Into Thin Air | Teen Ink

Into Thin Air

May 26, 2016
By BPsavage BRONZE, Sacramento, California
BPsavage BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Come on Billy you can climb a small tree this is nothing for you,you climb much bigger trees in your lifetime. Billy had soft redish,orange hair, I would call him a bloody orange most of the time. He was some what of the quiet type he wouldn’t talk much unless you went up to him and talked to him,he wont say much if he see’s anyhting he saw it,and he won’t say anything about it. So it seemed hard for him to make friends but that seem like that never bothered him. The only friend he really has is me, Ricky, I usually hang out with him most of the time and since he is quiet I could say what I want to say and he wont put his opinion into it.

         One day Billy never came to the tree that we usually go to so I decided to go to his house and I asked his Mom,” Has Billy left the house, already” She stands straight her face as pale as printing paper, her eyes as big as the pit of a peach. “He wasn’t here this morning.” She almost sounded happy with a little smirk on her face. I decided to go back to the tree and see if he would of maybe got there late, once I got there I noticed that there were a foot print ln mud, it was the same size as Billy's favorite shoe. They were heading into the woods it was almost like he wanted me to follow the foot steps in a way. I followed for a while until they stopped a the  edge of a still pond not one riple nor fish or rock. I stood there for a while and noticed a white some what string in a near by bush I went to go see what it was and it turned out to be Billy's right shoe with a hole in his back heel. I noticed there were paint smeared on his toe and I hoped it was because it was red. I was honestly scared if something bad happens to him he was my only real friend. I sat down stumped wondering what could happend I kept looking at the shoe to see if there was any other clues he could base his investigation on “ he dosen’t find anything so he decides to go to the tree house.” He wondered and wondered he was giving himself headaches to the point he fell asleep on the tree house. I felt like I should give up there was no point there was nothing left for me to base finding him on until I looked at the tree of are tree house the word “long and back” does that mean it's gonna take him a long time to come back because it's a long way but why would he go far without his mom without him. He might of just ran away but why would he want to he had a good life with his mom even though his dad died when he was three but his mom made the best of his life. I went home confused worried and confused but I still remeber the face his mom gave when she answered my question. Is she hiding something that she dosen’t want anybody to know. The next morning I went back to there house and I noticed that his mom’s car was not there and the house was cleared from the furniture I check the back yard nothing, I walk back to the front and I see Billy and his mom in the distance and then they slowly disapeard Almost In Thin Air newspaper fly's over to the front page in red “ A mother and her son in a tragic car accident both never made it to the hospital alive” I never knew……...

The author's comments:

The impiortance of friendship

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