Who’s There | Teen Ink

Who’s There

January 10, 2017
By Anonymous

I know you’re here… Now Show Yourself!” the voice called again getting angry. I snuck along the outer edge keeping to the fence. A shriek of terror came from nowhere. The sound made my skin crawl. I shot around just to see a dimmed figure lurking in the shadows.  “You’re quite fast,” it complemented. I backed off, keeping my flashlight between me and the thing. I stumbled backwards, the figure loomed over me. I shined it in its eyes as the figure shrieked in fright.
        It had ice cold eyes that burned with the light, sapphire earrings, and melted skin. This thing has Carter’s eyes and earrings, I thought. But it also has the looks of the monster, “You Fool! Do you know what could happen if you expose me like this?!” it shouted annoyed.
       I was speechless. I stood up regaining balance, it shoved me right back down casting my flashlight away.  Looming over me once more I smelt a familiar scent filled my nose. Her perfume! Yes it was hers, I thought to myself. I looked at it as it gazed upon what was left of me. I made a face and it threw it’s head back and let out a cackle kinda like Carter did.
“Oh… oh man… You seriously haven’t figured it out yet?!” It teased holding back another laugh. It pinned me to the ground as the smell of flowers flooded my nose. Carter! I thought to myself. Her grip tightened on my shoulders right where a weak point was. My vision blurred, my head spinning. I could hear one last thing she said before I went black. “Some friend you are.”

The author's comments:

  I'm always full of ideas but only a few get onto paper so this is something I just thought of and this is the outcome

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