The Child | Teen Ink

The Child

April 13, 2016
By Anonymous

Jane and Richard Taylor are what you could call the ‘perfect couple.’ They both have wonderful jobs, Richard is a lawyer and Jane is a labor and delivery nurse at the local hospital. The two were both catholic and all around wonderful people. Jane has always loved children, Richard too. The sweet couple tried for years to have a child but they couldn’t. The heartbreak of knowing they would never have a child was almost too much for them to bear. After a few months of depression, they decided to become foster parents. Jane and Richard were so excited when they got the call that a little boy named Silas would be living with them for a few months. “Silas is a five year old little boy, he was found abandoned” said the social worker. “How in the world could someone abandon their child?” asked Jane. “Well see, his parents had been murdered, we are still investigating the case, we are not quite sure what happened. Just be warned that Silas may have some mental trauma from his experience, he will need a lot of love and attention.” “I feel confident that my husband and I can give this little boy all the love he needs and deserves, I am looking forward to meeting him.” Jane hung up the phone and headed straight to the store to buy everything to decorate and accommodate her new little boy, Silas.

The day came and the social worker dropped little Silas off. He was a quiet boy, very reserved. Jane and Richard were so excited. “Silas here is your new room, aren’t you excited?” Jane asked.
“Yes.” Silas said.
“Do you like trucks and cars? I got you plenty.”
“No, I like my doll.”
“Oh what’s your doll’s name?”
“That’s a nice name.”
“Can I be alone?”
“Yes, sure.”
Slightly disappointed, Jane shut his door and went to the living room. She sat down beside her husband and started to cry.
“He must be so lonely and damaged” Jane said to her husband.
“It is okay honey, we can help him” said Richard.
Days and weeks went by and Silas never seemed to adjust to his new home. He stayed in his room and played with his Lucy doll and hardly ever spoke. Even the baby sitter said Silas was the best child she had ever watched, she almost forgot he was there! Jane and Richard thought Silas was just damaged from his parents death but that was not the case. One night, they heard the strangest whining sound. Jane woke up with a jerk and a yell, Silas was crouched in the corner with his doll, watching his foster parents. Jane tried to remain calm, she went to go pick Silas up and take him back to his room. He growled and took a bite out of her arm.
“Ouch! Silas what is wrong with you?!” Jane screamed. She fought trying to pick him up but he ran to his room, some of his foster Mother’s blood still around his mouth.
“Jane honey, come here. Just come here, let him go.” said Richard. Jane wept while her husband held her.
“Why? Why is this our life? All I have ever wanted is a child, my own child and I get this? A psycho child who attacked me!”
The broken Jane just laid on her husband until morning. They decided to call the social worker to come get Silas and take him to another foster home, Richard and Jane couldn’t handle it anymore. But that morning, as Jane was about to dial the social workers number, Silas took a strange twist.
“Good morning Mommy, is it okay that I call you Mommy?” said Silas with a smile.
“Uh, yes” Jane hung up the phone. “Yes Silas of course you can call me mommy!”
Jane’s heart was racing, no one had ever called her mommy, she was so excited. Richard went to work and Jane decided to stay home with Silas instead of calling the baby sitter that day. Jane was so happy with how Silas was acting, finally normal she thought, maybe they had helped him. They played and watched cartoons and they were having a great day. Jane decided she and her little foster child Silas were going to lay down and take a nap. Jane and Silas laid down in bed and Silas snuggled up against her.
Suddenly Jane was awoken by the pressure she felt on her chest.
“Wake up mommy” said Silas. Jane screamed, her foster child was sitting on her chest with his Lucy doll and his hands on my throat.
“Now Silas honey, get off of me.” said Jane fearfully. The look in the little boys eyes was not okay. Pure black, that’s how his eyes looked, just black. Silas was not a little boy at all, Silas was something else. In a deep voice, Silas said “Jane, you’re my fathers now.”
“Your fathers? Your father is dead!” Jane said.
“No, my real Father, his name is Lucifer.”
Jane’s heart sank, what was happening to her. She tried to get away but with every move she made his grip around her neck got tighter and tighter.
“But what about your parents? What happened to them?” asked Jane.
“Hahaha. Parents. I don’t have parents, I have a father, he is Lucifer, I am his demon dwelling on Earth to get what he really wants, souls” growled the demon. Then the grip got as tight as it could and Jane’s neck snapped. She was dead, the demon had won. A dark shadow came forth from the Lucy doll to retrieve Jane’s soul.
“Well done” said the dark shadow to the child “You’re work on earth is done, come home with me now.”
Richard came home to the horrific sight of his dead wife and no sign of the child. The child was never seen or heard from again. After the police investigation, with hardly any evidence to work with, the police suspected Richard guilty of the murder of his wife. He was sent to trial and sentenced prison for life. After a few weeks in prison, Richard received a letter. The letter had no return address. He opened it up and the letter read “Don’t miss her too much, I’ll be coming for you next. Love, Lucy.”

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