Antigone | Teen Ink


October 25, 2016
By respin01 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
respin01 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the story Antigone, by Sophocles, there seemed to be a difficult family. That resulted lots of fights and deaths over things they wanted to become the best and kingdoms that took place in Thebes. The main character was a young woman named Antigone, she was one of the daughters of the king of Thebes. The king sadly killed himself then his sons were fighting on who’s the next one to have the kingdom which ended up, them both being dead. Antigone was really devastated about the death of her brothers, so antigone asked her sister Ismene to help her bury them both. She refused to help Antigone because she was afraid of the consequences they were gonna be. Antigone was surprised about Ismene's decision and said “Go away Ismene: I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will too, for your words are hateful. Leave me my foolish plan: I am not afraid of danger: if it means death, it will not be the worst of deaths-death without honor”. This clearly showed that she was a feminist and didn’t care going to fight men since she had so much love for her brothers and is capable to do anything for them. This resulted her being buried in a cave while she was still alive.
Throughout this story, the family's situation kept becoming more and more hard since the brothers died and Creon was taking over the kingdom. Antigone had no fear and went up to Crean and didn't care what she had to do since she was really fearless. Antigone was a feminist who didn't care if she had to fight men as long as her brothers got the same funeral goodbye as her brother. The fight that was between Antigone and Ismene showed that she was really reckless and stubborn she said “Go away Ismene: I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will too, for your words are hateful. Leave me my foolish plan: I am not afraid of danger: if it means death, it will not be the worst of deaths-death without honor” pg 208, lines 78-83
The situations in Ismens family was getting a lot worse. Through the story it showed that she was weak and scared to do anything, she just didn't do anything and stayed away from the situation that was happening. She said "We are only woman we cannot fight with men" Ismene could've helped and prevented the death of Antigone but didn't do anything.
Finally, the whole kingdom got solved. Antigone got buried alive and had to die, everyone else just kept on living on their lives because there was really nothing to do. The situation of Antigenes family was really depressing because one of the mothers slept with her own son. The mother took her own life. At least Antigone got a die with honor and tried to do something good for her brothers. Isime didn't do anything, she's still alive but didn't do anything for them. She could of helped a lot, but chose not too, she got consequences by not helping her sister Antigone.

The author's comments:

This story is about a who wants to become king, but many die right sfter they have to fight whoever elas wants the place. It has a tragedy at the end but it's very intense to read about. 

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