The Pacifier | Teen Ink

The Pacifier

March 16, 2016
By Anonymous

“Don’t leave me!” She screamed, as her husband slammed the door. She turned her back against the door and fell into a heap on the floor and wept for what seemed like hours. She finally pulled herself together and went to go check on the baby. When she got to the room, she found the baby sleeping soundly, so she retreated to her own for a rest. The mother, was used to being awoken to the sound of a screaming, hungry baby, but this time she woke up to the sound of silence. She quickly jumped out of the bed onto the cold, hard floor, and ran towards the baby’s room to find him cold and lifeless. Then she realized, just a few seconds later, that she had accidentally put a pillow underneath the one week old baby. She thought to herself as she fell to the floor, that an eighteen year old cannot take care of a baby.

As she was laying in a mess on the floor from all her tears, she felt a cold breeze blow by her. The lights went out. It was pitch black. She stumbled for the light switch, but was tripped, by something… The shadows of the crib and dresser were the only things she could see. Suddenly something moved like a strike of lightning. She ran for her bedroom, fearing that someone was in her house. When she got to the bedroom, she heard the door lock behind her. She looked around, horrified, with the thought that she might not be alone in the room. It was then silent. Her heart was beating faster than ever before. Falling to the ground, she found that something had tripped her. She scrambled to get up. She leaped for the door handle, but it wasn't there anymore. She trembled in fear; she felt like the whole world was spinning around and around. She heard a whisper in her ear saying, "Momma."

She screamed, "It's alive!" Suddenly, something clutched her feet with un human like strength and she heard the sound of the door slamming behind her, there was nothing to do but scream. She felt the small, clingy, hands grasping her leg. Then she couldn't feel the floor anymore, it was the feeling of pointy, edgy stairs. As she was lost in her head, she felt as if she were being drug off the earth, by the devil himself. For she knew she was heading for the basement because of the two flights of stairs. Then, she felt the concrete floor. As the moonlight streamed out through the window, she could make out the faint silhouette of the wall.

Twenty years later, construction workers were coming to tear down the whole block to get a new company built in. They tore down the walls of her house to find bones in her basement walls, but the thing that was the most unusual, was the pacifier sitting by the bones.

The author's comments:

My friend Julia and I wrote this piece in our favorite class of the day: Creative Writing.  It was very easy to write a piece so good with the teacher like Mrs. Romey.  She is the best English teacher I have ever known. I often shower her with gifts, because she deserves every bit of it.

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