You're Next | Teen Ink

You're Next

April 8, 2016
By Maxxx98 BRONZE, Norwell, Massachusetts
Maxxx98 BRONZE, Norwell, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

       It was the hardest decision of my life. Each possible situation was so different than the others that after a period of debating with myself, I chose to, well, run away. Hopefully not forever, but at least for now. Terrified, I walk the streets of unfamiliar territory.  I see rows of houses that are lit up like the day. I see houses that are as dark as night itself. Most notably, I notice the amount of teenage kids who roam the streets at this time of night. Scattered amongst themselves, it seems as though these wanderers are victims just like I am.
       Only thirty minutes ago, I remember sitting in bed as my mom was making my favorite meal: Bacon Jalapeno Mac N Cheese. All was good. I was about to have the feast of my dreams while I watch the new episode of Scream Queens. It was only once a week that my mom would make this so called “five pounder”, so I really enjoyed it when that seventh day would come. But as she came to the flight of the stairs to call me down, it happened.
        My step-dad came home. There was always something about him that made him sketchy.  Sometimes he comes in the middle of the night sweating profusely and the weird part is I don’t even know what his job is. This particular night though, he brought home more than just his usual small briefcase. As I kept my eyes locked on him, I saw that he was holding his phone in one hand and in the other a picture-a picture of some woman. I couldn’t tell who but my nature of curiosity drove me to the edge of the stairs where I could hear it all uncoil as he entered the front door.
I heard my mom stutter,
        "Hello...sweetie, how was work?"
I could just picture in my head my mom staring at the strange picture of this woman, wondering what is happening. There was a moment of silence.
        "Honey, is everything alright? Should I ge"
        "Her name was Georgia." My dad interrupted with a low, creepy voice.
        "Umm what abou"
        "Darling, there's some things I've been hiding from you and our girl. Well, you see, I'm a... a murderer"
        At that moment, time stopped. I stopped. My mother stopped. My father was now silent. Yet, all of a sudden I hear a whisper: a whisper that marked the beginning of the end.
"Georgia is at the bottom of Long Lake...and you're next."
Before I could even process those words, I hear screaming, I hear crying. I hear my mother getting strangled. I had to do something, anything, so I got up immediately. Nearly having a full on heart attack I jerk my body left and right, until I catch sight of my phone. I stop. I stare. All I can do is stare. For 10 seconds, I just stare. When I notice an abrupt pause of screaming, I suddenly hear a faint voice coming from downstairs.
      "You're next".
       I throw the phone down and run.

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