A Night on Ghost Mountains | Teen Ink

A Night on Ghost Mountains

January 21, 2016
By M.Seagrist BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
M.Seagrist BRONZE, Souderton, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

~ The more you stare into the dark, the more you can see someone staring back ~

The rumble and hum of an engine filled the air as a 1974 Gran Torino cruised down the long flat road. The lane was flanked by tall green oaks and dense underbrush. The trees made a tunnel over the long dark stretch of macadam. The only things that could be seen past the bushes and hearty trunks were shadows. The darkness seemed be everywhere and it felt alive and evil. The moon shined full and bright that late autumn evening.  In the driver's seat sat Hank with his friend, Howie, beside him.  Two teens looking for adventure and unafraid of what could lie beyond the confines of the car. In the back seats sat Jill and Betty, the respective girlfriends of the guys sitting up front. They wait excited but unsure.
“Would someone please tell me again why are we going to Ghost Mountain?” Betty asked.
“Because why not. This is where all the fun happens,” replied Howie. “We've explored Ghost Mountain dozens of times.”
“Yeah. Besides, I want to see if any of the legends are true,” Hank quipped.
“Uh, what legends?” Jill asked, a bit of fear starting to creep into her voice.
“They say there are legends of clans of albinos or vampires up here. They are said to be reclusive, violent, territorial, and just plain mysterious. There are even tales of ghost stories and murderers.  This area is like a horror movie come to life,” Hanks replied with an excited grin. 
Betty and Jill just exchanged glances of concern and just sat back into the leather seats. The next few minutes passed by in silence. As Betty looked out the window, up in the tree stared 3 pairs of glowing red eye burning with hatred. She let out a terrified scream and looked away, trying to block out the menacing sight from her mind. Her sudden shriek startled the rest and nearly caused Hank to nearly swerve out of control.
“What is it?” Howie asked.
“Eyes. Three pairs of eyes.  In the tree. What were they?” she stammered.
“What are you talking about? There was nothing there. You must be seeing things. ”
“But you said there's creepy stuff out here. Ghosts, murders, albinos, weird stuff like that.”
“Yeah, but I've never seen anything like that. Besides, those are just stories. You should just relax, it was probably nothing.”
They rode in silence for a few minutes before the  trees suddenly disappeared as the forest turned into fields of fresh cut corn. The land was flat, except for a small ridge by the side of the road. In the hill beside the road laid five root cellars. Each held closed by a large wood door and an old heavy padlock. Hank pulled the car over and the surrounding countryside went quiet with the turn of his key.
“Why are we stopping?” demanded Betty.
“Because it's a bunch of old creepy root cellars with not a property around for miles.”
“Like I said, why are we stopping?”
“Just get out of the car. Howie get the crow bar out of the trunk.”
Howie and Hank approached the first dilapidated structure. They could then see how old and neglected the structure was. It was covered in moss and the stones of the frame were cracked. The lock looked rusted but still held the doors firmly shut. Behind them trailed Jill while Betty stood by the car, shivering from freight and the cold fall air. As the two daring young men started to yank and pry on the door, a bloodcurdling scream erupted from the inside of the cellar. It filled their ears and their blood ran as cold as ice. Hank, Howie, and Jill sprinted back to the car to find Betty already inside, shaking and crying. The car roared to life and took off down the road.
“I have no clue what that was, but whoever put whatever that was down there is obviously not playing with a full deck” Hank exclaimed, trying to get his breathing under control. “I think that's enough adventure for one night. I'll just take us back the way we came, it's the fastest way.”
With no objections, they cruised back through the dark tunnel of branches. They rode in silence for a few minutes under the dark canopy. Suddenly a large bang rocked the car. The car rumbled and shook until it rolled to a stop in the middle of the abandoned road. Betty started to scream and shake, becoming more and more hysterical. The rest were not fairing much better.
“Get us out of here!” Jill shrieked.
“Yeah man, come on. I’m getting really freaked out. I just want to go home!” Howie pleaded. 
“I’m trying! The engine won’t start,” Hank hurriedly exclaimed as he tried to revive their one chance of escape.
Hank fruitlessly turned the key again and again. The electric starter whined and sputtered. The machinery could be heard inside spinning and clanking, but the engine refused to catch. After turning the key for the fifth time, the front passenger side window exploded into hundreds of pieces of glass as a baseball sized rock soared through it. It landed in Howie's lap. On the rock, written in blood, was one word: LEAVE. Howie started to scream as he hurriedly threw the disgusting object out the now busted window.
“Go! Go! Go! We need to leave now!”
“Do you not see me turning this key?” Hank retorted.
Suddenly a large thump was heard from the back of the car. Everyone looked back to see a large grotesque man on top of the trunk, face pressed up against the rear window glass. He had large red eyes, shaggy brown hair, and pale sickly skin. He opened his mouth to reveal a set of gnarled black teeth. Everyone screamed, but none louder than Betty whose earsplitting shriek echoed through the forest. They only became more hysterical as the strange man started to pound on the glass. His larger meaty fist made a loud thump every time it hit the pane of glass. Hank frantically turned the key once more and the engine luckily roared to life. He hastily floored the accelerator and the old muscle car ripped down the road. The large stranger fell in a heap as the car took off from under him. Then he stood up and stared at the pair of red lights quickly growing fainter in the distance. He could still hear the screams of the people inside. A small smile of satisfaction crept across his twisted and ugly face. Two men, just has ugly and with skin just as pale, crept out of the woods. Their eyes shown red and they too had misshapen grins. The trio took one long look at the pair of red dots disappearing down the road before slipping into the dark forest from which they came.

The author's comments:

This article takes a lot of inspiration from stories my dad told me. When he was growing up during the 70's and 80's he would drive up with his friend to Ghost Mountain which is an actual place. He told me stories of the root cellars and something screaming from the inside as well as the car getting hit by something when they were in the middle of an empty field. I embellished some of the details to make a coherent plot.

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