The Scene | Teen Ink

The Scene

October 14, 2016
By Liena BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Liena BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One stormy, rainy night there was a scene of terror. The scene was emotional and fearful. It was a just little city in Texas, with a building that said it all. A woman screaming, like nails scraping on a chalkboard, crying for help.

A cop, investigator and a leader named Mr. Will is looking for the one who is responsible for making our city the most dangerous right now. In the police office, at 11:37 a.m., going through papers, sweating from anxiety. He thinks he found out who did this, who made this city look even worse than before. He goes to the scene to find a girl, sitting in the corner with her knees by her chest rocking back and forth, seeming like she is in shock at what she just witnessed. He goes up to her and asks, “What has happened?” She replies with nothing but looking up with her dark big black eyes, that could suck your soul right out of your body. He backed away slowly and turns around, like as if he was dancing. Then he goes to the evidence, with nothing to lose before he poked it she came up, hissing and fussing about it, like it was an important thing in her life.
He went home hoping she wouldn’t be there tomorrow morning, or if he was just seeing things. He woke up in the middle of the night to only see her standing there, in his room, with the evidence in her hand. Her hair dark, black, and long enough that it almost touched the ground. She looked up while petting the evidence, the doll. It was bloody, holding a note. The cop gets up to reach for the note, she dropped it, and he grabbed it as soon as possible. It wrote, “If you love me stab me.” The cop froze and fainted on to the ground.
He woke up finding himself in the middle of the scene and the girl whispering, “Stab her.” over and over again. Nothing to do but stab the doll and find himself in a pitch black room. He woke up realizing he was the doll.  He couldn’t move nothing but his eyes to find out, he was in the doll.

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