The Enigma | Teen Ink

The Enigma

October 24, 2016
By Dalton_Meysenburg BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
Dalton_Meysenburg BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     You're walking down a sidewalk to get back home this rainy, gloomy day. As you walk you notice that there is something behind you. You keep on walking because it’s a good distance from you and doesn't seem like danger. You’re wrong. You look back again after a minute or two to check, and it’s in your face. It’s human at least. They’re wearing a clown mask that is torn only at the mouth, and beneath, from what you see, their face is rotten and decayed. They swing a metal ball at your head, knocking you out.
     You awaken hoping it’s a dream and that you are safe at home, it's not. You can barely feel your body, and you notice that you are strapped to an operating table by thick leather straps. You struggle, as anyone would, to be free from these bindings, but it doesn’t work. You hear your captor humming a tune as rushing water can now be heard. You look to your right and see a tray with rusty, bloodstained surgeon's tools. You panic thinking of the worst that can happen as your captor walks in with an evil grin from their rotten face. They pick up a scalpel, stained with blood and some other mysterious thing, and begin to press the blade on your chest, slowly dragging it across you. You cry out in immense pain, passing out in the process.
     You wake up, still in these now bloodstained straps, trying to keep hold of your sanity and trying to come up with an escape plan. It was like being in an insane asylum. There’s a small barred opening in the corner of the room, you notice that you are underground, in some sort of basement. Again your captor comes in, this time with a kit. They open it up and you realize it's a first-aid kit. They begin to sew up the gash in your chest with yet another rusty, bloodstained tool, messily, it causes more pain than what it fixes.
     Yet again you drift off to sleep with your body in pain and your mind desperately grabbing onto whatever bit of sanity you have left. Once more you wake up, you wonder how many days its been since you’ve been imprisoned in this room. You start to notice that there is something covering you, a blanket of some sort, and you are moving. The blanket comes off and you see your captor staring at you with eyes of pure red and evil piercing the mask. They leave, so you look around the new environment. All you see, and hear, are others like you calling out for help in moans and croaks.
     Now many thoughts are rushing through your head, mostly how long have they been here? Then a seed of hope begins to sprout as you hear your captor scream in agony. You wonder what kind of creature could make your captor scream louder than you and the others. Then a scalpel flies through the room and lands on you, luckily not cutting you.
     You're panicking, not knowing what will happen if you don’t do something, so you reach for the scalpel and cut away the straps violently, cutting your leg in the progress. You decide that the other’s are doomed, so you escape. As blood pours out of your leg, you limp out of the room, through the building, and out the door to safety. After walking for an uncertain period of time you get to a police station and inform them what happened. They say they will investigate the area as soon as they can, a medic helps patch up your leg and then they ask if you need an escort. You tell them you’ll be fine, knowing if you could handle that mess, you could handle walking home. How could you be so wrong?
     As you walk you notice a rustling of leaves from behind. After what you went through you know it can’t be good, so you try to pick up the pace, trying to run from whatever is behind you. You look back as you move, noticing there is nothing. You try to look around for anything giving a hint on where it would be.
     You turn around and see the stranger again in your face. You can’t believe that they’re alive, you heard them gargle a death cry in the building. But then it made sense, they were only playing with you, toying with your safety and mind. The whole capture was planned. They were the one that threw the scalpel so you could escape. They’re a brilliant psychopath, and that was the scariest thing about this. They could make you feel scared, then help you escape, then lead you back to your worst nightmare, all without you knowing the better.
     They swing again, knocking you out once again, and you know the horror of what is to come. You wake up back in straps. This time they are holding the scalpel, ready for you. Before they send you through this terror once more, they take off the mask revealing the terrifying face they hid. You can’t believe what you are seeing. It couldn’t be. The person under the mask was no other, but you.

The author's comments:

We had to do a scary story in class, so I decided to make one where the reader is the character.

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