A Haunted House | Teen Ink

A Haunted House

May 20, 2016
By lauraresendiz BRONZE, Austin, Texas
lauraresendiz BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a summer time, kids were playing around in the neighborhood. Kids were on there bikes. Not many cars pass by 9058 Reyna Ave. One day a family moved in to a beautiful house.It was a family of 1 parent and 5 kids. Their names are Lisa who is 18 yrs old, Eric 16 yrs old, Jonathan 13 yrs old, Carlos 10 yrs old, and the youngest daughter Nique 6 yrs old.
The family was unloading boxes from the moving trucks. Jonathan has carrying a box when he noticed that the house next door on the left, it looked like old, creepy like nobody has been living their for years.
“Mom why did we moved to this place? It’s kind of giving me the creeps.” she sighed.
“We couldn't afford the other house and it was in bad conditions” she wanted to go on but the memories couldn’t been forgotten. About 2 months ago a burglar broke in one of the neighbors. A few days later the family went out to eat, Lisa stayed home to catch up on homework, and she saw everything.The mom got worried that it could happen to her family and decided to move.
Once he saw he remember he stopped asking questions.
“Sorry mom i didn’t wanted to make you feel bad, but were in a better place.”
“I know sweetie….now less talking more unloading boxes.”
They giggled and kept unloading boxes. About an hour later all the boxes were unloaded from the trucks and the boxes were everywhere.
“Ok everybody who wants to go to Gatti's pizza land?”
Everybody cheered even though they were tired from going back and forth from the house to the trucks.Jonathan noticed that the creepy house had the lights on but he didn't saw shadows.It was 10:30 and the family got home,Nique and Carlos fell asleep on the way back home.Lisa was carrying nique and Eric was carrying Carlos and the mom and Jonathan were carrying 2 boxes of pizza.Jonathan noticed that the house had the windows open,but the lights changed color,he just walked away,and went inside the house.Everyone went to sleep but Carlos woke up and started trowing pillows at Jonathan and they started a pillow fight.Carlos heard a noice,so he just stopped like he froze.
“Now go to sleep we have a long day tomorrow” said jonathan.
“Dude did you hear” said Carlos “No….you're probably hearing stuff,now go to sleep”. Carlos turn off the lights and went to Jonathan’s bed but he didn’t mind.
The next morning Nique,Eric,and the mom woke up, the mom was putting the kitchen appliances on the drawers but she noticed something in the street,she got a little worried,so she decided to go outside and check out what was going on.
“Excuse me,but what’s going on here” a woman turn and looked at her with a smile, “Oh hi i'm Mrs.Diaz,welcome to our neighborhood,we are just gonna set up a party.You see at least every 2-3 months have a together party for all the neighbors, is just for parents can talk, and have the kids know each other.Hope to see you there with your family.”
“At what time is it going to start the event?” asked the mom.
“Oh the party starts at 1 in the afternoon”said Ms.Diaz replied.
“Well thanks for the information and invitation,he would be glad to come.See you later “neighbor””  said the mom.
They both laughed and the mom came back home and told everyone about the news.”sweet, I get to see some cute girls,and use my skateboard”said Eric in excitement. “Mom is it okay if i go later I have to go babysit” said  Lisa,
”Sure but please don’t be late I want the whole family to be their and I want you to meet some of the adults” replied the mom
“Why?” asked Lisa. 
“Just incase i’m not home,and know who i can trust and you can babysit their kids” Lisa sighed 
“Ok mom i’ll make sure I get here early but umm can I borrow your car the kids that i’m babysitting are the neighbor from Tia Lupe”. 
“Yes you can borrow it,but in a few rules be careful,make sure you have your license,and contact me once you get there and the time you're coming back” 
“I will mom and i’ll be back on time I promise,and don’t worry I’ll put gas”. Lisa left with a bye kiss from her mom and Nique.
An hour later everybody was all dressed and Lisa should be coming an hour later.Three hours later it was 4pm 
“Hey kid want to hang out with us?” 
“Umm sure”said Jonathan.He followed the boys 
“Hey my name is Manuel i’m 14 this is my primo Juan his 16,and the next to him is my friend Daniel his 15,and what’s your name” asked Manuel.
”My name is Jonathan” 
“Can we call you John?” asked Daniel.
”Umm sure i guess” said Jonathan
“Ok cool so want to have some fun” said Jason 
“If it means smoking or drinking i’m out” said Jonathan.He doesn't like having out with those because he doesn’t want to get in trouble.
”Dude what,no we don’t do that I mean go to the store and buy something to eat,and come back” said Daniel 
“I don’t know if i want to I mean I don’t want to be gone cuz what if my mom starts looking for me,I don’t want the adults to think i’m a bad kid”.He wanted to but the truth was that he didn’t knew them yet and he doesn’t want to them to blame him if any trouble happens.
“Where are we going then?” asked Jonathan, 
“Ah we’re going to the creepy house”said Daniel, 
“The creepy house?,is it haunted and stuff?”, Jonathan started panicking a little bit in the inside.
“You’ll see once we go in their”.All 3 of them started walking towards the house,and Jonathan followed.”Wait doesn't someone live there” asked Jonathan 
“Nobody has lived there for 20 years” said Juan. Carlos and Manuel tried to open any unlocked door window or door. Once they found a window open Carlos went in first so he can open the door for them .They went in,but Jonathan looked back to make sure if this is what he wants to do,if he walks away they’ll think that he's scared,but he followed them.
”Aye Juan do you have the flashlights” asked Manuel.Juan gave everyone a flashlight even Jonathan.They all turn it on,and started walking around.Jonathan was having second thoughts if he wants to do this,but he followed Carlos.
”So how long we’re you been living here” asked Carlos.
”Well we just moved in yesterday” replied Jonathan
.”So you haven’t seen the whole place,well one day you’ll have a chance”.
”Yo Carlos I found something you’ll be interesting”said Manuel”.He started running,but Jonathan was looking at his surroundings,so he can find find way back to the door,so he won’t get in trouble.
They we’re in someone’s room like a little girl's room.
”Ewww that’s so gross,touch it Juan” said Manuel.
”No I don’t want to,we don’t know if it can gives us an infection”said Juan.
”Either way it looks disgusting” Juan pulled out his phone and gave it to Manuel.
”Take a pic,it will look like i vomit”.They both laughed and manuel did what Juan told him to.Once Jonathan looked at it,it actually looked like vomit,and it started to smell. 
“Aww gross Carlos why did you had to fart” said MAnuel. 
“I didn’t maybe it was you.”
“No maybe it was Juan”. Juan turned and looked at them. 
“No way maybe it was our little friend John”.
Everyone looked at him,Jonathan open his mouth, “Well if i didn’t do it and you guys didn’t do it, I think the smell was coming from the vomit”.
”But how do you know if it’s vomit or not”said Daniel.
”Because it looks like it and it smell like someone got drunk duh”.Everybody got quiet but Daniel,Juan,and Manuel left and went,and looked around the house.Jonathan eyes caught something,the vomit moved and change color to yellow to black.He didn’t wanted to tell anyone but he noticed that there was blood in the wall,and it had a message 
“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE OR YOU’LL ALL DEAD”.He started freaking out
”Hey guys there's something creepy going on”.They all came back to the room 
“What is it John” asked Juan,but Juan noticed the message on the wall.The room started to get cold and stuff started to float and crashing like it was aiming at them,but they all Ducked.
”Let’s get out of here” said Manuel.They all went to the door and once they all got out the house the door closed by itself,and the house collapsed.The four of them just looked at the collapsed house in shock.Nobody else saw it,so they want back to the party like nothing happen.
The next day Jonathan went to throw away the trash,and when he turned around to go back home he noticed that the house was back to it’s original shape,looking old like nobody has been there.He just stared at it but he saw that one window was opening and closing.He just ran inside the house.A girl just looked out at the window 
“I have got fix this window”she said.She looked at the trash can 
”Huh I guess There’s a new neighbor”said the girl.

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