Sherlock and Watson Wannabes | Teen Ink

Sherlock and Watson Wannabes

October 14, 2016
By salmationarmy BRONZE, Mansfield, Texas
salmationarmy BRONZE, Mansfield, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 All it took was a story. Theodore and Charles were partners following the footsteps of the fictional characters, Sherlock and Watson. They had loved the idea of being a master crime solver and wanted to make that a reality for themselves. The rush, fame, and glory—they couldn’t wait until they became famous detectives! However, these two college graduates couldn’t seem to find a case to solve—no one would give them a chance!
That had all changed when they sneaked into a crime scene and fooled the police chief into letting them investigate a theft of stolen jewels. After inspecting the site, they both rushed back to their office. After a few days of no leads, Theodore and Charles turned up at the police station with the answers. They explained and accused someone of being the guilty party, supported with clues and evidence. After some uncertainty and a thorough inspection, they were praised for solving their first case! Charles’ grin was only growing as Theodore shined back at him, eyes twinkling, both happier than they could be. It was their big break!    
This became a frequent happening: they would take part of an investigation, look around the site, record a description of the scene, write down any dialogue, and then both would scurry back to their office. After a couple of days, they would return to the police and explain the case, their theories, who was guilty and how they committed the crime. Everything they said seemed accurate, from the biggest clues to the tiniest details. “Geniuses, I tell you!” The police praised the two men, believing them without a doubt. Charles and Theodore would smile at each other and celebrate at home, for their dream was now a reality!
The only wonder was: how did they do it? How did two young men manage to become such great detectives in such little time? What was going on inside that office? Theodore and Charles kept their secrets well-hidden—but nothing could be kept hidden forever. As time passed and cases kept coming, the dynamic duo seemed to be falling apart. Shouting, door-slamming, and cries of frustration could be heard from their office frequently. Although everyone noticed something was wrong, people didn’t comment on the subject. They ignored the dark circles and bloodshot eyes on the pair's faces. Neither did they question why solving a case would take weeks compared to days, like before.
One day, a man was interrupted by a pair of arguing voices while walking by an alley. “This is all your fault! You’ve been messing up everything for a while now and you still expect me to clean up after you?” “Well, if you hadn’t been pressuring me so much, I would have been more careful. I’m sick of how you treat me, despite how much I sacrifice!” The man, curious to find out who was shouting, slowly attempted to look into the alley before he was pushed over by a fuming, red-faced Theodore. He stared murder at the man before blasting off, with Charles following after, hands lodged in his pockets and head hidden behind the collar of his coat.
Weeks later, the man recognized the pair on a newspaper titled, Sherlock and Watson Wannabes. He read, “Theodore Clayton and Charles Mitchell were found guilty of committing several felonies and murders while posing as detectives and solving their own crimes. Mitchell committed the crimes and set up the evidence for Theodore to find, explain, and influence the authorities into pinning a random person as the culprit. These delusional men believed they were destined to be the real-life representation of the fictional characters, Sherlock and Watson. After a thorough investigation of their living quarters, authorities found traces of corpses and many stolen items. These delusional, but intelligent men had almost fooled everyone with their act.”

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