Insanity | Teen Ink


October 25, 2016
By horrorchick BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
horrorchick BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Insanity is a funny thing really. Most people do anything possible to avoid going insane but I welcome it. It’s a necessary part of life and the harder you fight it the harder it hits you once it catches you because it will catch you. Some way, somehow  when you least expect it it’ll catch you and it’ll embrace you like a mother embraces its child. I’ve always said it’s better to be prepared than to be sorry, I would much rather go insane in a comfortable way than to go insane and end up in an uncomfortable situation.

The day I went insane was a funny day really I always thought you had to be old or crazy to go insane but oh boy was I wrong. It started off as a normal afternoon with a jog through the forest I know most people wouldn’t go jogging through the forest especially not in the afternoon but it was a small town and I knew the whole forest like the back of my hand. Anyway, I was jogging through the forest when I stumbled upon a latch to what appeared to be an underground cellar. In hindsight I should have been suspicious about a door in the middle of nowhere. I wish I could say that I just ran past it and thought nothing of it but that’s not the case. As everyone knows when you get a thought in your mind it’s almost impossible to get rid of it.

That day I tried to open it but I found that it was locked the lock seemed pretty old and fragile as if no one has opened it in quite some time so I tugged and tugged on it until I managed to break it open. It didn't take as much effort as I thought it would. However, by the time I got it open it was getting dark and I knew that if I stayed I wouldn't be able to find my way back so I quickly grabbed some leaves and covered up the door deciding to come back tomorrow. That night I couldn't sleep I was too curious about the door. Thoughts kept popping up in my head as to what could possibly be behind the door could it be a tunnel that lead to all sorts of place in town or could it possibly be a room where once upon a time secret meetings took place.

That morning I left the house thirty minutes earlier than I normally would deciding that I would go and check it out before school already knowing that I wouldn't be able to focus on anything else until I saw what was behind that door. I wish I hadn't…

I jogged into the forest trying to remember where the door was. It was almost time for school and I was about ready to give up on when I stumbled upon the door. I took my backpack off and left it by the door. Opening the door was a surprisingly easy task considering it looked extremely heavy. The light from the sun only illuminated the steps that led the way down.


As I ran my fingers across the wall trying to find a light switch they came across a warm,sticky, almost life like texture. I could’ve sworn that the wall was moving as if it were alive but that's ridiculous right? walls can’t move. I wiped the sticky warm goo on my pants and kept looking around for the light switch. After a little bit of time trying to find the switch I was about ready to give up when I suddenly felt really dumb for not remembering that I have a flashlight application on my phone.

I pulled my phone out and turned on the flashlight. What I saw was a frightening sight I let out an ear piercing shriek for there before me was a moving, breathing wall, coated in flesh and blood.A part of me was yelling at me telling me to run and to get out and yet I stood there petrified not being able to move.

  A loud bang and the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs finally jarred me out of my state of shock causing me to drop my phone and break it sending me into total darkness. I don’t know what happened next and I don’t remember being found. What I do remember was waking up and looking up at a white ceiling.

They say that when I woke up I was screaming and I was babbling on about a room coated in flesh and that there was blood on my hands and on my clothes. The sheriff said I was missing for a week before they found me in the woods. They found my body with spiders crawling on it and covered in leaves.I was wearing the same clothes I did when I went missing. There was no blood on my pants and no blood on my hands. There was no door in the middle of the woods in fact the only strange thing was a small square of flesh missing on my back. They couldn’t explain how that happened and they said I told them it was an older man and he had laughed as he took some of my flesh “a souvenir for his wall” he had said.

I have to go now the warden says I’m only allowed a small amount of time on the computer.

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