Another Strange Occurrence... | Teen Ink

Another Strange Occurrence...

May 23, 2016
By TRabbit BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
TRabbit BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to be perfect, I wish to be better." -Liam CMK

I lay there, restless in my bed.  I kept thinking I could hear noises from outside my room, but I suppose most of them are just night hallucinations. My hand reaches out, and I turn my digital alarm clock to face my direction. The green light emitted out from the monitor blinds my eyes, forcing me to squeeze them closed in pain. I let out a low, ungrateful moan as the clock reads 1:03am. Great , I thought, No chance in getting a decent sleep in now. My bus came by at six, meaning I’d need to get out of bed around five, and I was not in the mood for that. Suddenly, and without warning, my pencil box fell off of my desk abruptly. Every hair on my body stood up at that moment, my torso immobilized with dismay.  My throat began to seal, and every breath took more effort than the last. A gush of thoughts rushed into my brain, forming a storm of chaos and building upon a greater wall of fear. My thoughts raced on and on, until I finally inched my head to the side, looking past the chair blocking my view, and toward the underside of the table, but saw nothing. I was heavily relieved, my breaths stabilizing again as I readjusted myself under the sheets. I presumed the pencils had only been knocked over by a breeze that must’ve  come from my open window. Which made me realize...I hadn’t opened the now unfurled window to the right of my bed.

The author's comments:

Often, I like taking my real life events into account when writing stories/pieces of fiction. I love using dreams as inspiration as, anything you can imagine can happen in a dream. Yesterday, I had a dream that I was cowering in my room hiding from something lurking in the shadows, and since it took place in my bed, it was all the more terrifying when I woke up in the same bed. Night terrors aren't uncommon for me, so I decide to turn them into something rather than let them get the better of me.

If you choose to read this, please take into account that it was written in one take without much editing, I just felt like writing it. Thank you so much for considering to read this piece of my work, as it really means a lot to me.

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