Trigger | Teen Ink


May 13, 2016
By EMonnie BRONZE, Columbia , Missouri
EMonnie BRONZE, Columbia , Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" if you don't try it, how do you know you won't like it "

His eyes glowed in the dark, feared with anger, hurt and discomfort. He feared killing the one he loved but it was him or her. He couldn't take a chance of leaving his family, who would take care of them? Tears instantly ran down both of their faces they both knew that the ending wasn't going to end wel. She feared the same thoughts he had it was her or him. She tells him why she needed to live. The girl then burst into tears she told him to just pull the trigger. He looked at her he feared ever harming anyone ever again, but he just knew he had to do it. He cringed his finger on the trigger with the other hand beside him shaking..... POP.... The bullet flies through the air and the a big THUMP...

The author's comments:

This piece is totally fictional and it's about a man and his girlfriend who had to make a sacrifice to kill one another 

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