Ghosts from the Past; in the Future | Teen Ink

Ghosts from the Past; in the Future

June 6, 2016
By Anonymous


Scene One
At rise the stage is all lit up with one table in the middle and an empty glass vase

Ben enters with a bouquet of roses and places them neatly in the vase, then sits down looking very distraught.

Jolie enters
Jolie: Good evening Ben how was your day at work

Ben: It was wonderful, my love, and how was yours?

Jolie: Not the best but the past is the past and I’ll get over it

Ben: I’m glad you said that because I have something I need to tell you

Jolie: Of course what is it?

Ben: Well you might want to sit down, it’s pretty bad news

Jolie: The minute I saw the fresh roses I should have known something was wrong

Ben: But it’s in the past honey and you’ll get over it, right?

Jolie: Well now that depends on what it is

Ben: This pains me to tell you, and I wish it never happened, I love you so much...

Jolie: *interrupts* Oh just spit it out already

Ben: I had an affair

Jolie *looking as if she’s about to cry* A what?

Ben: It didn't mean anything I promise

Jolie: *grabs the roses and throws them on the ground* Well I hope you kept her number because we’re done
*Steps on roses on the way out*

Scene Two
At rise the stage is dark with a single spotlight on a coffee table, with three chairs
Ellie and Jane enter, being sat by a waitress

Ellie: I can't tell him, he’ll never talk to me again

Jane: well you better figure it out soon because my brothers going to be here in five minutes

Ellie: but what if he calls off his wedding.

Jane: He deserves to know before he marries another women. Besides he’s bound to find out when you show up at the wedding with a stomach that’s tripled in size.

Ellie: You’re right maybe that is the right thing to do.

Jane: I just hope all my wedding planning hasn’t gone to waste.

Enters Ben

Ben: Hey guys this better be quick I have a fitting to go to

Ellie: oh then we don't have to talk, not a problem *nervous stammering*
Jane gives shameful look

Ben: Oh enough with you two I’m tired of all the secrets, tell me now or forever hold your peace god damnit

Ellie: well do you remember that night we spent together, right before you asked Shana to marry you?

Ben: lowers voice I thought we said we’d never talk about that to anyone gestures toward Jane

Jane: She’s my best friend Ben what did you expect.

Ben: It was an accident and we both know that it won't happen again, just please don't remind Jolie before our big day, I finally made things better with her after she found out and..

Ellie: *interrupts again* Ben, I’m pregnant.
Lights dim and scene ends

Scene Three
At rise, there is a arch in the middle of the stage and Ben and his Fiance are standing ready to be married

Priest: Do you, Jolie take Ben as your lawfully wedded husband?

Jolie: I do

Priest: And Ben do you take Jolie as your lawfully wedded wife?

Ben: *looks out to audience* Uhm, I...I don't know

Jolie: *looking shocked* what do you mean you don't know?

Ben: I don't think we should do this here

Jolie: No. We will do this here. I want to know exactly why you’re halting this wedding all of the sudden

Ben: *whispering* Jolie please calm down I don't know how to say this

Jolie: *yells* Well then just spit it out

Ben: *whispering again* Please Jolie quiet down, I just..I think I need to be with someone else

Ellie: *Walks in from side stage*

Ben: *looks over at Ellie* Jolie, I’m sorry but I can't do this.
*runs off toward Ellie, grabs her hand and leaves stage*

Lights dim and scene ends

The author's comments:

It's a play we had to write for English class.

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