Leshy | Teen Ink


December 9, 2016
By dankmemez BRONZE, Leawood, Kansas
dankmemez BRONZE, Leawood, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Leshy is a strange creature, it doesn’t mean to harm people. It draws people in by shapeshifting into human form and giving them bad advice. Like if you were to see one on a road trip and ask it for advice to somewhere it would point you in the wrong direction and lead you right into a trap.Instead of hurting people on purpose he does it on accident. He makes people die from tickling them to death. There’s only one way to know if a Leshy is portraying a human or if you're actually talking to a human. It wears a right shoe on his left foot. And when it is not shapeshifting into a human, it takes the shape of a shadow.

The Leshy hasn’t always been a mythical creature alienated from society. It was once a girl about 8 years old. She lived in a small brick house in Scotland, with a decent life. She was an above average scholar at school, played lacrosse and soccer in her free time, soccer being her favorite. But tragedy struck, as her father came down with a deadly disease. He soon passed, and left the two to fend for themselves. After she heard the news she took a walk, away from her home, away from the village, away from society. She prayed that she could just get away from all of it, and live a life with nothing to worry about but caring for herself in the woods.

A couple of months later she as well came down with the same illness her father had. She passed rapidly after catching the illness and began on her way to find her father. But she did not find her father, but ended up returning to earth in a different form, the form of a shadow. She was set directly in the middle of the forest, away from society. That’s when it came to her, she had been put back on Earth to live the dream she never could in her past life.

And now she wanders through the woods looking for her dad, but never succeeding. Time and time again people pass by, and she turns into human form, hoping to get any kind of hint or trace of her dad but never succeeding. She wanders the woods looking for her dad, but never finding him.  

The author's comments:

It's cool

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