The Power Outage | Teen Ink

The Power Outage

June 7, 2016
By ejackson1500 BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
ejackson1500 BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anna….. Mr. Cooper, a nice young man, always takes forever on attendance, the longest attendance has taken twenty minutes on the first day and ever since it’s been about ten minutes long.  After attendance I asked Mr. Cooper if I can go to the restroom, of course in his cheerful happy voice he says go ahead, just don't take too long. I'm intending to take forever and hopefully get away from his Random Questions drawing, which is an elephant speeding through a city if people don’t want to do it. I walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, then instantaneously the power goes out. I start to have a panic attack but I sit up, flush, and wash my hands, then I walk out. I think to myself “am I ever going to get out”.  Just before I meet two girls I have never seen before named Ashley and Monica. Then I noticed three of my old friends Emma, Anna, and Kelsey. All six of us talk and say we should all go back to our classrooms then meet in the hallway to make sure everyone knew what to do. We all walk to our classrooms slowly but surely the only reason I was excited in this traumatic experience is so I can see my BFOAT (Best Friend Of All Time) Abigail, Abigail has blonde hair and blue eyes, she loves gymnastics and dance.  Then I walk into the classroom, but no one is there. I walked out to the classroom to see all five of the other girls and simultaneously say
“There's no one in my classroom.”
  We all walked around the building in a clump t o stay protected.  Then we walked the last part of the school and stopped at the doors.  I attempted to open the doors, they were locked from the outside.  Next we tried the windows, they were locked too. I looked closer and saw a sticker on the windows, it said bulletproof on it. All of a sudden the desks, laptops, everything started disappearing, even the paint chips start falling off of the walls. We all looked in awe at each other surprised to see the place we’d been in most of our lives turn to chaos. We started to make a plan when the intercom clicked, as it turns on.  A voice that sounds like Darth Vader comes on and says,
“If you don't meet me next to the bathroom in five minutes I will kill one of you.”
Surprised, by the voice we all say
“He's in the office!”
We run to the office with one minute to spare, we see no one is in the office and we run to the bathrooms. But no one is there, we look at the time and see we were two minutes past when we were supposed to meet him.  Monica says we should split up.  We all decide we should bring a partner, Ashley and Monica partnered up, Emma and Anna partnered up, and Kelsey and I partnered up.  We assigned who would go down which hallway.  Kelsey and I went down the eighth grade hallway, Emma and Anna went down the seventh grade hallway, and Ashley and Monica went down the sixth grade hallway.  Hands grasping, Kelsey and I walk down the hallway.  We hear a scream and running footsteps.  It’s coming from the sixth grade hallway, Monica comes running down the hallway.  Monica screams Ashley disappeared, like the desks, shoot, Kelsey says.  We run to retrieve Emma and Anna when the intercom clicks again. The Darth Vader voice says
“meet me next to the band room in five minutes or I will kill two of you” 
We all decide to the band room but the thing is the band room is on the other side other side of the school, and it takes about seven minutes to get across the school, so we’re screwed.  We make our best effort to get to the band room in time but we’re a minute late.  When I turn around I see Emma and Monica disappear.  Now there’s only three of us.  The intercom clicks again and the Darth Vader voice and says
“If you don’t get me the school trust fund I will kill all three of you”
We all run to the office and at the same time we say to each other
“We can’t give him the trust fund!”
I guess he hears us as Kelsey and Anna disappear!  I think to myself “the doors might be unlocked,” so I go to try the doors when I hear a voice come from behind me says
“You didn’t listen to any of my requests! Now I get to kill you.”
I turned around and saw a mask rested on his head.  The twisted killer, tormented, and mysterious had no care in the world for what I thought.  I hear the clicking of a gun BANG, a bullet surges through my skull.  I fall over and my soul floats out of my chest.  I see the man take off his mask, it’s Mr. Cooper.  I see him check of a list
Anna Johnson...Kelsey Larkin...Lacey Parker!

The author's comments:

I was inspired by being bored in school and thinking what types of teachers would go to the extremes that the teacher in my story did do.

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