The stolen money | Teen Ink

The stolen money

April 11, 2016
By Anonymous

Last Friday, Rahim was on his way to school. He could hear the birds chirping in cold fresh air and it was a sunny day. Suddenly, Rahim bsaw a bag. He was suspicious. But he was not brave enough to open it up. However, after a few minutes, Rahim finally had the courage to see what was inside the bag.

To his surprise, the bag contained a lot of money! He looked around to see if it was someone's belonging. Unfortunately, he could only see nobody. Rahim knew he was late for school. But at the same time, he was eager to know the truth. He was determined to send the bag to the police station.

At the police station, the policeman praised and thanked him for helping. The policeman said he would investigate what was the money all about. He told Rahim to go back home and rest his mind. The policeman said he would inform Rahim if there were any news.

Rahim continued his walk to school. It was 9 o'clock in the morning when he finally arrived at school. The principal, Encik Ahmad asked him why he came late. Rahim explained everything very carefully to the principal. Encik Ahmad did not believe him. The principal was very angry and said it was all  excuses made by Rahim to escape from getting any warning. He told Rahim to go back to his class and meet him at the discipline room during recess. 

At 10 o'clock, Rahim quickly went to the discipline room. He was afraid but he needed to face the reality at the same time. As Rahim came into the principal's room, he saw a familiar face sitting opposite the principal. It was the policeman he met at the police station earlier this morning. The policeman said he had explained everything to the principal, Encik Ahmad. Encik Ahmad understood everything and apologized to Rahim. The policeman informed Rahim that the money he found in the bag had something to do with a robbery that happened few days ago. He thanked Rahim again for his cooperation. Rahim was ecstatic that he had  helped a policeman.

The author's comments:

I had thought about the incident that happened in my neighbourhood last weeks and I thought its interesting.

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