The Mysterious Man | Teen Ink

The Mysterious Man

January 20, 2016
By Anonymous

So many things come to my mind when I think about dying. The main thing I think about is how it will happen. I worry if I will die in peace or if I will suffer, if there will be a tragic accident or if it will be a bloody murder. Then one day all my wondering came to an end.
It was a Thursday afternoon and I had just got home from a long, stressful day at work. My husband was gone on a call, because he is a fireman and so I knew I would be home alone for the evening. I walked through the front door, and set down all my bags on the ivory painted wood bench in my mudroom. I was pretty hungry so the first thing that came to mind as soon as I walked through the door was food. What was I going to make for dinner? I thought about it as I opened up the refrigerator and noticed that there were slim pickings. I then closed the door of the fridge and walked over to the landline which was located right next to the phonebook.” Hmmm,” I thought. I opened the yellow cover of the book and started skimming the pages. I wasn’t quite sure what I was craving so I decided on just “winging it.” I opened up to the second page of restaurants located on my side of town and closed my eyes. I swirled my hand around above the book and just pointed my hand down towards the page. When my pointer finger touched the page I opened my eyes. It had landed on a small thai food place that was located about six blocks from my home. I picked up the phone and dialed the number. I ordered my usual as I would from any thai place, and then waited the 20 minutes because it would only take about 5 or so minutes to get there.
I went to my bedroom to change out of my work clothes and picked out my comfiest pair of sweatpants I own. I through them on and then proceeded to go back down the stairs where I sat on the couch and watched 10 minutes of my favorite Netflix series, One Tree Hill. The clock told me that it was time to go so I got up from the couch and went to the hooks where I kept my keys. I didn’t bother locking the door because I knew I would be home within the next 15 minutes. I walked off the porch and got into my car and drove off. Looking back I saw a car that was parked about a block from my house, and I had never seen it before. I didn’t think much of it just thought it was a little strange but continued my drive to the restaurant. 
I had arrived and I was so hungry that I opened the cardboard container and started to munch on the noodles, picking them up with my fingers and slurping them into my mouth. I can remember seeing an ambulance going by me, and the first thing I thought about was my husband, and how much I wished he would be home tonight to eat the delicious thai food with me. I arrived in my driveway and put the car in park. I opened the car door slowly trying to balance the paper bag of food with one hand, and my lunch box that I had forgotten in the front seat with the other. I walked up the steps and into the house, hung my keys up, and went to the kitchen to sit at the island to eat. I looked across the the room and noticed that there were red droplets of a liquid all along the floor and onto the counter. I started to panic, and I din’t have any idea what to do. I walked around the island back into the living room and there it was, just a trail of this red stuff on the ground. From what I could see it looked like blood, but it had pieces of something in it, sort of like flesh. I ran over to the phone and started to dial 911 when I realized the line had been cut by something. I then ran over to my cellphone slipping on the polished floor and landing face first on the the shag rug of my living room. As I lifted up my head I saw feet right in front of me. I lifted my head and there it was. This person was wounded badly. Half of his face looked as if it hard torn off because if was just there, hanging and bleeding. I screamed and started to push myself in the other direction. He put his foot down onto my hair causing me to lay there without being able to move. He put his hand down around my neck and pulled me up to his level. I was gasping for air and couldn’t seem to catch my breath. He looked me right in the eyes, and I cried, tears just started to roll down my face. His eye was so big, and blue. I could see the muscles of his face all out in the open. there was no skin covering them. He lifted his hand up, and in it was a knife. He pushed it into the side of my skull and pulled down making a cut. Then peeled and pulled until I could see the skin of my forehead just laying in front of my eyes. He threw me down onto the ground, and I hit my head off the corner of the wall. I can remember feeling slicing of my skin and then blood. I saw blood all around me. I felt light headed, and then everything went black and my life was flashing in front of my eyes.

The author's comments:

This piece was insipired by my class field trip to Body World

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