Bigfoot | Teen Ink


May 31, 2016
By bigsameast BRONZE, Houston, Texas
bigsameast BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 1935. i  am 42 years old my name is jack. I have a wife and two dogs. My wife's name is mary and my two dogs names are old dan and little ann. I have trained these dogs to find coons. Ann is white with puddles of dark brown hair and dan is white with light brown hair. My wife is the most beautiful person i have ever laid eyes on. She has black long wave hair, big blue eyes. Her skin is soft and smooth. Her cooking is to die for, but me on the other hand i am big and strong. With skin that is rough as a rock and is tough as nails. Mary and i have two kids  paul and lucy.  paul is just like me from head to toe, but lucy is looks just like her mother but she has my attitude. She is stubborn and hard headed.

Well it's wednesday and on sunday it's mother's day. I decided to get mary something special, i got her a camera. Its sunday mothers day. Mary thought i forgot until i gave her a camera. She was so excited to get it that she wanted to take a picture with me and my dogs. Just before i took off hunting we took the picture. I had my hat on my pipe in my mouth and my hands around my dogs neck. Dan on the right and ann on the left. Their focus was toward the treeline. I could feel the energy in them. It was powerful i felt like tonight would be a good night. After mary finished the picture i turned the dogs lose. I grabbed my gun and took off after the dogs, as soon as i grabbed my gun i heard the dogs barking it put a big smile on my face that i could please my wife with the gift that i had gotten for her. I took off running after the dogs i could hear a faint voice yell i love you jack be home soon. It's 8:00 pm i have a hole bunch  of coons in the waggon, before i could even wipe the sweat off my brow i heard the dogs barking. So i grabbed the waggon and went to then a chill breeze went down my back and i felt very uneasy about this catch. As i got to the dogs something as really wrong i could hear growling i loaded the gun and grabbed the flashlight i pointed  towards the dogs. Near the dog's feet i saw blood not just a little blood but a big puddle of blood at their feet. I rose the light up slowly, as i raised the light up i saw feet not small feet but massive feet that were covered in hair. Legs, arms, back, head all covered in hair. The beast turned slowly after hearing a loud thump on the ground. I looked at what the beast dropped it was a deer that had been torn apart with the spin broken in two. When it turned around and looked at me i knew what it was, it was a big foot. As the bigfoot was looking at me you could hear it start to develop a growl but it was not a growl. The beast took a step forward and as it did that it let out the most vicious roar i have ever heird. The dogs took off toward the house, but me i was frozen with fear i wanted to run but i could not move my legs. I started to think about my wife and kids and as i was thinking about then i felt weightless. I felt like i was flying. When i came to i felt my legs moving. I realized that i was running, i was running away from the beast. The beast was not to far behind. I reached in my waistband and pulled out a pistol. I pulled the hammer back. At this point i was 50 yard passed the treeline. I stopped turned the flashlight on and pointed the light and gun at the running bigfoot. I fired until the gun was empty. The beast fell to the ground i grabbed the rifle which was a 45-70 lever action rifle. I pointed the gun at its head and pulled the trigger. A massive hole in the head of the creature. Without thinking twice i shot again. I heard mary calling my name. I turned to her and gave her a big hug. She asked what were you shooting at a turned to show her the bigfoot i have killed, but it was gone. Blood on the ground but no trails. I looked up and looked deep in the woods all i say is big red glowing eyes.

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