The Unforgetable Getaway | Teen Ink

The Unforgetable Getaway

April 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Dolly was always a good kid she never really did anything worth getting in trouble over, she is trusted by her friends and family. Dolly grew up in the small town of Fayetteville, North Carolina. She was raised in a fairly liberal home, her parents weren’t very religious. Dolly and her sister Whitney looked a lot alike, they weren’t twins but they had a lot of the same features. Both of the girls have blonde hair and blue eyes. The only difference between the two was that Whitney loved to party and stay out all night and Dolly was the good kid. Dolly wanted to remove herself from her sister’s partying ways, so that’s why she chose to go to UCLA to become a doctor.

It was Dolly’s final year in college and she wanted to go on a camping trip with her friends. They decided that they were gonna go camping in the San Gabriel Mountains for the weekend. When Dolly and her friends arrived at the campsite the guys started to set all the tents up while her and her friend Tisha prepared their lunches. Tisha and Dolly have been friends since they were little girls and they both ended up going to UCLA. Tisha had really curly black hair and a very kind heart, although if anyone messed with her friends or family you would see a side to her you wished you'd not awoken. As the two prepared food Dolly saw something moving out of the corner of her eye. she looked up and saw what looked like a person standing there, she closed her eyes for a second then opened them again and the figure was gone. She didn't think about it and continued making the food. When the food was finished Tisha and Dolly called everyone to the table to eat. Tisha sat beside her boyfriend Ash. Ash was at UCLA on a football scholarship, he was the star quarterback at his old high school. As Dolly sat down Tobias sat down right beside her, Dolly and Tobias have been friends since freshmen year of college. He was one of Dolly's best friends, he had short brown hair. The only problem with Tobias is his girlfriend Rachel, she wasn't really friends with any of Tobias's friends and none of them really liked her either she was just there because Tobias made her come. Rachel is the kind of girl who won't talk to someone because they don't have as much money as her, she was beautiful on the outside with her long golden hair but she was just a nasty person on the inside. When the group finished eating they decided they wanted to explore a little bit, as they were walking through the woods they heard something. They all stopped and got quiet then they realized what they heard was a scream they started to run towards where the scream was coming from. They ended up at a cave then a woman ran out, and she was being chased by a bear. She yelled at them telling them to run, they all turned and began to run as fast as they could to camp. The lady followed them, when they made it to camp they all jumped in the car and tried to start it but it wouldn't start. After realizing the bear wasn't after them anymore they got out of the car to see why it wouldn't start. When they raised the hood they saw that the cables had been cut, but how? They were at the camp the whole time, then they remembered they went exploring. But who could have cut the cables? Dolly suddenly remembered the figure that she had seen earlier and reality began to set in. These kids were not alone and they needed to figure out how to get off this mountain before it was too late.
Dolly told everyone what she had seen earlier and no one believed her, but she knew that if they stayed, the night would not end well. Dolly began to freak out because no one would listen to her, not even Tisha her best friend. Tisha took Dolly over to the table and set down with her and tried to calm her down and explain to her that she was probably just seeing things. After a few minutes of talking Dolly calmed down and went and talked to the lady they had met earlier. The lady's name was Francine, she was in her early 30's and taught kindergarten at a school in Los Angeles. She explained to them that she was going on a hike when she saw the cave and thought she'd see what was in it and that's when she found the bear. Tobias told her it was to late for her to go home now so she should just stay with them until morning. Rachel was not a big fan of the idea so her and Tobias fought about it for at least 30 minutes but she eventually got over it. By the time they all got done talking about what had just happened it was about midnight, so they all called it a night.
At around three in the morning Dolly and Francine awoke to a scream. They left their tent and saw Rachel standing near a tree screaming, everyone was awake by now. They rushed over to her to see why she was screaming but they didn't have to ask. They looked up to see three dead raccoons hanging from the tree. Then they heard a bang and looked over to see a man standing there in a dirty clown mask. Everyone began to run, the group rounded a curve and Francine tripped. Dolly tried to go back but Ash stopped her, he told her Francine had broken her ankle so she was just dead weight. So they just kept running and Francine started crying for help but help was not coming. Francine rolled over on her back to see that the stranger was only a few feet away. She began to scream but that wouldn't help. Her screaming was cut short when the man's machete was plunged into her stomach.
After running for what felt like an hour they stopped so everyone could catch their breath. Dolly thought about the figure she had seen earlier at the campsite, she wasn’t just seeing things. She had seen the strange man at the campsite, but no one believed her. They made her feel like she was going crazy, even her best friend thought she was crazy. They had realized that they had ran so far so fast that they had no idea where they had ended up. As they walked around trying to find their way back to the campsite they found a cabin.
“We should probably go in, this may be the safest place for us right now.” said Ash.
“Did it ever cross your mind that this may be the killers cabin?” said Dolly. Everyone got quiet for a second, and just looked at Dolly. “I’m just saying because in pretty much every horror movie the teens die when they go in the creepy cabin.” said Dolly.
“Dolly, honey, you really need to calm down, those are just movies this is real life.” said Tisha.
“All of you think I’m crazy, but I’m right, I saw that man at our campsite earlier and none of you believed me, and because of that someone had to die! So I’ll go in the cabin but when someone dies it’s on you guys.” said Dolly.
When they opened the door to the cabin they couldn’t see anything because it was so dark. Tobias felt up and down the wall until he found the light switch. When the light came on they saw that the cabin was fully furnished, so someone had to be living here.
“Guys maybe Dolly was right.” said Rachel.
“Oh so now you wanna be nice…” Dolly was cut short.
“Why are you being so rude Dolly, she is on your side.” said Tisha.
“After four years of being bullied by her I want nothing to do with her, she’s mean and nasty, so no I’m not gonna be nice and if anyone has anything to say about it you might as well say it now!” Dolly shouted furiously.
No one said anything at first because they had never seen this side of Dolly before, she was always so nice.
“Dolly you’re seriously out of line you need to back off.” said Ash.
“No you need to back off you have no room to talk you let some poor woman die out there, you could have helped her but no she’s just “dead weight” so no Ash I will not back off!” Dolly shouted.
The arguing was cut short by the blackness. Rachel began to scream but Tobias covered her mouth, everyone was freaking out. Then there was a sort of screeching noise and everyone looked at the window to see the man standing there dragging his machete down the window with his head sort of c***ed to the side. He shattered the window and everyone ran to the nearest room, but Ash stayed and tried to fight. He swung at the man but the man grabbed his arm and threw him up against the wall. As Ash tried to get up the man took one good swing and sliced through, separating his head from his body. After the strange man killed Ash he just walked out of the cabin. When he left Tobias left the room to find Ash’s body laying there without a head then he looked to the left a few feet and there was Ash’s head. Tobias ran back into the room and told everyone what he saw.
“No he can’t be dead.” said Rachel.
“If you don’t believe me go look for yourself.” said Tobias.
Rachel left the room that she was in and went into the living room. Seconds later she began to scream and cry because she had seen Ash’s dead body. Tisha went into the living room and grabbed Rachel and took her outside to calm her down. After Rachel calmed down her and Tisha went back into the house where everyone is.
“Guys we need to get off this mountain before anyone else dies.” said Tobias.
“Where are we gonna go, we don’t know how to get back to camp so how do you expect us to get off this mountain?” asked Tisha.
“I’m with Tobias we need to get off this mountain but we have to stick together.” said Dolly.
“You expect me to get anywhere near you after you yelled at me for being on your side!” yelled Rachel.
“Listen I don’t need your help to get back home I just figured you’d wanna live instead of being brutally murdered by some freak in a clown mask!” argued Dolly.
Rachel didn’t say anything else. What was left of the group left the cabin and began to walk.
“Guys we’ve been walking forever, can we please stop?” asked Rachel.
“Do you wanna get off this mountain or not?” argued Dolly.
“I wanna take a break is what I wanna do.” said Rachel.
“Guys stop arguing.” said Tobias.
“Shhh, do you guys hear that?” asked Tisha.
“Run!” yelled Tobias.
Everyone began to run. The man in the clown mask was running towards them and he wasn’t slowing down. The group came to an old swinging bridge that stretched over a canyon, they had no choice but to cross it. As they began to run across the man stopped and started to cut the ropes holding the bridge up. When one of the ropes snapped it jolted to the right and Rachel slipped. Tisha went to grab her but lost her grip when she reached for her. Tobias and Dolly couldn’t do anything to help and Tisha and Rachel fell to the bottom of the canyon which was at least a 100 foot drop. They had forgotten that the man was standing there, but soon remembered when the second rope snapped. The bridge crashed into the canyon wall and almost knocked the two off. Tobias and Dolly had to climb what was left of the bridge to the top of the canyon. When they got to the top they were met by the man in the mask. But how they were on the other side of the canyon, then they looked to the across to see that the man was still standing there. Then they realized that this is how the man knew where they were. There had been two killers all along, they looked exactly alike. But before they could do anything one of the killers hit them both in the head with the handle of his machete and knocked them out.
Dolly woke with a piercing headache. She looked around at her surroundings but she didn’t know where she was. She tried to break the ropes that bound her wrists but they wouldn’t snap. She looked over at Tobias who was still out cold.
“Tobias please wake up.” whispered Dolly.
After a few tries Tobias woke up, but it was too late the killers were already there. one of them grabbed Dolly and the other grabbed Tobias, Dolly began to scream. Tobias knew he had to do something, but what?
“Kill me, just let her go, she won’t tell.” said Tobias.
“No.” grunted one of the killers.
“I promise I won’t tell” negotiated Dolly.
“Untie her wrists and take her to the opening of the cave.” said the other killer.
So the man untied her and took her to the cave entrance, but she wasn’t leaving without Tobias. Dolly elbowed the man in the stomach and grabbed his machete, she then shoved it through his face. Dolly ran as fast as she could back through the cave trying to remember which way the man took her. She made her way back to the large room but Tobias was not there. In front of her was a long hallway, that had to be the way Tobias went. As she made her way down the hall she came to a door, she slowly opened it and found Tobias laying on a table. Dolly ran over to him, he was still alive but unconscious. When she tried to wake him up she was thrown to the side. As she rolled over she saw the man, so she tried to run. The man grabbed her by the leg but she kicked him and let go. But she couldn’t get away fast enough, the man grabbed her again but this time they both fell. Dolly felt a warmness then realized that the man had fallen on her machete. She pushed the man off of her then got up and went over to Tobias and woke him up. They both walked to the entrance of the cave then remembered this is where they had met Francine. So they made their way back to camp and followed the road back down the mountain.      

The author's comments:

This is probably my favorite story I've ever written because I love things to do with horror.

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