Pipe Dreamsas | Teen Ink

Pipe Dreamsas

October 26, 2016
By Anonymous

I stepped off the bus and felt the cold breeze blow my hair off my shoulders. I waited for Skye to get off the bus.
“Emerson, can you come over today?” Skye said, walking towards me quickly.
I knew I couldn’t but I responded anyway “I’ll ask when I get home.”
I walked up the hill with my backpack hanging off one shoulder swaying with each step. When I walked up my mom was standing outside watching a truck pull into the driveway. The truck said Lee Marshall plumbing on the side. I walked over to my mom. There were two plumbers standing outside the truck watching me as I walked up the hill. My mom said that they were going to fix our sink. I walked passed the plumbing truck trying not to trip on the hose they laid down. One of the plumbers was a girl, I squinted so I could read her name tag. Her name was Malinda. The man standing next to her was smiling and looked at me. I waved and quickly glanced to read his name. His name was Lee Marshall, he owned the business. When I walked inside there was a big toolbox blocking the way, a wrench was hanging off the side and it hit my leg. I tripped and barely kept my balance. I went to the kitchen to grab some dinner, after that I finished my homework so I could go to bed early. I plugged in my phone and laid down. I wish my dad was home, he’s been gone for a week. I thought to myself as i drifted into a deep sleep.
I woke up when a big clap of thunder roared through the night sky. I sat up wondering if my dad was home. I looked at the clock. It’s 12:00 and my dad won’t be home for a while. I guess i’ll just wait for him. I sat their thinking if he would be mad that i stayed up, which he most likely would be, but I waited anyways. I laid there drowsy and half awake for what seems like forever. Everything was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop downstairs. Suddenly something squeaked. What was that. It happened again. The squeaking sounded like a fork on a glass plate scratching and squealing. Maybe it’s just the pipes. There were plumbers here earlier. I had the unsettling feeling that it wasn’t. There was a slight pause where I thought it was over when it let out one last squeak. The sound made me get goosebumps and chills all at once. I had a terrible feeling that it was going to get worse from there. Unexpectedly the front door swungopen and hit the wall knocking our family picture off the wall and crashing to the ground. The door closed with a creak that echoed throughout the house and slammed shut shaking the books of the shelves hitting the floor. I heard the pattering of small feet coming toward me. Out of the corner of my eye i saw my little sister Maddie running to me crying.

“Somebody was in our house!” Maddie said with tears running down her cheeks.
I pulled her onto my bed and we sat and waited for dad to get home together. I held her tight trying to calm her even tho i was as terrified as she was. I was paralyzed with fear and my heart was beating. It sounded like the sink was dripping. It was probably just rain, there was supposed to be a storm tonight anyways. I calmed my sister and she was almost asleep when i heard the door creak open and closed again. “Dad!” I yelled so nervous that my voice was shaking and squeaked at the end. No response. Footsteps climbed the stairs. Each step louder than the last. My anticipation was building up. Maddie started to cry. Who knows what was going through her wild imagination at this time. The footsteps where a few feet away from my room. I grabbed my pillow and put it in front of us. Trying to hide from what was coming. The steps shook the house and stomped down the hall. I could see the shadow of a tall wide man getting closer. My door opened and i squeezed my eyes shut so i wouldn’t have to see creature was there.
Maddie pushed the pillow down and said with her little voice “Hi dad!”
I opened my eyes with a sigh of relief. My dad was home. I hopped off my bed and went to give my dad a hug. I let out a big yawn and crawled back into bed. My dad carried Maddie back to bed. He walked past my room and said.
“Goodnight, don’t let the bedbugs bite.” I closed my eyes and fell asleep. I knew that i was safe and the unsettling feeling was gone.

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