June 8, 2016
By Anonymous

      To begin with, a girl named Malaya was coming home one day after buying groceries to cook for her family she was on 16 years old and really didn’t have to rely on people because she do things herself just because she wants too. Malaya cooks, go to school and look after her family she’s have a little sister named Alexia and she’s 6 but her mom works two jobs plus look after her sister, Malaya dad is not around because she really doesn’t know him he haven’t come around in a long time. When Malaya was in school on a Tuesday morning she was in a bad mood she did what she was supposed to do like school work and stuff, but she has been ignoring her friends and her bestfriend. Her bestfriend ask her what was wrong but Malaya just shook her head no, “which she lied” so after school she go to the store like she always do and bring food to cook for her family because her mom is always tired from her two jobs she works from. When she came home with the food Malaya mom came and hugged her and kiss her on the cheek,[ “Malaya was shocked and just said thank you mom what was that for”], oh nothing I just wanted to show you I always love you as my older daughter. Malaya was happy that her mom did that her mom really brightened her day.
       However, one day when Malaya was walking home in a dark misty night she noticed that she was being followed by a strange black car which really creep her out. Malaya notice that every block she turned the car was there so she stared to walk a little bit faster, then the car sped up she finally begin to quicken her pace, the car was really following her and it was dark so Malaya couldn’t really see in the mist and she tripped and felled she look back and the car had disappeared all of a sudden then she got back up of the ground and ran fast, but suddenly the car came a grab her into the car she was really scared and terrified but there was no one who can help her she had passed out after she was grab by a man that night in the mist.
      Furthermore, Malaya woke up in a strange room where she noticed she wasn’t home she was scared so she tried to escape but there was no escaping this place or person she had got kidnap from when she screamed [“help me please get me out of here!”] a man opened the door and told her shushhh don’t make any sound she did as she was told because she didn’t want anything else happening to her. The man spoken do you remember me Malaya answered no while crying, he then told her with a painful look on his face, [“I ‘am your dad”], she then begin to look at his face he had the same dark brown eyes as her and the same black and brown hair as her also the same face expression. [It is you dad where have you been] after she hugged him and cried on his shoulder, [I’ve been watching you after years now and when I saw you all alone in the mist I thought something was going to happen to you so I grab you and you had passed out so I took you to my place]. Her dad then begin to say [“I’m sorry for not visiting you your sister and your mom”] she then begin to forgive him and he took her home safe and peace and he finally begin to visiting them every day and that made Malaya happy and proud.

The author's comments:

Renee the author of[ THE GIRLS WAS BEING FLLOWED] it inspires me about writing this is how much people go through life and experience stuff at different ages all people are different and expiring everybody is something some people go through a rough experience at a young age but learn from at the piont of growning up this book almost relate to real life but it's more  thriller like but it relates to what happens to people that mind their business and somebody have to bother them that's what this story is about.

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