Blood Red Princess | Teen Ink

Blood Red Princess

April 21, 2016
By bubblyflower BRONZE, Austin, Texas
bubblyflower BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes we only see how people are different from us. But if you look hard enough, you can see how much we're all alike." -princess Jasmine

It came back to me bits and pieces at a time, the crying, the blood, the panic, and then the realization of what just happened. Everything happened so quickly.
I looked at the address again to make sure I was in the right spot. 12350 Wirlden road, yep I was in the right place. I walked up the brick pathway and gently knocked on the door with excitement. I looked around at my surroundings and decided that this had to be it. He had to be the one, he tells me I’m beautiful and he texts me all the time. I had never met him in person but, I knew that Brian and I are going to be together forever. I fixed my hair; I had to look perfect, especially because it was my first date. I had made a profile on a dating website a month ago; I was tired of my loveless life. I was eighteen, what kind of eighteen year old has never been on a date? My friends had told me stories about their love lives and I couldn't wait to tell them stories about mine. It was going to be perfect, he was going to have a clean house and be a gentleman. He would care about me and cook dinner for me. He would get to know me and we would be together forever. An older guy opened the door; he looked nothing like the picture on Brian’s profile.  
“Hi my name is Brian,” he said pulling me in for a hug.
“HI, my name is Amaris.” I said disappointed. He turned around and started walking inside; I waited to be invited in.
“Are you coming or not?” he asked rudely. I started walking inside slowly and took my shoes off at the door and stood in the doorway awkwardly. I looked at his house, messy and disorganized, but none of that matters when you’re in love.
“I ordered pizza, it should be here any minute,” he said.  I thought he was cooking dinner, but I guess pizza is fine too. The doorbell rang and he went to open the door and retrieved the pizza.
“That will be twenty-seven thirty four. “The pizza delivery guy said. Brian grabbed the pizza and looked at me.
“She’s the one paying, not me.” he said. I looked at him confused and he walked out of the room, leaving only me and the pizza guy. I pulled thirty dollars out of my purse and handed it to him.
“Keep the change.” I said walking into the kitchen to find Brian getting out a plate.
“Are you going to pay me back?” I asked calmly.
“No, you get to pay for the first date.” he said. I stayed quiet for a moment trying to think of what to say. Princesses don’t pay for first dates. If he isn’t treating me like the princess I am, then he isn’t a prince. I balled my hands in fists and tried to stay calm.
“Then why did we need three pizza’s, if it’s just us eating?” I asked.
“So I can have food for the next week.”  He said. My stomach growled, so I reached for a piece of pizza, but he smacked my hand away. “What do you think you are doing?” he asked.
“Getting pizza.” I said bluntly.
“I don’t think so,” he said. He stepped closer to me, looking me up and down, as if he was seeing me for the first time.
“Wow, you look so sexy in that dress.” He said biting his lip.
“Thank you.” I said quietly “I can’t wait to get you in bed.” He said. . I had no intentions of sleeping with him, especially on the first date.
I stepped away slowly, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.
“Well, I’ve had a great time, but I really should be going now.” I stuttered backing away.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he said “not until you give me what I want.” He said biting his lip.
That’s when I started running, trying to reach the door before he caught up. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him, I swung my arm back and then forward again quickly to break his grip. This only made him angrier. I reached the living room, the door was only a few feet away, when he pushed me forward. I fell over the couch and onto the floor, hitting my head on the tiny brown coffee table. I was only a foot away from the door, so I started scrambling, trying to get back on my feet.  
“I said you can’t leave until you give me what I want.” he said stepping on my hand before climbing on top of me.
“No, please stop, you’re supposed to be my prince charming.” I whispered, but he didn’t listen.
A tear rolled down my cheek as I remembered the events that followed. His hands on my body and his breath in my ear as he took my innocence. I punched a wall in anger. Princes don’t exists, but that doesn’t mean I’m not a princess.

    I lay on the dirty floor, weak, and exposed. Angry tears spilled from my eyes onto the floor. He was asleep on the couch. Anger filled me; it was then that I realized what I was going to do. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife he had, I looked at it until I realized how angry I was and how awful the world really is. Nothing like I thought. I was furious, at my friends for making love seem great, at Brian for being an ass, and at the world for having such awful people. I wasn’t really a girl who believed in revenge, but he was going to pay, everyone like him would, even if I had to do it myself.

I’m not a bad person, killing is bad yes, but I am not my actions. Someone who does something bad is not defined as a bad person; they are defined as human, someone who makes mistakes. Whether someone regrets them or not they are human. I do not regret what I have done, simply because in my opinion I have done the world a favor. What is the definition of wrong if everyone's definition is different? And what is the point of living if I spend the rest of my life living under somebody else's rules, rule’s I don’t respect, rule’s that were made up by people that don’t deserve respect. In my opinion I am not heartless nor am I a monster, but a savior living in this monster infested  world with these things called humans, and boy do they need saving.  

I walked back into the living room with the knife hiding behind my back. I took a deep breath and sat in his lap facing him, my body shaking slightly. He opened his eyes slightly and smirked seductively.
“Round two?” he asked leaning up to kiss me. I stopped him and grabbed his hand pulling his arm slightly, making him stand up. I pushed his shoulders down with one hand, still hiding the knife, causing him to get on his knees. I quietly set the knife down on the table behind him and sat down in front of him and planted kisses on his neck, leaving a trail of kisses to the back of his neck. I walked behind him and sat down and started massaging his back with one hand, using the other one to pick up the knife. He moaned slightly and I took a deep breath.
“I knew you were going to come around.” He said smiling. Anger filled me. I smiled at him and turned my head to the side.
“what do you think happens once you die?” I asked.
“I think that you go to heaven, the same place I’m about to take you.” He said. I grabbed the knife from behind him, still hiding it behind his back.
“Where do you think we go?” he asked, putting his hands on my waist.
“I don’t know, but you’re about to find out.” I said.
I quickly put the knife to his neck and cut deeply along the trail of kisses I had left. Blood gushed from his mouth and throat and he gasped, trying to breath. Most people would see pain and misery, all I saw was my shadow over his dying body, and a sad soul leave a cruel world as he took his last breath.

The author's comments:

*warning graphic depictions of rape* 

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