Strange Town | Teen Ink

Strange Town

January 14, 2016
By Lexiordia BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
Lexiordia BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walked into the gates of a small town of the outskirts of Texas. When we started unloading our things from the car, my sister said, “Where is everybody?” We all looked around, nothing. I walked around for a little bit trying to take in my surroundings as my new “home”. Then out of nowhere it suddenly went from cloudy dusky dawn to pitch black dark. I mean we could barely see anything it was so black. The Sun was hiding and was nowhere to be found. We heard someone scream, “Get in your house, they are coming!” My family looked at one another in utter confusion and out of fear of the unknown we all scurried into our newly bought house.

After about 10 minutes of sitting in total darkness, “I wish the electricity company would come fix the electric…” said my mother. I couldn’t think about the electric, I was more concerned with the fact that a man just yelled that something was coming. What was coming? Why was no one outside? What is up with this strange town? A shadow from outside stopped my train of thought. I stared at the moon light coming in through the window as it covered the tan carpet in front of it with its bright light. The shadow that had caught the glimpse of my eye had disappeared within the blink of an eye. As I watched the carpet covered in moonlight, a dark shadow speed across the window. I slowly stood up and walked over to the window. I peeked outside and scanned the area outside of our “home”. Nothing.


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