The Hallway | Teen Ink

The Hallway

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

Inspired by The Creepy Hallway- Alexis Bakewell

As James looks down the empty, light flickering hallway, he thinks to himself if he's safe. The silence makes him hallucinate, makes him go insane. James yells "echo" and it's echos as is runs the hallway. He walks down the hallway and all he hears was the static from the lightbulbs flickering. He walks and walks and whispers to himself "is this ever ending". At the corner of his eye he sees a shadow and scares his soul out of his body. He starts to sprint foward thinking something is following. James soon trips over his old Nike sneakers. As soon as he's done patting himself to clean the dust off. He looks up and sees a light at the no of the hallways. He think to himself if that the way out of this horrible hallways. But as soon as he starts to walk toward the it seem to get further and further. James soon stop walking and then starts to breathe heavily he sound like he has ran for years. As soon as James passes out he wakes up and realizes he was just dreaming. He noiced that he blackout for a few hours. James soon gets up and continues walking as he hears voices in his head saying "you're never leaving , your stuck , and say bye bye to everything", he starts to get more and more insane. But soon enough he gets to a door, James yells "finally" and that echoed down the old abandon  hallways. James opens the door slowly and you hear a terrible, ear melting screech. He sees light at the other side but as soon as he open the door he finds himself staring at a endless staircase leading down to what looks like a dark obyss...

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