for better and new things. There was only one thing that he kept the same, and that was his man bun. He bragged about his bun to everyone! Many longed for a bun as luscious as his, but not many could succeed. One day he got a call from an agent asking for all of the young men (about the age of twenty) to come out to his audition for a toothpaste commercial. The winner would take a trip to the Bahamas to shoot the commercial. Jeremy thought that it was worth a shot, so he went to the audition. Jeremy showed up to the audition, man bun and all. As soon as he walked in, he was directed to a room. The room had pictures of toothpaste all over it. Jeremy was so excited for his audition and a chance to get discovered. Before he went into the audition, he asked to go over lines with someone. He asked the guy to his left what his name was, and he said his name was Donny. Better yet, Donny the Dog Sitter. Donny the Dog Sitter went over his lines with Jeremy.
Donny wanted this part so badly. Donny was so determined to get this part. He watched dogs full time until the day he hoped he would get his “big break.” He wanted to quit babysitting, but he couldn’t yet. He had to get enough money to provide for himself and study scripts and acting full time. Jeremy was about to go into his audition when Donny told him all of this. Jeremy felt bad, but wanted this part so badly as well. He wanted to go to the Bahamas to shoot a toothpaste commercial. He went in, and nailed his audition! Then, it was Donny’s turn. He was pale and sweating buckets of sweat. Donny came out crying because he forgot his lines, and thought he had ruined his chances of becoming an actor.  After the auditions, they found out Jeremy got the job. They said that they were looking for someone with a man bun, and Jeremy was the perfect fit. Donny the Dog Sitter was so angry. He was so mad that Jeremy got the job because of his hair. Because he got the job, he had to fly out to the Bahamas the next day, and needed someone to watch his beloved dog, so he said to Donny,
“Would you like to dogsit Ted, my dog, for me?”
“Of course,” said Donny.
That day Donny came over to Jeremy’s house and Jeremy explained how to take care of Ted. He also gave Donny a key to get into the house. Donny left the house, and just as he left, there was a knock on the door. It was his brother Simon who had come to congratulate Jeremy on his job. Jeremy could just tell in his eyes how jealous he was of him. He honestly didn’t have time to deal with this right now. He had the the Bahamas to pay attention to. It got really dark outside after Donny left the house, so Jeremy decided to call it a night. Jeremy tucked himself into bed, and fell asleep. When he was asleep, there was a key wiggling and turning the lock. The front door creaked open, and a man walked though. He walked up the stairs, and chopped off the man bun. He ran out, and suddenly Jeremy woke up. He didn't notice anything and went right back to bed. He woke up in the morning to get ready for the Bahamas and looked in the mirror. His bun was gone! Jeremy had an anxiety attack, and was very perplexed.
“Who would do such a thing,” He screamed.
He had worked all of his life to get this bun, and if he got the job because of the bun, what would they do now that he doesn't have a bun? Jeremy didn't want to find out. Jeremy picked up the phone, and called his mom. He told her all that happened and she asked him if anything was stolen. He said that everything was left just the way that it was placed before, so he doesn't think that anyone broke in, but he was very unsure. What could have happened to it? Did it just fall off, or was it a dream? Jeremy aimed to find out. He looked around his room for clumps of hair, but didn't see anything. He had a flight to catch, but couldn’t go like this. Jeremy went to Great Clips and got his hair fixed up. After that, he jumped off of the plane and headed to the Bahamas. He was hoping no one would notice he was missing his man bun, and that he would get through the commercial just fine.
Jeremy pulled up to the hotel. When he went to go check in, they wouldn’t let him to his room, because the man described was a man with a man bun, and he no longer had one of those. This day already wasn't going to good. Jeremy couldn't even get into his hotel, so what was he going to do? He walked over to the motel down the street, asked for an overnight stay, and was content. The next morning he got up for the photo shoot, and got ready. He gelled his hair (what was left) and made it as close to a man bun as he could (which wasn't very close at all) Then he ate breakfast and went to the photoshoot. Once he got there, he automatically got pampered like a prince. He really enjoyed that part. He liked the fact that they hadn’t said anything about his hair, and they hoped they wouldn't. The director walked in, looked Jeremy up and down, and yelled
“you’re fired!!” Jeremy cried, and slowly walked out of the commercial shoot hoping they would change their minds and have him come back. They said they were going to call back everyone from the day before, and completely re do auditions. Jeremy wished that he could re do his audition, and he really missed his hair. He did really love himself, and he thought he was the best person in the world,  but without the man bun, he thought he was mediocre. He went to his Motel Six and went to bed. The next morning, he got a plane flight and flew back home. He was determined to figure out what happened to his bun, and if someone chopped it off, he would sue them. He would have no mercy on them. That bun was so important and because it was gone, someone was going to pay.
Jeremy walked in the front door of his house and saw Donny and Ted playing tug of war. He knew that Ted was well taken care of, and that made him happy. He loved his dog so much, and if his dog was mistreated, he wasn't sure what he would do because he was angry, he began to explain the story to Donny until his brother, Simon walked in. He now had to retell the whole thing. But something told him that Simon did it. Simon was always jealous of him, since day one, and he always wanted the opportunities that Jeremy had. He was confident it was him. He saw the guilt in his eyes. The way that he walked in the front door just told Jeremy something, and so he became angry. He started throwing books and screaming uncontrollably and Simon didn't know what to do except stand there. He was about to get the cops called on him by his own brother, and that was an awkward situation that no one would ever want to be in.
He couldn’t help to wonder why Simon would do such a thing, but he was so angry that there was no way that he could stop to think. SImon was supposed to support him through his acting career. After all, Simon was his brother, the only brother Jeremy had. The one who helped him with his homework, and the one who would fight off the monsters in Jeremy’s dreams. He wasn't the one who would cut apart his acting career. That wasn’t his personality. That wasn’t who he was. He was always a good brother. At least up until this point, when he chopped off the man bun that caused him to lose his job. That is where he was wrong.
Simon invited Jeremy over for dinner because he knew he was upset. He didn't know that Jeremy had caught on to the fact that he knew he cut off his bun, so Jeremy assumed that Simon just felt bad. Jeremy went because he wanted to search for his luscious locks. When Jeremy showed up, Simon had a sneaky look on his face and he looked frantic.
     “I wasn’t expecting to see you so early,” said Simon
     “I thought you said five thirty,” said Jeremy with a smirk
     “No, I said six thirty, but it is okay.”
Jeremy had done this on purpose, he was going to catch him with the man bun. He knew he would. He had to, because he needed to know if this was a person he could trust, and clearly right now, he couldn’t. Jeremy walked into the door and ran to the restroom. The only restroom was in Simon’s room. He searched through the whole room, and could not find a man bun anywhere. When he was walking towards the door to leave his room, he saw the knob start to turn, so he pulled himself together to look casual.
“What on earth are you doing Jeremy?!”
“Nothing Simon, just using the restroom.”
“You took quite a while.”
“Sorry Simon. I wasn’t doing anything, I promise.”
“How did you use the Bathroom?”
“The door is locked, so you couldn’t have gotten in.”
“Well, I.. umm”
“That's what I thought, why were you REALLY in here?”
“Because I know what you did.”
“What did I do?”
“Don’t act dumb.”
I’m not acting, I seriously don’t know what is going on.”
“My man bun.. IT'S GONE! I know you did something. You have always been jealous of me, ever since we were little kids.”
“What are you talking about Jeremy, I would never do that.”
“That’s what they all say.”
“I honestly didn’t, and I don't know what I can do to make you believe me.”
“Then who did it?”
“I don't know, but I do know that it wasn’t me. I am willing to help you though.”
Simon strapped on his boots and put on his coat and headed outside, and Jeremy followed him. Simon was going to prove that it wasn’t him. He hopped in his car, and took Jeremy back to his house. They hadn’t even eaten dinner, but it was okay, because Simon was determined to find out who did this. When he dropped Jeremy off, he asked Simon to pick up the house key. Simon drove up to Donny’s house, and got the key back. When he walked in, he saw a pile of dark hair in the shape of a bun. That was odd, because he had never seen a bun laying on someone's floor. But then, it clicked! He called Jeremy and told him the whole story. Jeremy was furious, and immediately called the cops. He explained it all to them not leaving out a single detail. They arrested Donny the Dog Sitter, and he was taken to jail. The cops went into Donny’s house, and got the man bun out. While he was getting the bun, he saw thousands of man buns around this house, and got really creeped out. They returned each bun to every man who had gotten their bun chopped off. One of the men said that he had known Donny, and Donny was always angry because he couldn’t grow a bun, and everyone else could, so he went around chopping them off.
Jeremy called the acting company about the situation, and explained what had happened. They gave him his job back, and he got to fly out to the Bahamas again. Jeremy had Simon watch his dog this time, and had nothing to worry about. Right? No, wrong Donny was furious as well, and wanted revenge. Donny snuck out of jail and went onto Jeremy’s porch. Simon saw him, and tried calling the cops but it was too late. The damage was already done. Jeremy no longer had a garden or a porch. Everything in sight of Donny was destroyed. He kicked and punched things and even chopped them down. He broke the windows and chopped a hole in the deck. Just wait until Jeremy got back, he would sure have something to say...

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