The Untouchables | Teen Ink

The Untouchables

October 16, 2016
By nayeperez01 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
nayeperez01 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They walked around as carefree and fearless as ever, given the fact that they really had nothing to fear. It was just how things turned out. They weren’t better than anyone else. Definitely not when it came to strength or intellect. They really put the extra in extra ordinary, and yet they were the Untouchables.
None of the Untouchables noticed when it started happening. They weren’t as keen and aware of their surroundings as others. To them, anything that wasn’t an imminent threat to an Untouchable was negligible and often went unnoticed. Occasionally, something would disrupt the others but that didn’t raise any eyebrows even when some of the others started to go missing. That was in the beginning, but now the others were disappearing into thin air. One moment a family of five is preparing the eat in the evening and the next it’s a family of four. But this hadn’t happened to an Untouchable so everything was fine in their world.
At the same moment that the other disappeared, a group of Untouchables sat at a lake a little far off from the, now, family of four. They were all around the same age, all equally oblivious to what was happening. That day was the hottest day they had in a long time, which usually meant that Untouchables would spend their day at the lake. However, they were the only ones there, but they didn’t think much of it. They heard voices in the distance that sounded like a search party for someone but didn’t think much of that either.
“Why are even here? We all know he’s never going to do it,” she said to the other three Untouchables. “I’m bored.”
“No we can’t leave, he was just about to go in,” he argued.
“Yes, he’s was just about to go in for ten minutes now. If it hasn’t happened, it’s not going to happen. I’m going home. See you tomorrow.” she said. A chorus of bye’s followed her. The remaining three sat for a while.
The Untouchable that was the reason for the day at the lake spoke up. “Maybe this wasn’t the best idea. I just don’t think i can do it.”
“Seriously, what are you scared of? It’s not like we have to worry about what’s in the lake. The others in there know not to mess with us,” the last Untouchable finally spoke. She was less impatient than her friend but not by much. The only thing that kept her there was the thought of one of the others accidentally brushing against her friend and him freaking out. Unfortunately for her, it didn’t go quite like that. She didn’t even get to see him jump in thanks to her parents. She went home.
Now it was just the two of them and the swimming lesson was getting old.
“It’s getting late. I’ll jump in first so you can see there’s nothing to worry about,” the last friend said. The Untouchable watched his friend getting ready. He walked a few feet back to get a running start. Then he ran. At the edge of the lake he pushed off the ground with one foot and broke the surface of the water. A couple moments went by and no one resurfaced. The moon shone brightly on the eerily calm lake.
“Okay you proved your point. The lake is perfectly safe. You can come out now.”
No response.
“C’mon, I could see the girls doing this but not you.”
At that moment, he heard his name being called in the distance.“Joke’s over. I have to leave.”
Still nothing. The Untouchable just shook his head and walked away, unaware that his friend had been the first Untouchable to disappear.

The author's comments:

The story can be interperted many ways but I wanted it to reflect, even if just a little bit, what our society is going through today.

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