The Abandoned Hospital | Teen Ink

The Abandoned Hospital

October 12, 2016
By Aldo_25 BRONZE, Riverside, California
Aldo_25 BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its was May and not much time left of school and not enough time to get my grades up. I told my teacher if I can do a short horror movie for extra credit and she said yes.

“The movie has to be less than one hour long and it’s due in two weeks if you want the extra credit” said Ms.Gomez.
“I will start planing the movie when I get home”said Jack.
Jack quickly got home and started thinking how was he going to start it. He sat there for half an hour until he remembered  that there was an abandoned hospital around him and could go there to shoot his movie. Jack ran downstairs and told his mom.
“Can I go to the hospital to make my movie there please I will be careful”said Jack.
“You can’t go there it’s dangerous, the building is old and can fall” said Jack’s mom
“But I need to go there to make my movie” said Jack
“What if you make your movie here or somewhere else” said Jack’s mom
“No that’s the perfect place because it’s old and it’s a scary place”said Jack
“I said NO and if you asked me again I am going to ground you for two week do you understand” yelled Jack’s mom.
“Fine.” said Jack in a mad tone
Jack ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door. His face was red like a tomato and you could see his veins popping out from his arms.The next morning Jack still wanted to make his movie at the abandoned hospital. So after school he walked to a camera store and bought two cameras and a lot of lights. He took all that to the hospital on his way home and when he dropped the stuff he felt like someone was watching him so he left quickly. His mom was waiting for him because he took too long to come home.
                                                                                                                                  Garcia 2
“Where were you?.” asked Jack’s mom
He didn’t want to tell her the truth because he knew that he was going to get in trouble.
“I had to stay after class and finish my test.” replied Jack
“Ok did you study for that test because I don’t want another bad grade from you again” asked Jack’s mom.
“Yeah I studied last night when you told I couldn’t go to the hospital.” said Jack
“Don’t start with that again I am tired and want to go to sleep.” said Jack’s mom
“Ok goodnight I will be in my room doing my homework and studying so you can go to sleep.”said Jack
Once his mom fell asleep he sneaked out from his window with all his stuff at 10:47 p.m. It took him 20 minutes to get to the hospital.He was worried that his mom will wake up and see that he wasn’t there. When he went inside he smelled something that will make you want to throw up.
“What is that smell it smells like dead rat.” said Jack
Jack started to set up all the equipment to shoot the movie but the smell was getting stronger and made him sick. He began starting to shoot the movie and had to go the second story of the building. He finished the first part of the story and he went up stairs to the second story. When he was shooting the second part he started to hear a noise upstairs.He started to get chills and was shaking a lot. He started to hear footsteps upstairs so he checked and there was no one. He went down stairs and across the hall there was blood leading to a room.He walk towards the room and saw something in the corner of the room and he got chills all over his body. He got his flashlight and shined it towards the corner. Jack was ghost-pale and frozen in place when he saw the dead body. He ran to his backpack for his phone but it wasn’t there.
“Where is my phone?” yelled Jack
He ran to the door but someone locked it and he was trapped.He ran upstairs to the roof but he heard footsteps behind him and ran as fast as he could. Sweat running down his back, his heart beating fast like an  earthquake happening.The footsteps were getting closer and closer to him.
“No one can hear you.” said the killer
Jack pushed the killer with all his strength but he grabbed Jack and pulled him down. They both fell down the stairs.Jack got up and started to limp to a room and he closed the door.
“Come out come out wherever you are!” yelled the killer.
Jack was hidden in the room with the dead body. Jack crying like a baby without it’s milk and shaking like a chihuahua. A few minutes passed and there was no sound of footsteps so Jack opened the door to check. Once he opened the door the killer was waiting there to grab Jack.
“Let me go!” yelled Jack.
“Shut up” said the killer.
He grabbed him to a chair and tied Jack up.
“Why are you doing this to me?” asked Jack.
“Cause you know what I did and I have to kill you now”said the killer.
“I am not going to tell please let me go” said Jack.
He started to hit Jack in the face and stomach.
Jack started to bleed from his mouth and nose. Jack screamed as loud has he could but the killer knocked him out. There was people passing by the hospital and they could hear Jack screaming for help. They called 911 to report someone screaming the hospital. The cops were on their way as fast has they can.The killer heard the police car and saw the light in front of the hospital. The sheriff came towards the window and saw Jack tied up and the killer with a gun.
“We have a 136 person hostage in the abandoned hospital in north street all cops report here.”said the cop
In 5 minutes the cops came and surrounded the building.The killer took Jack up the stairs  to fifth story and held Jack as a hostage.
“Come out with your hands up and leave the boy alone” yelled the cop.
“No I don’t want to go to prison” yelled the killer.
Jack woke up and saw the killer standing next to the window and noticed that he wasn’t tied up and ran towards the killer and pushed him. Jack ran down the stairs and tried to break down the door but the killer shot Jack in the leg and the door.The killer didn’t have anymore bullets but he ran towards Jack. Jack opened the door and the cops ran inside and pointed their guns at the killer.
“Put your hands up or we’ll shoot you” yelled the cop.
The killer decided that he didn’t want to got to prison so he got his knife and stabbed one of the cops. All the cops started shooting to the killer until he fell down to the floor. Jack was in the ambulance on his way to the hospital. On the way there he told the paramedic.
“Tell my mom sorry and I love her”said Jack. 
“You are not going to die, we are almost there hold on” said the doctor.
On the way to the hospital he passed out from losing all the blood. Two hours later he woke up and had stitches on his right leg.
“Where am I?” Asked Jack.
“You're at the hospital, you been unconscious for two hours.” said the doctor.
“Where is my mom, I want my mom?” said Jack.
“Jack I am right here, are you ok do you feel anything” said Jack’s mom.
“Yeah I am fine.” said Jack.
“Ok,what the hell were you thinking, sneaking out in the night when I told you that you couldn’t it do it at that place” said Jack’s mom.
“Sorry mom that I didn’t listen to you.” said Jack.
“I was scared that I was going to lose you” said Jack’s mom.
“I will never disrespect you ever again I am sorry and I love” said Jack.

“I love you to”said Jack’s mom.  

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this story cause I like scary story or movie. I never want this to happend to me because I will be scared to death.

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