The Normal Family | Teen Ink

The Normal Family

March 11, 2016
By minibus BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
minibus BRONZE, Papillion, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     The Normal family, you would think that’s because they are just the normal family with a dad mom and a son. That’s funny, their last name might be a little deceiving. No one has known this family longer than a couple months. The family that meets them always ends up “disappearing” or moving without anyone knowing.  No one is smart enough to even try to link this family to the disappearance of all the other families. The father has gone to 15 years of college for psychology, the mother is a nurse for the insane, and their son is a pure genius with studies of how the brain works and why it does what it does.

     “Mother, can I come with you to work today. I still have straight A’s in school and I’m not missing anything important.” Asked John the son.

     “……… hmmm did you finish your book for this week?” asked lee

    “Yes actually I finished it yesterday and scored a 100 on it! I really need to finish up my research for my college project.”

     “That’s due at the end of the year. You need to make sure you stay on top of the simple things. That’s where most start to lose themselves.” Said Erik the father.

     “Don’t make me laugh father, you know I can stay on top of it. I’m just extremely excited to be part of this research.”

     “I know you are son, just make sure you have a wraps on yourself. Honey could you start the car for us? I need to go upstairs and find my papers.” Erik asked lee with a nice smile.

      “No problem, john come put your stuff in my car if you want to come to work with me”

     As everyone got ready no one had any idea what this day turn out to be. Now I would love to spoil it but I think I might just slip a teaser, someone dies. Now let’s skip a few hours Erik is at the university to start his job of a professor for other doctors and Lee and John have made it to her work. John’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree on Christmas day.

     “Mom you know what’s funny? I’m pretty sure I learn more and take in more here than I do at school.”

     “This isn’t going to help you getting out of school every day john.”

They walk through a door and immediately get greeted through the front door.

      “Morning Nurse N!” said the receptionist.

      “Ah I see you brought doctor Jr with you today.” She said with a big smile on her face.

Everyone loves John’s company around the hospital. He knows the ropes almost better than anyone here and he actually helps around with nurses and he likes to follow his mom or some other doctor in the psychology department when he can. He loves to share his research and everything he has learned and what he’s going to do this week.

      “You know I really like that name, Doctor Jr.” he said with a big grin on his face. “
Hey mom is the psychology department open today? I would love to be their today.”

     “Let me go into my office and give them a call and I can see what I can do for you honey ok?”

    “Sounds good mom”

One of the head doctors saw john walking around greeting everyone.

      “Hey Doc., what are your plans for today? Got anything you need my help with?”

     “Actually yes I would love your help. I Need a doctor to take some research from one of the serial killers you guys have. Maybe one or two. The more you can get would be the better route for this.”

     “What is the research?”

     “It's all about the human brain and what goes on when certain things have been done to it and or that person has done something traumatic. How they will react when they read, hear, or watch something happen extremely bad or inhumane.”

    “Ok, ok. sounds like an interesting one, i will see who i can get approved for this. We did just get a new couple people. They are High security so i will be busy but i will be talking to your mom and some other doctors to help you out when i can. ok?”

    “Awesome that sounds amazing! Please do be careful with these new guys. iv never heard of you guys getting such a high risk person like this before. are you guys able to detain him if necessary?”

    “yea we do he came with four more guards that are highly trained and look mean to. We will be fine” He said with a big smile.

Around 1:12 john’s mom walked back into her office where her son was working hard for his research.

      “hey, we got two patience done for you.” she said while smiling and handing him a little stack of papers.

     “Awesome!! That great now i can get even further on this. Dad will be so proud of me.”

    “Honey he would have been proud either way. your his son. Now i've been called down to see some patients for a couple hours. will you be fine here in my office?”

    “Could you get someone to get some food for me that would be great. that's all i will need.”

    “No problem honey. someone will come back with food. now just stay in my office until i come back ok?”

    “Ok momma.”

    Skipping ahead a few hours later around 4 ish john was starting to get worried about his mom and where she is at. He saw a couple of guards jogging down the hall where his mom went. He sat back down and calmed himself. 15 minutes later a siren started to go off. In the very distant he could hear screaming. like someone was getting brutally murdered. He saw some guards running back towards him and one of the guards saw him.

    “ Are you John?!”

    “ye-yea why?! wheres my mom?”

    “I've been told to get you out of this building grab your stuff and follow me please”

    “Where is my mom?”

    “She told me to come get you and get you outside immediately!”\

The guard didn't want to tell him that his mom was brutally murdered and spread around a room like she was paint. John could kinda pick up that something was wrong. He acted like he was getting his stuff and when he did he sprinted down the white halls. He’s never ran this fast in his life. He got to the room where his mom usually is and saw that the door was open.

    “What the hell?” He said under his breath.

He could here the guard running down the hall after him. he didn't care, he wanted to know that his mom was ok.

The room looked to be empty, he started to walk in it when he could smell something funny. he couldn't tell exactly what it was but when he got through the door his heart sank his stomach started to get sick and his eyes widened.

All across the wall was chunks of a person and guts and insides of the person. He saw the body and it looked like it was what his mom was wearing. as the guard got their the kid saw his mom's head attached to a body that didn't exactly look like a body anymore.

    “KID I NEED YOU TO-” the guard started to say before it was interrupted by an inmate that got free.

“Is this your mom young lad?” He said with a sadistic laugh?

    john couldn’t say anything, he could only cry and weep.

    “Don't worry little one, you can join her, i know that's what you want.”

    “John was also angry, he's never lost anything in his life and he didn't like that, he saw what looked like the knife he used to chop up his mom.

He grabbed the knife and ran towards the man, he was rather large but wasn't expecting him to come at him with a knife. The first stab entered the man's stomach.

John than took it out and stabbed again, and again, and again, till the man fell down. Even when he was on the floor john got ontop of him and started stabbing him over and over again all over his body. a guard came by and saw what was happening.

John was in such a rage that he dashed at the guard. The guard didn't even hesitate to unholster his weapon and point it at john. he fired off a shot but it only grazed john on the right arm. john got his next victim and proceeded to stab him endlessly.

He found it calming, and maybe thought that if he killed enough people that it could turn something around.

Funny, i thought this was a place to keep people safe and turn killers into normal people or at least show that killing and other things are wrong. All i know is that this feels good. He thought to himself while he walked down a hallway.

The next thing john knew is that he heard a loud pop noise and now feels nothing. cant move ,cant do anything. He falls to his knees and looks down, red fluid coming out of his stomach.

He was shot, a guard saw what he did, all of it and had to find a weapon. He found a 12 gauge shotgun. blew a hole straight into the back of john.

But what made it weirder was that he could still be on his knees and not dead right now. He started to feel a burning sensation, he looked down once more and saw the whole closing.

He started thinking to himself, What the hell!? Why am i doing this, what's happening to my body!?

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